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Your assignment is to prepare and submit a paper on the importance of switching to energy.

Your assignment is to prepare and submit a paper on the importance of switching to energy. There is no way we can bring about improvement unless we start with our own resources. We have to start from scratch and work our way to safety through correct and constant use of clean and renewable alternatives.

It is important to begin making moves that will impact the intake of energy from alternative and renewable sources. The change is beginning to happen but it is not to the desired level. We receive 8% of global energy production from renewable sources and another 6% comes from nuclear sources. This leaves 86% of our energy coming from coal, oil or natural gas (Our Climate).

Ethical energy is green energy obtained from renewable sources. It gives us a million reasons to smile. It is clean. It is efficacious. And it only costs little more than the conventional energy provided by fossil fuel and nuclear energy. Considering the advantageous, long term effects of renewable sources, it is only fair and right to opt for such sources whenever the opportunity is present.

The importance of switching to energy from renewable sources cannot be overstated. Now it is easier to switch over to this form of energy although supply is scarce owing to the huge cost in capital investments.

The plan to switch over to renewable energy is gaining grounds in many parts of the world, notably Europe. In other regions also, wherever the feasibility is present, governments and commercial organizations set up plants to produce energy from renewable sources. The problem created by the emission of carbon dioxide through the use of conventional coal, oil, and natural gas has become enormous and is making governments and commercial corporations to sit up and take notice.

One does not have to be an expert to realize the gravity of the situation arisen due to unfettered use of conventional energy. Changes in the climate affected largely due to carbon emissions from energy-producing coal, oil, and natural gas plants are making conditions in the world difficult for man and beast. It is high time to think about moving away from environment degrading sources and link up with ways and means of producing energy from clean renewable sources.

There are a number of ways to change over to energy from renewable sources. One way is by buying them from those who produce them. Another way is by producing it yourself (Good Energy).

Environmental Benefits

Moving to renewable sources for energy is the best bet to undo the harmful effects we have created for ourselves with decades of use of fossil fuel. It is said that the high capital costs and uncertainty of renewable sources are limiting the possibilities to change over to these sources.

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