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Your assignment is to prepare and submit a paper on two individuals can never be the same in all aspect of their lives.

Your assignment is to prepare and submit a paper on two individuals can never be the same in all aspect of their lives. From the sociological point of view, there are basically two approaches to studying social relations among individuals. The functionalist's cum conflict approach sees society from a macro-sociological view and asses it as an objective structure and process. The school focuses on large-scale groups and processes. The interactionists focus on individuals and the relations among them. This is largely a micro-sociological approach, which places heavy emphasis on human subjectivity. Thus the school stresses the individual actor in society as the source of human action. A major assumption is that “social reality consists of behaving individuals” and these individuals create society and culture “using those aspects that they have incorporated into their personalities”. Social relations, therefore, “consist of agreements and disagreements among individuals who incessantly define and redefine the world around them” (Rossides, 1998: 269)

Apart from the scope of analysis, sociological analysis of social relations highlights differences between objectivity and subjectivity of social actors in social relation. The Weberian perspective, however, provides a middle-of-the-road approach that blends objective facts with the subjective interpretation given to these facts (Swenson, 1999: 30).

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