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Your assignment is to prepare and submit a paper on western influence on japanese women.

Your assignment is to prepare and submit a paper on western influence on japanese women. The desire for the west to Japanese woman Naomi starts to be witnessed when Joji, who is a Japanese man and well educated, takes Naomi to his home and starts to raise her to a westernized girl. Naomi is more willing to the same and Joji starts transforming by teaching her English education and she seems to have the effective pronunciation of words. He tries also to fund her for western activities such as magazines, dancing and taking her to theaters. Naomi becomes more embodied to western culture to the extent of entertaining western visitors in her room. The above highlights the transformation of the Japanese women from their Japanese traditional ways of life to a western form of life. The novel furthermore reflects how Japanese women are transforming from traditional to modern and west way of life.(Junichiro 70) Earlier, in&nbsp. Japan there was rare contacts with western and women were traditional been assigned particular roles but representation of Naomi let to a new race of Japanese women with few inhibitions and no role models and this let to new sub-culture in Japan. The oppressed girls by the japanise culture are impressed by Naomi and follows the same to seek their freedom and this leads to a confusing Japanese culture as the women embrace westernization and disregard their traditions that they term it as outdated and slavery.

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