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Zelle, Chapter 9, Programming exercise #14 Python programming Write a graphical program to trace a random walk (see previous two problems in book) in...

Zelle, Chapter 9, Programming exercise #14 Python programming

Write a graphical program to trace a random walk (see previous two problems in book) in two dimensions. In this simulation you should allow the to be taken in any direction. You can generate a random direction as an angle of of the x-axis: angle = random()*2*math.pi

The new x and y positions are then given by the formulas:

x = x + cos(angle)

y = y + sin(angle)

The program should taken the number of steps as an input. Start your walker at the center of a 100x100 grid and draw a line that traces the walk as it progresses. 

Remember to follow good design principles such as abstraction and encapsulation. It may be prudent to include multiple functions and even a new class definition. If you are having trouble seeing how the end product should be organized it might help to review the design principles discussed in the book as well as lecture notes. 

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