Data set: The Abalone Data Set (Source: https://archive.ics.uci.edu/ml/datasets/abalone) Data set information These data consisted of 4,177 observations of 9 attributes, detailed as follows. Name / Da
Computer Science
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Consider the makefile given below. The files: schools.c, office.c, faculty.c, research_grp.c, student_info.h, net_id_info.h and address.h are all within the same directory as makefile. university: sc
Computer Science
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Computer Science
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Implement a Naïve Bayesian classifier to predict the age of abalone in Python from scratch. Develop an Artificial Neural Network (ANN) in TensorFlow/Keras to predict the signal class. Mostly in t
Computer Science
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data(mtcars) # load the dateset # use only three colunms ds <- mtcars[, c("mpg", "cyl", "wt")] # convert the cyl into factor (labels) ds$cyl <- as.factor(ds$cyl) Use K-means to cluster the da
Computer Science
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Q1 Fit a predictive linear regression model to estimate weight of the fish from its length, height and width? (the data source fish.csv can be found here: https://www.kaggle.com/aungpyaeap/fish-market
Computer Science
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Q1 Fit a predictive linear regression model to estimate weight of the fish from its length, height and width? (the data source fish.csv can be found here: https://www.kaggle.com/aungpyaeap/fish-market
Computer Science
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I am looking for someone who can do the assignment for my cloud computing course. I have attached the file below.
Computer Science
computer science
Computer Science
Find the exponential Fourier series coefficients for the following periodic signal x(t):
Computer Science
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Programming Assignment 1: CS5200 Database Theory and Applications Retrieve the information from csv file. In the assignment, you will learn about how to retrieve or query the information from csv file
Computer Science
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Q1. Fit a predictive linear regression model to estimate weight of the fish from its length, height and width? (The data source fish.csv can be found here: https://www.kaggle.com/aungpyaeap/fish-marke
Computer Science
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campare and contrast physical,dedicated virtual and shared virtual servers search the web for 3 camoanies that provide each what costs should a customer expec to pay for each
Computer Science
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Programming Assignment 1: CS5200 Database Theory and Applications Retrieve the information from csv file. In the assignment, you will learn about how to retrieve or query the information from csv file
Computer Science
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Need a Paper with five to seven pages of content, and a reference page Networking Trends Paper: In this paper, you will research and report on network design and management trends over the last three
Computer Science
1)Compare and contrast physical, dedicated virtual, and shared virtual servers. 2) Search the web for 3 companies that provide each. What cost should a customer expect to pay for each? Need 2 diffe
Computer Science
Leadership Potential areas to highlight are what your leadership role was and for what effort, what meaningful impact(s) you had in that role, how you worked with others to accomplish your goals, and
Computer Science
Regression Analysis Report: Annual Motor Sales Your organization has collected sales data on its small engine product sold and distributed from 6 different locations: Kansas City, Chicago, Houston,
Computer Science
Discussion Forum Locate an article on an organization that is successfully using Big Data analytics. Discuss what areas of the business are leveraging Big Data. What technologies are they using? What
Computer Science
draw new image answer Change Figure 2.11 to make Load the highest precedence signal, followed by Increment, followed by Clear.
Computer Science
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draw new image answer Change Figure 2.11 to make Load the highest precedence signal, followed by Increment, followed by Clear.
Computer Science
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Show how you would change Figure 2.11 to make Load the highest precedence signal, followed by Increment, followed by Clear Please include written explanation. Computer Architecture
Computer Science
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OBJECT: Write a program to read from the keyboard two integer values with appropriate prompt messages and to do the following: 1. Compute and print their sum with an appropriate message. 2. Compute
Computer Science
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I need an report on the following requirements Students will individually review one recent non-review/non-survey published paper/article and thoughtfully discuss the research papers content on the d
Computer Science
i need a programming assignment using python language In the assignment, you will need to retrieve or query the information from csv file. You need to use the csv file (employee.csv) that is provided
Computer Science
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Please also explain in written how you solved the answer for both question. For figure 2.11 diagram. Do new diagram for the answer. Show how you would change Figure 2.11 to make Load the highest prece
Computer Science
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Do new diagram for the answer .Please explain in written the answer as well. Show how you would change Figure 2.11 to make Load the highest precedence signal, followed by Increment, followed by Clear
Computer Science
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Discussion Forum Examine your organization or an organization you are familiar with regarding their use of social media analytics. You may also select an organization from a journal article. How is yo
Computer Science
Instructions • Note that unless otherwise specified, all textbook references are to Principles of Incident Response and Disaster Recovery (second edition). . • Watch your spelling and grammar; Instru
Computer Science
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Instructions • Note that unless otherwise specified, all textbook references are to Principles of Incident Response and Disaster Recovery (second edition). . • Watch your spelling and grammar; you wi
Computer Science
Using the files attached create a Python program that allows you to play the game "Pig." Please write code in the PYTHON language, not any other language. Below is the starter file pig_1.py code: #
Computer Science
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Need a Short Paper with four to five pages of content, and a reference page Network Management Paper: In this paper, you will research and report on network management tools associated with (1) poli
Computer Science
Portfolio Milestone - Intro to Business Intelligence Data Analysis of United States Data If you selected Option 1 to complete for your Portfolio Milestone in Module 2, be sure to complete this milest
Computer Science
Presentation on Credit Card Usage Analysis against Net Sales The sales department tasked you with conducting an analysis of customer spending by credit card usage. Use the CC_Sales.csv file for your a
Computer Science
p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 13.0px 'Helvetica Neue'} p.p2 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 13.0px 'Helvetica Neue'; min-height: 15.0px} The question is restated as follows:
Computer Science
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Write a segment of pseudocode to prompt the user for their name, and then output: 'Hello *your name here*, welcome to Comp. Sci 112' -Make sure you give the user a prompt to answer -Make sure you sa
Computer Science
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Hi, I need to normalize these two tables (zoo.png) in first normal form (No repeating groups - each cell can only hold one piece of information, no repeating groups), in second form (No partial depen
Computer Science
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Week 6 Written Assignment This week’s journal article focuses on attribution theory and how it influences the implementation of innovation technologies. Two types of employee attributions are noted i
Computer Science
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Hi, I have attached the question below, html css should not be used for it. It should just display a page with any four social authentications , two authentications as given in the file are mandatory
Computer Science
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Practical Application Paper: Develop a paper describing how the knowledge, skills, or theories of this course have been applied or could be applied, in a practical manner to your current work environm
Computer Science
Provide a reflection of at least 500 words (2 pages double spaced excluding Title and Reference pages) that summarizes what you feel are the most important or interesting concepts you have learned so
Computer Science
Write a research paper in APA format on a subject of your choosing that is related to Business Intelligence. Integrate what you have learned from the course resources (.e.g. Textbook Readings, Discuss
Computer Science
Discussion Forum Research your organization or an organization you are familiar with regarding their information privacy and security strategies and policies. You may select an organization from a jou
Computer Science
Recursion java assignment
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Write a research paper in APA format on a subject of your choosing that is related to Business Intelligence. Integrate what you have learned from the course resources (.e.g. Textbook Readings, Discuss
Computer Science
Write a research paper in APA format on a subject of your choosing that is related to Business Intelligence. Integrate what you have learned from the course resources (.e.g. Textbook Readings, Discus
Computer Science
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Critical Thinking Assignment Data Manipulation of Clothing Store Data In this assignment, you will import the Portfolio_Clothing_store.csv into SAS. (You can find this information by clicking "Next" a
Computer Science
The console we will be working on for this assignment is a classic in-line analog console with the following I/O controls and specifications: mic preamp/trim small fader large fader large channel inpu
Computer Science
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Discussion Forum Examine your organization or an organization you are familiar with regarding their use of ETL workflows. You may use an organization found in an article. If the organization has ETL
Computer Science
Need a short paper of 4-5 pages. Network Security Paper: In this paper, you will define the security strategies of Defense in Depth and Layered Security along with comparing and contrasting the stra
Computer Science