Respond to this with 250 words and 2 apa citations. Please ask a question as well.: Although many people want to claim that teachers are born, not made, we believe that good teaching requires teache
respond to this with APA 250 words and 2 apa citations : 1. Application of classical conditioning: Behaviorism is a common theme discussed by Watson in chapter 2. Classical conditioning can be couple
Answer 2 questions from chapter 5 and 2 questions from chapter 6 so the total will be 4 questions. It's your choice which questions to chose then RESPONSE TO 2 students ( I uploaded a file have 5 stud
IMPORTANT -- I post these questions here, in the Content area of the course, for your convenience and perusal. You do NOT answer them here, though: you reply to them in the Message Center, where they
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Create and deliver a Nearpod presentation on a grade, ( Elementary students) subject and lesson of your choice (the goal of this assignment is for you to have fun and learn, while creating something t
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NO PLAGIARISM PLEASE CITE CORRECTLY! APA FORMAT 1.Connecting to the articles, lecture material, videos and discussion prompts thus far in our course, list at least 3 areas in which technological deve
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Prompt: Since nationalism in part is based on patriotic values and traditions, describe a holiday tradition that you practice on a national holiday (New Year’s Day, Martin Luther King Jr. Day, George
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Step 1 Read the first two sections of Wordsworth's "Tintern Abbey".(Links to an external site.) Step 2 In a separate Word document, complete the following points: Explain what the ideas, memories, and
Renaissance Madrigals Step 1 Click on this link(Links to an external site.) to be taken to a website about Renaissance music. Read about motets and madrigals, and the differences between them. Also, r
Introduction Classical Humanism was a major feature of the Renaissance, which was all about the revival of Greco-Roman culture.During the Renaissance, scholars began to study ancient manuscripts of th
Read the following document. In a separate document, answer the questions below and submit them. Seneca_Letters_Assignment.docx Questions Letter CIV Questions (33%) Copy and paste three different quot
1.After reading Justice Stephen Field'sdecision inChae Chan Ping v. United States(also titledThe Chinese Exclusion Case), write a letter to Justice Field about the case. You should draw on your analys
Again, you'll likely be able to use all of most of the rhetorical modes we've examined so far (narration, description, and process) to help you with this paper. Comparison/contrast papers are wonderfu
it is only 300 words, you just need to watch a video and it is only 20 m.and i will provid you a world fill that can help you. Once you've finished watching Sherry Turkle's TedTalk, "Connected, But Al
Argumentative Essay Topic: Is Modern Culture Ruining Childhood? Or What is important in our society is not portrayed through television shows that are popular in our society? I need: not plegarism tha
Choose one current BLOG POST on the ICMA Environment website, and provide the following: I chose Radical and Social Justice Resource to talk about.Write a half page responding to this question below.
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Write a short paper (2-3 pages) on a music-culture of your choice. This should not be a research paper, but should instead be a music culture that you are a part of. Describe it using the ideas discus
one question is 700 words . second one is 800 words ... total will be 1500 words First, answer one (1) of the two questions from Part I with a 700 word essay. PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE ONLY ANSWER ONE! S
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Topic: Is Modern Culture Ruining Childhood? I need: that it is in APA format 6th edition not to have plegarism That the information is taken from the virtual library of my school That has 5 paragraphs
Major: Business Management Background Information/Scenario: During your studies at Monroe College, you are taking classes to learn about your major course of study as preparation to enter your future
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Select ONE of the topics below about Siddhartha and write an essay response. You may use and refer to your book, Siddhartha. Avoid merely giving a plot summary. Responses should be five (5) or more pa
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#####MUST HAVE PLAGIARISM REPORT FOR BOTH THANKS##### 1. Explain how research has evolved since the Florence Nightingale era. Discuss how research and EBP are different; include how you believe resea
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For this assignment, you will find art that has been used to promote ethical or moral values, used as propaganda, or created as protest art. The art can be a poem, book, painting, statue, dance or son
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275 Initial Post Response. I also need 3 replies on other posts. I will send other replies later. Write a paragraph or two that explains how to kick a bad habit. The paragraph should be anInformationa
275 Initial Post Response. I also need 3 replies on other posts. I will send other replies later. Write a paragraph or two that explains how to kick a bad habit. The paragraph should be anInformationa
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275 Initial Post Response. I also need 3 replies on other posts. I will send other replies later. Write a paragraph or two that explains how to kick a bad habit. The paragraph should be anInformationa
NO PLAGIARISM 75-150 words per question please use references and check for grammar 1. Explain what is meant by the total cost approach to logistics. 2. From a logistics perspective, how is network or
In preparation for the final project, you will submit a proposal that outlines your plan for the final project. This proposal will include a 500-word project description along with an annotated biblio
Create and deliver a Nearpod presentation on a grade, ( Elementary students) subject and lesson of your choice (the goal of this assignment is for you to have fun and learn, while creating something t
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Writing Assignment: Media Analysis You are required to submit the FINAL copy of this assignment, but you may first submit an optional DRAFT. This will allow you to receive qualitative feedback that ca
Writing Assignment: Research Proposal Letter For this assignment, you will write your research proposal letter. You are required to submit only your final draft for this assignment (though we encourag
Please write one paragraph (no more than 100 words) in response to one of the following two questions Question 1: How can governments benefit from using or working with popular culture? Give one examp
DB 2: "A Rose for Emily" 11 unread reply.11 reply. Read the Introduction in the Stories text, pp. xi-x1iii and “A Rose for Emily” (133-143) or here.(Links to an external site.) Choose 2 of the 4 liter
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Read Chapter 7 - Creating a Vision Review the case study, “A Clean Slate”. Note how Nick was given a task and he had to adjust his vision to meet the requirements of the owners of the newspaper. Now,
Create a 2-3 page, double-spaced rough draft of Short Essay 2. Choose ANY text that we have studied this term, OTHER THAN "Hills Like White Elephants" and "Story of an Hour." (That means, you will rec
Health Care Change LeaderA change leader is a person who takes leadership responsibility for changing the existing pattern of behavior of another person or social system. Do a little research and iden
Hi it's a report assignment worth a lot of points and focus on on the content not just throwing words. Times new roman , 1.5 space , 12 font. the report is about Amazon again the report is about amazo
Word Count Minimum: 600 words In a separate document (MS Word, Google Docs, etc.), please write your responses to the following prompts in full sentences, starting a new paragraph for each prompt. You
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Select a work from our course readings this semester. Read it thoroughly. Then, either online through Google or Google Scholar, in the physical library, or on EGCC’s library databases, do research to
English 1B: Writing Assignment #2: Poetry As you can imagine, based on the readings, your second writing assignment will focus on poetry. Specifically, you are to write an explication of a poem of you
Read the following article: https://www.icleiusa.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/Preparing-for-Climate-Change-Adaptation-Guidebook.pdf (King Count) http://www.adaptingtorisingtides.org/wp-content/uploa
Visit this websiteto read a persuasive essay about public funding for sports stadiums and answer the questions listed below. Be sure to submit your assignment as a MS Word file to the Week 4 Assignmen
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Interactive Application of Algorithms-7-10 slide PowerPoint-add notes and reference page-Please make readable for me to do voice over! -No plagiarismMEET ALL REQUIREMENTS!Our assignment this week allo
For this discussion, you may talk about either one of the two Sherlock Holmes stories assigned for this week. Please answer at least two of the following questions in your discussion posts. 1) How doe
NO PLAGIARISM 750 word count! please check grammar and punctuation 3 references MINIMUM! Cite properly! All-Indian Logistics Services (AILS) Read Case 9-1, page 166-167. In this paper, please discuss:
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In the story by Ursula LeGuin we’ve read, the narrator describes an imaginary city,Omelas, which is a Utopia. The existence of this Utopia rests on one condition –the child who is kept, alone and mise
Write about a child with special needs or suspected needs that you know. You may also choose to write about what you have observed in yourself as a child that might be considered an emotional or learn
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Understanding Free Will vs Determinism - How can we know we have free will? Gaining an understanding of this timeless philosophical problem is our main objective. Introduction: George Saunders’ “Escap
DQ1: As you have learned from this week’s readings, a cause-effect chain argues that one thing leads to another (e.g., “Increasing levels of acidity in sea water are harming the oceans’ coral reefs.”)
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