Post your tentative thesis statement for your literary analysis essay on Sula. Remember that a thesis takes a position about your topic. You are making a kind of argument, an argument that supports a
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Topic: Narrate a moment when people who you underestimated acted kindly or wisely.Structure of the 5-parag Essay 1. Introduction a. Hook: 1 sentence; attract the reader’s attention · Question · Statem
revise the essay according to the following guideline. THESIS: In order to strengthen your thesis, consider the following revision strategy and questions: DEVIL’S ADVOCATE Identify your opponent’s arg
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Writing Assignment for Description: Describe yourself to someone who has never met you.Structure of the 5-para Essay 1. Introduction a. Hook: 1 sentence; attract the reader’s attention · Question · St
Assignment (1–2 pages, not including title page and reference page)Describe the topic you have selected for your Capstone Project. Be sure your topic is narrow enough to be able to identify a specific
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Chapter 7: The Physiology and Pathology of Aging Can we grow older without growing sicker? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MGKB9AdPmwc&list=PL0vyp3M3ABFKtOFpu75_tPPcLvznUfUdp&index=2&t=0s After viewin
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NO PLAGIARISM 600-650 words CHECK GRAMMAR 3 references Technology and Society – Week #1 Assignment Innovation Needs Compare and evaluate the two phrases: 1. “Technology advances due to the needs of s
NO PLAGIARISM GRAMMAR AND PUNCTUATION CHECK 750 WORDS 3 REFERENCES In 3 pages, list and discuss the advantages and disadvantages of: Purchasing a two-wheeled trailer for each store to use for deliver
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Research Paper and Process: Students will produce a specific, unified, developed, organized, and coherent research paper of 1800-2400 words using at least EIGHT sources, both print and non-print. Stud
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Format Format your essay using MLA style guidelines in 12-point type, use Times New Roman font, and use MLA citations. See pages 586-87 of our textbook for more information about formatting a paper us
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Assignment Introduction This will be our final research essay of the course. I'm assigning it today so that you have as much time as possible to work on it. Get started on it as soon as you have submi
Define the term social media. Write adefinitional argumentof the term “social media.” Make an original argument that defines “social media” based on your understanding, analysis, and conception of the
For our research paper, you will be writing a proposal research essay. In essence, the essay analyzes an issue to understand it and suggests a solution based on the research. In other words:a proposal
Carefully read and follow the instructions below, and then choose one of the provided topics and write an original, well-developed, five-paragraph essay. Review chapters 2, 3, and 4 regarding effectiv
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Short Essay GuidelinesMLA Format 750 words, double spaced, not including Works Cited page Works Cited page Proper in-text citationsYour paper should consist of your original response and analysis.
Description In this project, you'll hone your interview skills and gain insight into the goals and challenges of professionals. Interview someone who is a leader in a non-profit organization, the owne
Students must submit a research paper on the issue of voting rights for convicted felons in Texas. Your paper must meet the following requirements: 1) Identify and explain the current TEXAS law regard
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We have come to the end of our journey in this course, but not with your writing! That journey will continue and grow over the years.Answer these two questions: What does writing mean to you personal
Please help me to answer on the following questions: 1. Who you are is intricately linked to past experiences and who you’ve known. Thinking about your life and your experiences, explain what motivate
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Instructions Develop: Academic Argument Essay Second Draft Evaluation Title:Academic Argument Essay The second essay in EN 104 is an academic argument with research documented in APA format. In this a
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Compare, Analyze and Predict Using the two cases listed below, you will compare, analyze, and predict existing and potential future court decisions, writing a 3-5 page paper explaining and supportin
APA Should schools focus on prevention of misconduct or on discipline after the fact and why? What are some of the major legal issues that arise in either case and how can schools plan for these?
https://www.metmuseum.org/toah/hd/inte/hd_inte.htm in this short essay (approx. 500- 600 words), discuss and explain what is meant by the term “T'ang Internationalism.” You MUST answer the following q
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Search the TED Talk Website and search for a presentation (10 minutes or longer) that interests you. Then write a 1-2 pages, double spaced, report that includes terms and techniques we discussed in cl
Research Topic: Obesity and Diabetes: The effects of high fructose corn syrup (beverages and foods) on the adolescent Write a 2-page paper in which you identify your research question and hypothesis.
Step 1: To annotate a source, first cite the source in correct MLA format.For example: Gould, Joseph. Citizen United and the Breakdown of Democracy. New York: University of New York Press, 2012. Step
argumentative essay, questions are in the jpeg. Form along with formatting. U can chose anyone question and write on that. Both stories are also attached.
Create an outline for a comparison/contrast essay that indicates the topic and structural format for the following:Topic:Attending a Historically Black College or University versus attending another t
COMM 2101: Writing for Multimedia Reader script Using the information you learned in the book, write a 30-second reader script using a split-page script format. Your reader should be about a newsworth
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Read the articles at the links in the following assignment. Choose one of the articles, then write a short (two full to three page) analysis of the writer’s rhetoric in that article. What types of app
Assignment Overview The annotated bibliography is a companion to the First Draft: Academic Argument Synthesis Essay assignment. The purpose of an annotated bibliography is to help you to evaluate sour
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Choose only ONE of the following options below and, in your post, write a paraphrase that avoids plagiarism of the paragraph you have chosen. Your paraphrase can be as long as the excerpt you have cho
You will need to have read the poem, "My Last Duchess" by Robert Browning. You can find this poem under the TAB, but I will also attach it under the bottom. Remember your formatting: (heading), a sam
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Required ResourcesRead/review the following resources for this activity: Textbook: Chapter 11 Lesson Minimum of 2 scholarly sourcesInstructionsDevelop in detail a situation in which a health care wo
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ARH1000Analysis Paper - Formal Analysis Instructions The tools of formal analysis are the starting point for understanding any work of art; these tools help you realize how a work of art was made and
Given two articles presenting opposing sides of an issue (mandatory uniforms in schools), construct your own 2-3 page Rogerian argument essay in which you attempt to arrive at a workable solution or "
NOTE: 300 WORDS, assigned textbook only Naturalistic evolution, process theology, and the idea of inevitable progress have dominated much of the cultural and intellectual landscape. These concepts be
argumentative essay, questions are in the jpeg. Form along with formatting. U can chose anyone question and write on that. Both stories are also attached.
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Students will introduce themselves to the professor and fellow classmates by writing a 3-4paragraph (approx. 500-600 words) description of their capstone project and research plan that will guide thei
What can you say about human nature in the play "A Midsummer Night's Dream"?
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Because of the pandemic situation you must now attend a play online. Go on Youtube find a play to watch and write about that. For this assignment you will need to attend an adult play produced by comm
The first question is worth 25 points: Look at your notes on the literary movement American Naturalism. Can “The Open Boat” be considered a naturalist text? Why or why not?You may prepare this answer
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what is the meaning quick as a fox
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Research:Go back to the list of questions you came up withregarding the contradictions or problems youfound in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Do some research, and find an articlethat addr
Answer the question as indicated to earn all available points. A Chemistry student was given the following mixture: Small Styrofoam pellets, sand, salt, 1 cm diameter copper bbs, and iron filings. He/
2 parts, Speech Draft and a PPT, do the PPT as fancy as you could. Write the presentation according to the letter and the report. ( 1and2 files) Write the presentation from the perspective of an inter
Select one of the National Monuments from the list (but NOT the Statue of Liberty), and write a 1000-word informative research essay about it. Make sure you are writing about a U. S. National Monument
1- SamplePaper2Review to 750 words(just add to the file i attach it ) 2- Teaching Concise Writing Challenge Your task: To teach me (Ms. sarah)! Using the delivery method of your choice: slideshow, mem
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In this discussion, you will examine and discuss the classification process of finding the archetype of the hero in Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone using the elements of Rankian analysis found i
Discuss the benefits and potential drawbacks of applying a continuous improvement process in an organization. In a well-written response at 1-2 paragraphs in length, supported by this week’s reading a
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