Rquired Texts/Readings Aging Matters, Hooyman, Kawamoto & Kiyak (2017) Caregiving in America primarily consists of informal and family caregiving. The direct and indirect costs of this “shadow workfor
I need 6 pages essay. This essay asks you to write about the process of adapting the Globalization Essay focusing on these aspects: What design elements did you end up using? How did you balance thos
8 pages essay or 2000 words. Need by morning. In 12 hours.This essay is a continuation and expansion of the research and writing you began in the first draft of the essay(Links to an external site.).
READ https://www.economist.com/leaders/2016/06/04/under-attack (Under Attack) and Identify elements such as audience, purpose and context as a means of understanding how the text communicates its main
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Completing this assignment will help you name and identify the skills and abilities that will move your career forward. Find a specific job opening posted online within the last 9 months. You will dev
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Review a guide to writing cover letters, located at https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/549/01/. Next, reflect on what you learned regarding the importance and structure of job application cov
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Once you have chosen a topic, this Discussion provides the opportunity to share with your classmates your choice of topic and the problem that you have identified. For this Discussion, you will examin
Answer Interact question 1 on page 298 Considering your own experience with a sport or recreation organization, identify a person to whom, or a unit to which, you were committed. Describe your relatio
Write a brief, 1 1/2-2 pages paper describing what leadership is to you. Use the following headers: Qualities and Characteristics of a Leader Leadership Behavior: How a Leader Should Behave and How t
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Project Topic – Intellectual disabled patients and autonomy in issues of decision making on their healthcare · My Position/Argument – Intellectual disabled patients should not be given total autonomy
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1: Please use the title I provide to write the essay. 2: Please strictly follow the format of the sample essay. The word count is at least 900. An abstract is needed and the word count for abstract is
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The requirement for essay link: https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vS_LvgiofbRANzOKlmXDInikUp3tSp3ezE-iqho7D0QWDza7FwE49244i9q3HizC_myRJ9r6nu0udAJ/pub should watch ted talk link as below: htt
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WRITING ASSIGNMENTWho is writing to whom? What does the audience know, need to know, and want to know? When your audience fails to understand the text, you have failed to communicate. You are being as
PART 1 - THE COMMUNICATION PROCESS Explain if each of the below situations is communication citing which of the 7 speech communication element(s) is present or missing. (10points) Far out in space, so
Write an ArgumentEssay ( 500 words minimum) Prompt: ChooseONEof the following topics for your essay: 1. When is military force justified? 2. Should parents be held responsible for the crimes of their
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Identify a process and state why it is very important to provide and follow the proper steps to carry out the process. What could happen if the process isn't carried out properly? What are some warnin
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This assignment is two separate 300 word forum posts (600 words total).Forum Post #1 (300 words)Directions: Fully address the prompt in one post. Write a minimum of 300 words. Use proper spelling a
Concept paper 7 approved topics: 1.Cultural imperialism 2.The globalization of beauty (i.e. respond to the themes of the movie) 3.Digital divides 4.Said's "Orientalism"You can choose one topic fro
Who is writing to whom? What does the audience know, need to know, and want to know? When your audience fails to understand the text, you have failed to communicate. You are being asked to write two t
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Find an example of religious expression that you find powerful, moving or appealing. (It can be music, poetry, preaching, art, architecture, sculpture, etc.—it does NOT necessarily have to be an expre
Respond to this 250 words. 2 apa citations: In week five, the subjects of discussion are the following: As concerns employments, which has more significant precedent: A teachers' constitutional rights
Respond to this 250 words. 2 apa citations: Honestly, this is a hard one in that I can see both sides of the spectrum and how both are crucial in hiring successful teachers. I do believe that it is im
Essay: Compose an analytical essay of at least 1,200 words in which you offer an interpretation of a literary element in one of the assigned short stories. Write your analysis focusing on one of the f
Choose a topic that is a PROBLEM existing in society that you can both persuade and propose a plan of action for your audience to carry out in response to your persuasive message. Developmental Skill
Learning Objective: Students will investigate the nature of cross-sex friendships among males and females and apply theoretical concepts to “real life” relationships. Instructions: For this activity,
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Religious Site Visit AnalysisIn preparation for the “religion” class session, you are required to WATCH online a religious service of some kind that you are NOT already familiar with, and write a shor
This paper needs to watch "Hamlet (by William Shakespeare)" performing on online first (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zz6GL6AFphU&t=6478s) and write a review. That needs 3 pages double spaced. Below
Reading Questions For John Dewey, what should we pay attention to if we want to understand the aesthetic value of a work of art, and how is that aesthetic value conveyed? For Dewey, what is the conn
For this assignment, you will review an organization for which you currently work, or have worked before. Write an essay, 1100-1400 words using proper APA formatting on the following: How is each of t
Question 1: Having read the section, please reflect on your experiences with 2-3 of the songs listed, especially in light of your sense of American Nationalism. Question 2: Describe your earliest reco
Q1) Fromkin, Rodman, Hyams discussed how language impacts thought and visa versa. How does the fact that some people are bilingual impact the concept of linguistic determinism? In a paragraph or two,
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These questions came from the text book: Issel, L. M., Wells, R. (2018). Health program planning and evaluation: A practical systematic approach for community health. (4th ed.). Burlington, MA: Jones
Requirements for your essay-Your brief persuasive essay must be in MLA format and two full pages. Do not write more than 600 words as this is not a research paper. Write a brief persuasive essay based
Write a letter of complaint. Follow the rules for a formal letter, and use the full-block style. The complaint may be about anything you wish (such as malfunctioning equipment, poor building maintenan
It's 1580 A.D. You are on a trade route carrying spice from Bali back to Damascus. You take a detour through the archipelago in search of mango seedlings to bring back (though how you will grow a mang
"Using some of the key terms, key arguments, and key ideas about globalpolitical economy that you learned about in this class, explain the political economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, focusing
Help with fixing the outline so I can start on the rough draft need to be done before the 12th of this month. No plaragrism 5 page essay not included the reference page all have to be in MLA format Ti
Required ResourcesRead/review the following resources for this activity:Textbook: review chapters as needed Lesson Link (Word doc): Pro-ConPosition Paper Template Minimum of 5 scholarly sources (fr
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First,watch the film 12 Angry Men. The film is freely available online For this discussion you have a choice: 1) Please discuss the theme of good versus evil in Nathaniel Hawthorne's story "Young Good
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The complete title of Moliere’s most famous play is Tartuffe, ou l’Imposteur, or in English, Tartuffe, or the Impostor. But in the play, and in academic criticism, the title character is referred to a
Note: When responding to the issues/questions for this week, please make sure that at least one of your posts is supported by a specific quotation from the assigned text readings. This means that you
1. Write the first draft of your research paper. Include in-text resources and a bibliography or list of references. 2. Part B: Create a FORMAL outline of the first draft of your research paper. 5. Wh
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8 assignments for this book book link: https://www.amazon.com/Monstress-Stories-Lysley-Tenorio-ebook/dp/B005GFQ468/ref=sr_1_1?crid=3HDQCT7CRNN7F&keywords=monstress lysley tenorio&qid=1591502927&s=book
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CompetencyImplement critical thinking and research strategies for clear communication of written ideas. Instructions Produce a complete 2-4 page paper in which you do a comparison and contrast between
I have a 3 part assignment, first three pages are the directions that's needed to complete the assignment. The last 3 pages are the assignment that needs to be completed by Wednesday June 10, 2020 at
InstructionsSWOT Analysis ***See attached exampleAfter reading the unit lesson, research a company of your choosing to create a strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT) analysis. Pleas
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For this assignment, I want you to write a one paragraph summary of just what the author says of the articles below. Then you should write a paragraph that responds to the reading. Do you agree with t
AssignmentThis is a short paper that requires you to study the provided scenario, research its questions/problems, and provide analysis and recommendations.ScenarioGood morning. Your mission, should y
FormatFormat your essay using MLA style guidelines in 12-point type, use Times New Roman font, and use MLA citations. See pages 586-87 of our textbook for more information about formatting a paper usi
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