I shall follow all the order instructions strictly and answer the questions correctly so that you can get GRADE A++.
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Fine!” Avery said, pushing a stack of books away and looking up at the clock on the wall. "But our paper’s due in three days and we still don’t have topic. What are we going to do?”"It’s obv
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Instructions: Research and write about Eastern (Non-Western) Art influenced by either Native American, or Hindu, or Buddhist, or Taoist religions. (1) view a self-selected work of EASTERN art, (2) com
Assignment Instructions:TOPIC: H.R. 4744: Iran Human Rights and Hostage-Taking Accountability Act https://www.govtrack.us/congress/bills/115/hr4744 THIS IS A ROGERIAN FORM ESSAYThe main body of ess
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Appendix A: Peer Review Feedback Form 1Assignment 2: Persuasive Paper Part 1: A Problem Exists Peer reviews should provide feedback to a peer on the criteria expected in the paper. Follow these instru
As seen in the Learning Activities, conducting research can be a time-intensive process. However, there are various methods that may help you conduct research more efficiently. This evidence can be ca
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In three hundred words or more, compare the different stages of love the speakers experience in Teadale’s three poems “Dew,” “Lights,” and “I Shall Not Care.” Select the poem that fits e
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Draft of Introduction and Literature ReviewMy topic for the Argumentative Research Paper is "The Effects of Early Childhood Education"Follow the directions below for the completion of the introduction
Follow the directions below for the completion of the Research Proposal assignment for Unit III. The subject of my Research paper is The effects of Early Childhood Education.· Purpose: The pu
Read the excerpt from "The Gift of the Magi.""Don't make any mistake, Dell," [Jim] said, "about me. I don't think there's anything in the way of a haircut or a shave or a shampoo that could make me li
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Teenage Pregnancy*** In this unit’s Assignment, you will write a persuasive thesis statement related to the argument for change you have been developing in previous units and evaluate the effective
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Teenage pregnancy**** In this unit’s Assignment, you will write a persuasive thesis statement related to the argument for change you have been developing in previous units and evaluate the effectiv
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Assignment Instructions:TOPIC: H.R. 4744: Iran Human Rights and Hostage-Taking Accountability Act https://www.govtrack.us/congress/bills/115/hr4744 THIS IS A ROGERIAN FORM ESSAYThe main body of ess
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Assignment Instructions:TOPIC: H.R. 4744: Iran Human Rights and Hostage-Taking Accountability Act https://www.govtrack.us/congress/bills/115/hr4744 THIS IS A ROGERIAN FORM ESSAYThe main body of ess
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"Topic Choice and Database Research" Please respond to the following: DISCUSSION TOPIC NOT AN ESSAYShare your topic selection for Assignment 1 here. Discuss why you chose the topic and what you hope t
If you are in a situation where drinks are being served, your first decision should be __________________.
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I need to revise the attached essay. There are comments and feedback from my professor on the essay.
TOPIC IS: inovation on teaching problimatic kids.Directions: Now that you have begun your primary research, this week you are going to organize your secondary research and create an annotated bibliogr
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TOPIC IS: proposal about innovation of teaching proplematic childrenDirections: This learning activity asks for two parts: that you create a cover letter and a questionnaire, which you will distribute
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This is a research supported paper that involves exploring a religious topic that has appeared in the news. Visit the World Religion News site (www.worldreligionnews.com) or World Wide Religious News
This is a research supported paper that involves exploring a religious topic that has appeared in the news. Visit the World Religion News site (www.worldreligionnews.com) or World Wide Religious News
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: This is a research supported paper that involves exploring a religious topic that has appeared in the news. Visit the World Religion News site (www.worldreligionnews.com) or World Wide Religious New
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The author tries to persuade the reader to agree with his claim about the importance of ecosystems by
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The author tries to persuade the reader to agree with his claim about the importance of ecosystems by
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Explain how the author perspective on her Mormon faith changes
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***Recall the two presidential speeches that were given by both President Obama and President Reagan, respectively. Note that these two presidents used the Rogerian method of argumentation to not onl
Follow the directions below for the completion of the Research Proposal assignment for Unit III. The subject of my Research paper is The effects of Early Childhood Education.· Purpose: The pu
In at least one hundred words, compare and contrast Rukmani’s voice in Nectar in a Sieve with Gandhi’s voice in “Gandhi Defends His Beliefs.” Consider how their points of view are similar, as
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This is a research supported paper that involves exploring a religious topic that has appeared in the news. Visit the World Religion News site (www.worldreligionnews.com) or World Wide Religious News
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This is the revised thesis statement to be used for this unit's discussion- Since high rates of pregnancy among teenagers is caused by irresponsible sexual behavior couples with drugs and substance ab
RESEARCH PAPER PN "PORPHORIA'S LOVER BY ROBERT BROWNING"Research paperSelect a topic based on our short fiction, dramatic, or poetic readings this semester. You may analyze a specific work, an author,
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I need help with my Rhetorical Analysis of a written text.
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In at least one hundred words, compare and contrast Rukmani’s voice in Nectar in a Sieve with Gandhi’s voice in “Gandhi Defends His Beliefs.” Consider how their points of view are similar, as
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Assignment 1: Research Proposal – Thesis, Major Points, and PlanFor this assignment, select a topic for your persuasive writing paper.Write a one to two (1-2) page research proposal in which you:Ide
Introduction to police brutality
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Visual analysis assignment, guideline and image is attached in the following file. The format should be in MLA 2016. The professor is very tough I need someone to help me with the assignment. The imag
Explain how the author develops Fasulo’s opinion on Mahes’ “serial dining” throughout the text
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Which is the best summary of paragraph seven of the Iroquois Constitution?At the beginning of each council meeting, the Lords must thank one another for attending the meeting.At the beginning of each
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In at least one hundred words, compare and contrast Rukmani’s voice in Nectar in a Sieve with Gandhi’s voice in “Gandhi Defends His Beliefs.” Consider how their points of view are similar, as
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Now that you have outlined your paper, it is time to start your rough draft. A rough draft should expand on the ideas you included in your outline, and should include introduction and conclusion parag
Discuss purpose and the claim of the speech BELOW. Explain how the speech supports this claim (logos, ethos, and/or pathos). Is the opposing side mentioned? Also, describe the method of argumentation
Evaluation essay on the topic :-Food ( need 4 pages on Ms word double spacing) Requirements :- MLA Formatintro forecast evaluation list criteriaCriteria #1 (Defend)Criteria #2(Defend)Criteria #3(Defen
In Antigone by Sophocles, which element of tragedy is most apparent in Creon’s transformation from a proud and prosperous monarch in the beginning of the play to a defeated, lonely old man at the en
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1. Write two good, strong paragraphs discussing the essay just as if you were talking to that person. 2. Avoid using "I agree" or complimenting the writer on his or her writing. Add more informa
Please complete an Annotated Bibliography about the effects of Early childhood education. Purpose: The purpose of the annotated bibliography is to summarize the sources that you have gathered to suppo
Assignment Instructions BelowInstructions:The main body of essay should be between 900 and 1000 words, excluding the required annotated bibliography.The essay needs to be in MLA format.It should inclu
Assignment Instructions BelowInstructions:The main body of essay should be between 900 and 1000 words, excluding the required annotated bibliography.The essay needs to be in MLA format.It should inclu
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"I had a white companion too, not a bad chap, but rather too fleshy and with the exasperating habit of fainting on the hot hillsides, miles away from the least bit of shade and water. Annoying, you kn
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3. Choose the best answer to the following questions using the word en. Est-ce que tu fais du vélo ? A. Oui, j’en fais du vélo. B. Non, tu n’en fais pas. C. Oui, je fais en. D. Oui, j’en fais
Assignment Instructions BelowInstructions:The main body of essay should be between 900 and 1000 words, excluding the required annotated bibliography.The essay needs to be in MLA format.It should inclu
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