Hi can you write one paragraph of approximately eight to ten sentences describing a teacher (current teacher excluded), even one whom you may not have particularly liked, who ultimately made a positiv
After reading the Foreword by Dr. Cheryl Hyde, for the book, The End of Social Work, and listening to the discussion with Dr. Steve Burghardt, please answer the questions below: We will read the first
The visual analysis essay is your second major assignment in the course
Remix Practice: Petition Writing. this one has more reading and 10 steps. I have posted the pictures of what the teacher is asking for in her paragraphs.
Toulmin model short assignment for argumentative essay. I have attached the teachers requirements.
Write a short response essay. In Shakespeare's Macbeth, the supernatural influence the characters and foreshadow future events in the play. Discuss the statement and exemplify how the supernatural inf
In this assignment, you will use the scenarios from our Week 2 assignment as the basis for a block business letter in which you communicate bad news to the recipient. Note that this is an ongoing situ
Week 3 Assignment Instructions The purpose of this assignment is to record the work you have done finding a topic, building research questions, and doing a rhetorical analysis for your paper. Place y
Due 10/23/22 at 6:00pm, today.Use the Five Elements of a Short story model to analyze Ernest Hemingway's, "The Short Hppy Life of Francis Macomber."Your essay must be at least 350 words.It may be one
Instructions Individual Assignment Create an APA formatted essay describing the process steps for returned goods from retail customers. Create a second-level section title for each step. Within each
For your Project 2 submission, you will write a 5- to 7-page analytical essay that includes three examples of writing from your selected community. , "How do members of a community interact within or
For Discussion 4.1, choose an image from the "Images" folder in Unit 4. In your discussion board post, begin by describing the image you have chosen and explaining your initial reactions to the image.
For your Essay 2 please read the two critical essays "Beauty and Truth" and "Shelly's Defense of Poetry." What do these critical essays say about poetry? What do the two essays have in common? What po
Poetry Folder 1 Annotation Submission Directions: Write/type your full name at the top of the first page/first poem. (Please remember that assignments with no name cannot earn credit.)These poems ma
Answer the questions below. Do you think that students whose native language is not English and are in the process of second language acquisition, experience additional stress in the learning environ
Directions: After reading books I and XVIII, post a response to at least one of the questions/prompts for The Iliad. If you notice that all of the questions/prompts have been adequately answered (an
Context in media This is a two part assignment.Part 1/ You are the audience Find and attach/upload a piece of still media such as those used in the reading a video lesson. Ex. Got Milk image. It shou
Directions: Our second discussion board assignment is fairly straight forward, I think. I want you to participate in the discussion defining literature. While one way of approaching this is to look at
An “American Beauty” rose is one that is very beautiful on the outside but is prone to rotting at its roots and branches. Knowing this, why do you think the director named the film American Beauty?Jud
Identify the examples of strong thesis statements. Rewrite those that are weak thesis statements. 2. Censorship is a bad thing. 3. The brief history of television is punctuated by major changes in tec
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need a story Review, the instructions are in the picture attached. Please no plagiarism, original work only
I need an AN paper by 48 hours Ill upload all the instruction it has to be followed thanks it is a woman and gender studies course. the paper should be on the first 3 chapters and citation is only wit
Effective Report Strategies Your textbook addresses several types of reports. Share three types and describe what differentiates them from one another. What do you see as the major challenges involve
Each week you will be asked to write a memo reflecting your learning. Please note that you must read the directions for each week because the focus may vary. In order to pass, it must include the fo
This week you will create a definition of a problem report. The report is based on the problem you identified in the Week 1 assignment. Do not pick a new problem to discuss. Review the steps on How t
For this Writer's Notebook, construct an outline for your next essay by following these instructions.Take a moment to look ahead to the directions for the visual analysis essay. You are being asked to
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For this Writer's Notebook, watch the video "The Syria Campaign: In Reverse" and respond to the following prompt with a minimum of 300 words.What effect do the creators of this video wish to have on t
A scholarly summary of 2-3 paragraphs. required to follow APA 7 formatting guidelines for in-line citation and references, citing a minimum of 1 source. Has nursing achieved a professional status? Yes
Do All 1.Draft two emails (include to and cc field and subject lines in each--see below). Submit them together in a single document (.docx or .pdf). DO NOT email me. Put these in a word document a
Need someone that is available today
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Remix Practice: Picture Ads Estimated Time: 345 minutes. This is a two part assignment. Part 1/ You are the audience Find and attach/upload a piece of still media such as those used in the reading a v
Week 3 Assignment - Professional Experience: FAQ AnswerOverview The Professional Experience assignments in this course are designed to help prepare you for communicating in a professional work setting
Your NameStreet AddressCity, ST ZIP CodePhoneEmailDateRecipient NameTitleCompany NameStreet AddressCity, ST ZIP CodeDear Recipient Name:Introductory paragraph: introduce yourself and your connection t
Consider your Research Argument topic. Let's practice the classical argumentation style using your topic. This does not mean you are committed to using the Classical Argument to write you essay. Howev
POWERPOINT ON Autism Spectrum Disorder Learning Outcomes: Describe the characteristics of exceptional learners (e.g. Learning Disabilities, Gifted and Talented), including legal implications by a. id
Research Proposal & Annotated Bibliography Choose one of the assigned short stories we have been discussing for the past few weeks. Then, think about your understanding and interpretation of th
Instructions This week, you will complete your argumentative paper. Following the directions in assigned textbook reading on how write an argumentative essay on the issue you chose in Week 1. Be sure
Can someone complete this one page essay in MLA Format about "issues women of color face today". It needs to be exactly one page.
5- Page paper, MLA format, font 12, Times new roman. Topic: Is social Media the new form of bullying?
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http://www.literacynet.org/mi/assessment/findyourstrengths.html Visit the website located below and take one of the multiple intelligence tests. After taking the test post your reaction to your scores
Based on what you have learned this week through your readings, what makes communication technical? Even more specifically, what makes a piece of written communication technical writing? In your respo
Each week you will be asked to write a memo reflecting your learning. Please note that you must read the directions for each week because the focus may vary. In order to pass it must include the foll
https://content.grantham.edu/academics/GU_EN361/ReaderAnalysisWeek1Assignment.pptx.mp4 This course focuses on creating a variety of documents that are used in the professional workplace. In order to
By the due date assigned, attach your essay as a Microsoft Word document to the Project Submission Area. Compose an essay of 750 words and 5 or more paragraphs in which you offer your interpretation o
Drama Essay: Character Analysis By the due date assigned, submit your three-paragraph character analysis essay as a Microsoft Word attachment. This short essay should be at least 500 words and at leas
Fiction Analysis – Rough Draft By the due date assigned, attach the rough draft of your essay as a Microsoft Word document to the Discussion Area. Compose an essay of 750 words in which you offer you
The summary/response essay is your first major assignment in the course. The summary/response essay is worth 100 points. The rough draft for the summary/response essay is due Thursday, October 13, and
Can someone complete this one page essay in MLA Format about "issues women of color face today". It needs to be exactly one page.
write a 800 word essay on the short story "lather and nothing else" (file attached) Discuss the author’s use of literary devices (select three devices) in the short story, and how these elements were
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theres just a lot of reading to see what shes asking from this assignment. but this is what she is asking for. Many times, the most effective way to release information-whether academically or prof