Give constructive feedback in providing recommendations and suggestions for their paper. If you see grammatical/spelling errors, point these out. Also, pay particular attention to APA formatting. Use
One of the first remix exercises students completed was the PSA from a still image (Unit 3: Week 2). For this lesson, we are going to build upon the idea of a simple still PSA and create a PSA with m
you'll write a 3-5-page analysis essay, drawing on the knowledge about writing concepts you've been developing all semester to analyze the rhetorical decisions you made to create the genres (for examp
What was Oscar's life like once he graduated from college and moved back to Patterson?Before Oscar meets Ybon, what is his time in the Dominican Republic like? Why do you think that he decides to stay
Explain how Vonnegut uses flat, static characters like George Bergeron to develop his critique of 1950s American society.
Waiting for answer
Read the excerpt from chapter 6 of Lizzie Bright and the Buckminster Boy. One afternoon, after another dreary Sunday, he walked home from Mrs. Cobb's with the sea breeze determined to shove him to Mal
Waiting for answer
How would you characterize the tragic hero in " Things Fall Apart", Okonkwo? Would you say he is an upholder of culture, a man ruled by fear of failure, or however you want to characterize him.
Each week you will be asked to write a memo reflecting your learning. Please note that you must read the directions for each week because the focus may vary. In order to pass, it must include the fo
The purpose of the proposal is to present a solution to the problem you identified early in our course. Building off of your previous assignments (weeks 1, 2, 4, and 5), especially the feasibility rep
Ethics and Persuasion Why is it important for us to be clear about ethics when trying to persuade others? Using our text and a brief Internet search, come up with a code of ethics that you feel that
In at least one hundred words, describe how the title of Daly's short story helps give a context for the story.
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Can this be done?
Word limit: 500 Write a response paper to this article : https://www.nytimes.com/2022/09/02/technology/ai-artificial-intelligence-artists.html The format is MLA. And must include arguments from a seco
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Write a response paper to this article : https://www.nytimes.com/2022/09/02/technology/ai-artificial-intelligence-artists.html The format is MLA. And must include arguments from a secondary source e.g
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Lincoln subtly addresses his audience's possible rejection of his ideas. Examine the evidence he presents. In 150-300 words, discuss if he uses ethos, pathos, or logos, and in what way could this put
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RESEARCH PROPOSAL In this DB, you'll post your research proposal for the Research Paper (thoroughly review the RP instructions BEFORE starting this DB). It should be a one-paragraph proposal of what y
RESEARCH PROPOSAL In this DB, you'll post your research proposal for the Research Paper (thoroughly review the RP instructions BEFORE starting this DB). It should be a one-paragraph proposal of wh
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One of the first remix exercises students completed was the PSA from a still image (Unit 3: Week 2). For this lesson, we are going to build upon the idea of a simple still PSA and create a PSA with mu
Submit your three genre samples to this assignment as attachments, or add links, or add media files. Be sure to check with your instructor if you have any issues uploading files before the deadline. I
Though Sophocles' Oedipus the king and Shakespeare's Macbeth were written at different time, their tragic heroes (Oedipus and Macbeth) were influenced by the supernatural in the fulfillment of their d
can someone complete this simple essay for me? it does not have to be a specific MLA or APA format. Requirement - you have to have read Fahrenheit 451 or have the book. The outline needs to be done
Before completing this assignment, be sure to read the selections in The Thousand and One Nights" in the textbook from the prologue to "The Story of the Fisherman and the Demon" (pages 597-627), along
Length: 2-3 typed pages, double-spaced (format below) Possible Topics (Pick One): Compare and contrast two of the protagonists from our readings to this point (such as Rama and Beowulf or Beowul
writing an essay subject : drug use in Kansas USA ( Marjuana) use sources from big data: https://go-gale-com.ezproxy.jccc.edu/ps/start.do?p=AONE&u=jcl_jccc and at least two other sources from
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Research Paper After reading, watching, and studying the Canvas module resources, write at least an 650 word essay supporting the claim, Francis Macomber goes on the hero's journey.Use in text citatio
Instructions Assignment 1: Week 2: Paper 1 Write a two-page paper, plus the title page and a reference page on the following statement: Describe one indirect impact of reverse logistics operations on
Instructions- The topic is Reverse Logistics Using the information in this week’s required readings, compose an abstract which summarizes your topic problem, highlights key research sources, and offer
Select Amazon, Best Buy, or Home Depot. Explain the degree the selected company organized a reverse logistics department and explain how the selected company illustrates concepts from the course readi
On a blank document on your computer, sketch out your plan. Write the name of each genre at the top of the page. Underneath each genre, map out the concepts you are considering when planning your genr
The Professional Experience assignments in this course are designed to help prepare you for communicating in a professional work setting. When you are writing in the workplace, it is essential to: Fol
Hi I need a report done the info is attached to file. Here is some extra info also. you will need to closely follow the Final Report’s instructions AND utilize the handouts located beneath those instr
Hello, I have a debate speech on : McDonalds vs KFC, I have to defend McDonalds. I have to do an opening statement, some research/arguments to defend my side and a closing statement.
topic : 1. What are unalienable liberties and from what do they arise? How do the readings for the class help identify these liberties? Instructions: 1. Identify and provide at least one quotation f
“Words You Should Know to Sound Overeducated” v Review the vocabulary packet (a chapter from The Big Book of Words You Should Know). You may either download/view the electronic copy on Canvas. v
After viewing the videos "The Hero's Journey" and "The Hero's Journey Step by Step" carefully study the file "Francis and the Hero's Journey," Then write a 300 word essay supporting the following thes
I need someone to just fix the errors that the professor pointed out. Thank you
Do you think the development of gender roles is the result of nature or nurture? Do you think it is possible to raise gender neutral children? Answer these questions in 1-2 paragraphs using informatio
Visit the weblink provided below are read the article on Media Aggression. After reading the article post your thoughts to the following questions. 1. Do you think that media has an influence on moral
Guidelines for Philosophy Multicultural Education This essay will provide a glimpse into your future classroom. You will describe how you will create a classroom environment that integrates multicult
Choose one educator program to review. Be sure the target audience indicates "educators". Provide the information below. Name of the programWeb addressProvide a one paragraph summary of the program. I
Directions Read Chapter 14 in your textbook on "Rhetorical Analysis" (pp. 198-219). The chapter outlines the basic requirements for writing a rhetorical analysis. The author also provides you with a p
Discuss the use of the Carpe Diem theme Marvell's" To His Coy Mistress" and Herrick's "To the Virgins, to Make Much of Time"
Discussion 5.1You should have already chosen a topic for your final essay. Now you need to explore the multiple viewpoints associated with that topic. Go to the discussion board and write a brief resp
can this be done?
Your assignment due at the end of week 6 focuses on supply chain mapping. This exercise enables the organization to understand the strengths and weaknesses of its supply chain. Our text discusses a he
Submit 20 reading logs for the novel of your choice (not The Kite Runner )
For this assignment, students may use whatever topic they like. However, if a student uses their topic from the Research Argument, this assignment could be edited and revised as the Remix portion of y
INSTRUCTIONS: Read the article belowWrite a one page (12pt. font/double spaced)Explain the most important points Hayek makes against socialism.Do you agree or disagree? Why?
For the first part, please read through the multiple reports by the Court Monitors and answer the following questions: 1. Take time to review the following 3 reports and speak to 5 issues/topics or pi
You should have already chosen a topic for your final essay. Now you need to explore the multiple viewpoints associated with that topic. Go to the discussion board and write a brief response (300 word