Background: You may have already seen both videos, the first of which came out as a response to national protests against police brutality and the death of George Floyd (May 2020). In this first video
Persuasive Speech Topic: Should the federal minimum wage be increased? Persuasive Speech–The purpose of this speech is for the students to change or reinforce their audience's attitudes, beliefs or va
Write a dialogue between Shen Nung and two of his advisors as he tells them about his discovery of tea and its benefits.
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Topic: Bechdel raises deeply layered questions about how and why we become the individuals we become. She explores her identity by examining her childhood, evaluating her relationships, and reflecting
I Will post both files. You need to convert the APA file to MLA as well as convert the MLA file to APA.
Summaries this Sea turtles have been. swimming the world's _oceans since the days.when-dinosaurs walk-ed the land. Now aU seven species of these antient and enduring creatures are ~dang~ed,. some cri
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Assignment for Project Three Final Draft FINAL DRAFT OF WRITING PROJECT THREE Now that you have written an outline and received some feedback, you are ready to write your final draft of Writing Projec
Explain how St. Thomas Aquinas reconciles faith and reason based on this excerpt.
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Critique this one is about into the woods by rob marshall.
You wrote my other critque and you did a great job. I have two more. I would love for your help. this critique is about (Waiting for Guffman)
Asking for a paper to be 3 -5 pages, double-spaced, and include 2 citations in APA format. The topic should be related back to quarantine. For example "Quarantine and Stress". the topic I choose wa
Write a 5-paragraph essay explaining your interpretation of a given shory story(choose one), using those 3 pieces of evidence as support. select either Kate Chopin's "The Story of an Hour" or Ray Brad
Hı I have Seminar in Educational Inquiry fınal homework. Subject is Business. Why business important to peoples. Two-part. One is Reflective Essay: Career and Education.Second one is The Final Paper.
Read assignment carefully!!!
to what would we compare social anxiety
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What is the importance of having an effective and successful writing?
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Writing in the Social Sciences Essay AssignmentPurpose: In this essay, you will identify and discuss a problem based on one or more social trends, and you will offer a solution or a number of solution
I'm in need of a essay for a technical writing class due April 30 at 11:59pm.
Stephen King, in "Why We Crave Horror Movies," presents a cause and effect argument on why people pay good money to be scared. In a brief but well-developed response (minimum of 500 words), explain t
The instructions, readings, and other content for the units are attached below. Please follow the instructions, and absolutely no plagiarism. A reference page is also necessary. if you have any addi
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Hi , I need 5 work from home safety tips on PowerPoint with funny visuals.
Please follow the guildelines and read it carefully, it is an essay and I expect you to write around 1800 words. As i am an university student, please ensure good quality of work, so much thanks.
Critique make sure to follow all the directions listed.make sure you watch the following video this is what the critique is about. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=82c6V-PAQqo
Hey, I really need help with English. I'm undergraduate student who has IEP in a English Literacy Course. I don't understand this problem. Do you think you can use the same reading skills you learn
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Complete a course
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Can anyone do a course assignment for me.
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please see the attached document
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Can anyone complete an online course.
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I have a course to finish online can you complete it for me?
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What type of conflict is present in the play? Internal? External? Person vs Person? Person vs Society? Person vs Self? More than one conflict can exist and be discussed. How does this conflict drive t
Hamlet: https://www.williamshakespeare.net/ebook-hamlet.jsp Discussion Questions: What do you find the theme to be? What is the larger idea or message from the play? Use references from the text to ex
Short story of life in the pandemic
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How to do this assignment!
In three to five sentences, compare and contrast the poems' descriptions of the painting. Use details to support your answer.
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Using what you have learned from the interview and Dreaming in Cuban, explain the effect of the novel’s multi-narrative structure.
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Hamilton literary research paper on his ambition and legacy to the nation
Belinda, hello. Do you remeber do you helped me with my Annotated Bibliography assignment? I was wondering if you can help me with this one, is the same thing, the same 3 articles. I will put the requ
anasob is an online company selling clothes to young women of 18-35 years old. The external environment for this company is very interesting because a lot of change happens all the time. Conditions ar
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Please see attached File. My topic is my dream Career My dream career is anything from Information technology field.
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Write a well-developed, unified, and coherent essay describing how dropping out of college to work a minimum wage job would impact your career.
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The Odyssey by Homer Essay Prompt Write a 4 paragraph comparison essay between Penelope’s’ journey and her husband’s. Look at Penelope's journey and that of her husband’s, in what ways are they simila
A 10-item test using a combination of selection-type and short-answer, supply-type items which includes: (a) complete directions, (b) test items that are appropriate for the specific learning outcomes
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1. Read the essay “Sex, Lies and Conversation: Why Is It So Hard for Men and Women to Talk to Each Other? By Deborah Tannen, Write Now, on pages 255-258. (This essay is also available online.)
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revise and rewrite
RevisIng essay, add additional paragraphs if needed, and attach plagiarism reports, see Guidelines
Do you assist people on their paper? I have writing majority of it.
Need to responses unique from one another
Persuasive Speech Topic: Should the federal minimum wage be increased? Persuasive Speech–The purpose of this speech is for the students to change or reinforce their audience's attitudes, beliefs or va
George Harris’s letter is most closely connected to which theme?
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