*Imagine* You filled out advance directive forms You discussed your wishes with your support system In a 4-page paper: · Introduction Reflect on the experience completing an Advanced Directive.
Article Writing
Thanks for your discussion on UTI. Women and older adults are at a higher risk for UTIs. Many people are prone to recurrent UTIs. Proper management and prevention is essential. UTI may be either cysti
Health & Medical
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How would you solve question 17 parts a and b?What would be the ideal concentration of barium? What
For this task, imagine that you have been asked by a local mental health center to give a training seminar for its beginning group leaders. The topic of the session should be: Group stages and leade
Present a typical patient with this disease process and how they would present to the office and how you would work up, diagnose and treat. Pictures are encouraged. You will be graded on professionali
Health & Medical
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3-4 pages case Please review the guides on analyzing a case study and the information given in the attachments. The rubric for grading the case study is attached. Make sure you are using APA 6th edit
Article Writing
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While many psychologists may be familiar with ethical considerations in their own culture, such as the use of Institutional Review Boards (IRBs) to review research, or the existence of professional do
Article Writing
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Assignment 3: Technology InfluencesDue Week 5 and worth 120 pointsConsidering your chosen topic, write a two (2) page paper in which you: Discuss how technologies or information systems have contribut
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For this paper you are to select one of the following topics to write about: Social Media Governance for organizations: Discuss the issues that arise for organizations and the private/personal social
Information Systems
In this chapter we have assumed that the fiscal policy variables, G and T , are independent of the level of
Discussion Reply should be 500 words each and include correct usage of APA format, your Christian world view, and relevant in-text support for both. Also, include a reference at the conclusion of each
Question One Tell us your favorite brand. Give a full description of this brand and why it is your favorite. Question Two Describe your favorite brand’s promise. Remember that a brand promise not th
Article Writing
After reading Chapter 7 and Special Topic 6, write a 2-page paper answering the following question: Contrary to a popular view, the Great Depression was not caused by the 1929 stock market crash. We
Article Writing
Using the Microsoft Project file that you updated for Assignment 9, print a Project Overview Report and select 3 additional Microsoft Project reports to provide valuable information on your project. Y
Article Writing
The problem of prescription drug abuse and overdose is complex, involving insufficient oversight to curb inappropriate prescribing, insurance and pharmacy benefit policies, and a belief by many people
Political Science
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create a hypothetical scenario for your primary post that demonstrates one of the theories you studied from any of your previous human service courses. Use a client who is representative of the targe
Article Writing
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Fiction Analysis – Rough Draft By the due date assigned, attach the rough draft of your essay as a Microsoft Word document to the Discussion Area. By the end of the week, comment on at least two of yo
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Data representation is the act displaying the visual form of your data. The process of identifying the most effective and appropriate solution for representing our data is unquestionably the most impo
Social Science
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In your opinion, who holds the responsibility to decrease the soaring costs of health care, and who has the authority to change the fundamental culture of both our healthcare system and our national c
Health & Medical
Only 1-2 pages each. I have attached 6 articles to choose from. Please follow these instructions: Article review format Cover page including: a citation for the article you are reviewing. Body of art
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Review the PowerPoint Example located at the end of the course content page under the folder labeled Recommended Reading and Handouts. Create a 10- to 12-slide presentation on police operations in whi
Write a 300 word letter of intent as an educator that includes the following: A brief description of specific curricular and professional progression requirements and how they will be fulfilled. A br
Social Science
You have been hired by a medium-sized airline company, Sun Best. Sun Best currently flies more than 300 routes in the East. The company is experiencing tremendous issues coordinating its 3,500 pilots,
Business & Finance
Follow the media scenario, Riverbend City: Case Scenarios Part 1, for the client you have selected for the remaining assignments in Units 5 and 9. You have explored the 6 dimensions of the ASAM criter
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Q 1. Using the Internet, locate TWO companies that provide VPN services. Compare the TWO different services offered. Include their services, pricing, and make a decision which VPN service would be bes
Article Writing
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Project Management Institute. (2017). A guide to the project management body of knowledge: (PMBOK® guide). Newtown Square, Pa: Project management Institute.I I
Develop a sorting algorithm. Your sorting algorithm may only be an implementation of a the shellsort, mergesort, or quicksort. Your algorithm must use an array of integers of at least 20 different ite
Computer Science
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I need a documentation like how my subjects are related to my current job role which is software developer. Here I’m posting the respective subjects and my roles and responsibilities that I came acros
Article Writing
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Case Study 1: Transforming the Organization Congratulations! The executives are taking your information system proposal seriously. In fact, they think it has the potential to transform the way the o
Article Writing
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After studying the reading material for the week, respond to the following in a minimum of 250 words: ACCRUAL VS CASH ACCOUNTING Please watch the following videos and discuss this topic: Discuss the t
Article Writing
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A major ethical dilemma in modern business stems from the growth of environmentalism and the “green” lifestyle. Modern environmental activists point out that business -- especially big business -- is
Article Writing
This white paper (See attachment) has a title page, a table of contents on page 3, an abstract on page 4, and then the body of the white paper on pages 5-16. It does not cite any sources, but rather
Our Leadership Reflection Journal should exhibit a personal reflection of your present leadership competencies and also possible adjustments that could be made to your leadership approach. Importantly
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Topic: We all had the unfortunate experience of seeing how computers can, at times, make life's journey about more difficult. This is especially true in knowledge-centric workplaces. Describe an examp
Computer Science
ASSIGNMENT: From Chapter 3, page 89, WEB-BASED CASE. Read the following case and answer all questions. BBC DIGITAL MEDIA INITIATIVE REVISITED Once your Graded Assignment is uploaded, a program calle
Information Systems
Alssa Goodstein is a marketer at Dean Foods. She needs category data on competitive sales. She is willing to pay
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You have seen a number of examples of emerging technologies that impact the way in which public safety professionals of the future perform their jobs. Think of something that is new to the public safe
Article Writing
Information Governance 400 words for each question and reference. Q1: What are the benefits of an effective data governance program to an organization? Q2: Why are internal threats more difficult to
Information Systems
In this scenario, hackers launch cyber attacks that affect several parts of the nation’s financial infrastructure over the course of several weeks. Specifically, sensitive credit card processing facil
Article Writing
ResourcesRead/review the following resources for this activity: Textbook: Chapter 10 Link (video): Field Research/Ethnography Minimum of 1 library resource for initial postIntroductionObserving peop
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Hello, I have a Case Study for you today. This assignment must be DONE by Wednesday July 31, 2019 no later than 11pm. By the way I need this assignment to be PLAGIARISM FREE & a spell check when compl
Article Writing
You are to do a power point presentation using the following headings below. Present a typical patient with this disease process and how they would present to the office and how you would work up, di
Health & Medical
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Using the CSU Online Library, locate an article that discusses the topic of business ethics. Topic ideas might include the role of ethics in the workplace, breach of ethics, the effect of internal and
Article Writing
Performance management and career management are important aspects of HRM. Select any one of the following starter bullet point sections. Review the important themes within the sub questions of each b
Article Writing
According to (Alsaidi & Kausar (2018), "It is expected that by the 2020, around 25 billion objects will become the part of global IoT network, which will pose new challenges in securing IoT systems. I
Article Writing
Life Skills Your L/S Activity relates to chapter 19 (International Trade) You will be answering questions related to the purpose of Microeconomics and the applications of concepts for economic measure
Article Writing
1. What is one personal experience you have had with homeland security events or working with response partners within your community? If you have not had an experience, discuss one that you have he
Social Science
Effective Management Each week, you will be asked to respond to the prompt or prompts in the discussion forum. Your initial post should be 75-150 words in length, and is due on Sunday. By Tuesday, you
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The grievance procedure is typically in every collective bargaining agreement and includes policy and procedures on how to report grievances, which are frequently submitted by union members on concern
Article Writing
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Option #1: Procurement Control Describe and compare procurement control and methods of purchase and contract control.Give examples of at least two purchase and contract control methods in use on a p