For this assignment, you will find an article in a scholarly journal dealing with items from the reading of chapters 1 to 4 in the textbook (AIS, 11th Edition). Topics may include Accounting Informati
Miguel owns a bicycle-based courier service named Speed2U. The brand's focus is on fast delivery within 15 minutes from anywhere in the city or delivery is free, which is unique to his company. A cust
Business & Finance
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Find the final amount of money in an account if $7,500 is deposited at 7% interest compounded simi-annually and money is left for 5 years the final amount is $
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Please read and answer all question with references
Select one of the skills necessary for success as a manager as described in Chapter 5. Then find a recorded presentation (like a TedTalk) intended to develop an individual's leadership and management
Business & Finance
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1. My academic advisor at university sent me an email ( welcome message ). How should I reply ? email : Dear Student, Welcome to University! I understand that you will be entering the BA program
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One of the most important reasons business wants to collect lots of data is to know as much about the consumers as possible. Artificial intelligence (AI) has made that focus on customers more and more
Information Systems
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help me to solve the question
Read each Thread and reply with your own thought. Each reply must be at least 150 words. Additionally, each thread and reply must contain at least 1 reference. Thread 1 The concept I chose is the t
Ethics and Professionalism Project Assignment You are to perform research on the subject of ethics and professionalism in accounting and auditing. Write a one to two-page single-spaced paper that dis
I need a discussion from the given report in cloud computing topic References" of "Course Information" for 500 words
Computer Science
In your opinion, what is the most fundamentally urgent issue in our world, and why do you feel this way?
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Visit the distributed intrusion detection system call Dshield www.dshield.org within the Internet Storm Center. What types of attacks were most prevalent at the time of your visit to the site? Where i
Information Systems
Discussion Question: Review the evidence-based practice requirements outlined for the Magnet Recognition Program by the American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC) at https://www.nursingworld.org/orga
Health & Medical
Overview: For this journal task, you will conduct a self-reflection of your current strengths and skill gaps related to the behavioral competencies within the leadership domain. You will also suggest
HR Management
Health Article Find an article that describes your health topic or addresses a health issue of interest. Prepare a 3-5 page summary of the article. Be sure to put on your public health hat to analyze
Health & Medical
The purpose of this assignment is to identify laws and federal regulations governing employment. Consider what you have learned about employment laws and federal regulations governing employment, part
Business & Finance
What is art for protest in prebles’ art forms eleventh edition
Art & Design
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I need assistance converting this paper into a proposal as opposed to research, and how it can relate to Borderline Personality disorder.
Graph a triangle (STU) and reflect it over the y-axis to create triangle S′T′U′.Describe the transformation using words. Make sure you refer to the characteristics and the coordinates. Draw a line seg
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HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENT INSTRUCTIONS INSTRUCTIONS Discuss the provided questions/topics using the textbook(Mergers,Acquisitions,&Restructurings)and additional research. Your answers must include 2 sou
Business & Finance
Post a summary of your expectations of this course (Advanced Practice Care of Adults Across the Lifespan). Also, include a brief explanation of your strengths and challenges as they relate to nursing
Health & Medical
Please write a one-page reflective write-up , double spaced with 12 font.
Answer the questions on the page
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The topic for your research paper will require you to pick one of the specific vitamins, minerals, or orphan nutrients. You should thoroughly discuss your nutrient (characteristics, amounts, food sou
Two large multispecialty medical groups have recently asked you to conduct audits using the BCG matrix. For the first group, your analysis reveals the following distribution of services: Cash cows—65
HR Management
Two large multispecialty medical groups have recently asked you to conduct audits using the BCG matrix. For the first group, your analysis reveals the following distribution of services: Cash cows—65
HR Management
please answer this questions after reading this two articles https://read.amazon.com/?asin=B01JSIQJV8 https://emergency.cdc.gov/cerc/ppt/CERC_Introduction.pdf
Applied Sciences
i need help with social studies
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Tennessee v. Garner Tennessee v. Garner outlines the constitutional use of deadly force in felony cases. Do you agree or disagree with the Court’s decision? In 2-3 pages, please explain your position
Carbon offsetting: Shifting Responsibility or Taking Responsibility? The United Nations Principles for Responsible Management Education (PRME) tell us that through the pursuit of the United Nations Su
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John O'Sullivan coined the phrase "Manifest Destiny" in 1845 as a description of how America was made and how it will ultimately become. "John O'Sullivan's 'Annexation' declared that, 'the fulfillment
The case starts from 75th page and ends upto 102th page Case name : Data Breach At Equifax Instructions Review readings from unit 1. Thoroughly read the case. It is recommended that you read 2-3
Please if you can reword the paragraphs listed below: I found the following Course Learning Objective most interesting: Construct an outline for presenting dissertation findings and recommendations us
Continue your work with the company you selected in Week 2. (Walmart) Research your company’s financial reports for for the most current year available. Complete a 2- to 3-page Shareholder Analy
Business & Finance
You are writing a book on how to evaluate performance evaluation for a company. Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words: Think about some of the influences and measures of company perfor
Business & Finance
I need a reply to the discussion below. the reply must be at least 200 words. Do not just say “good job” or “I learned something from your post.” Replies are not a cheering exercise. Instead, your rep
I need a reply to the discussion below. the reply must be at least 200 words. Do not just say “good job” or “I learned something from your post.” Replies are not a cheering exercise. Instead, your rep
The case is: "Munchiez Food Truck: Entrepreneurship, Strategic Decision Making, and Sustainability". It is about a small business venture opened by students on the university campus. The three key q
Business & Finance
a) What are some of Crito's reasons for Socrates to leave? (b) Socrates gives reasons to stay (all of them have to do with the Laws); pick one and explain it. (c) What is Socrates most persuasive reas
Below is a classic propaganda quote. Your job is to analyze it for logical fallacies. Directions: First, state what you think the premises and conclusion are. In your opinion, what is the most egregi
5 minutes high profile PowerPoint presentation (with 5 minutes script) on the "Technical development" of Instant Herbal Tea. Need to work on the "Technical development" of Instant Herbal Tea (flavor
Waiting for answer
Please read the assignment and answer all questions with references
Topic - judiciary Q-1 Mention the main branches of the legal system
Social Science
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I need help with this ASAP
Business & Finance
Read the information in your textbook and outside research regarding ethical considerations in research. Answer the following questions using complete sentences. Be sure to cite and reference your sou
Discuss the actions taken by the Walmart to ensure that the elements of design support organistational objectives. write in APA format and put all the references
1)We have suggested that Zoroastrianism influenced Judaism. As a Jew, Jesus taught Jewish scripture. Some even say that Christianity is a sect of Judaism. Yet most Christians claim that their religion
How could “historiography” (how history is written, by whom and why) affect teachers’ interpretations or treatment of these topics? What knowledge and skills do teachers need to promote inquiry into