Conduct research on youth-focused treatment programs. Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper that discusses how this program can be used to treat delinquent youth. Include the following: · Select one of the
Radek is a genetic scientist who works for a bio-engineering firm. Dr. Livingston comes to Radek with the feather of a Dodo bird encased in amber. Dr. Livingston wants to extract the DNA from the feat
Need help in my community policing class
Chapter 9 After conviction: The problem of prison Do overview of the (entire chapter) but make sure to mention and put special emphasis on the topics below. Make sure to give examples and opinion. *D
You work for a firm that specializes in representing financial services clients, with a specialty in insurance industry compliance. Albert Boyd walks into your office one day and explains that he has
This assignment tests your understanding of Learning Objective #4 – “Define and explain bailments.” Ferris and his best friend Cameron decided to skip school and go to an afternoon baseball game at Do
This question is from Business Law What is the rationale behind the law's prohibition on a court ordering "specific performance" as a remedy for a breach of a "personal services" contract? Do you agre
Discussion Board #2 Response *Stephen Noguera * Respond with 150 words and 2 references with 1 being the textbook Cullen, F. T., & Jonson, C. L. (2017). Correctional theory: Context and consequences
Defining the Problem The first step in creating your project is to identify the problem you intend to explore. For this assignment, you will draft your problem and research question. This assignment
Assignment Expectations: Length: 12-15 slides Structure: Use a title slide to introduce yourself to your trainees and a reference slide for any citations Go to http://www.garrreynolds
Answer the following questions based on attached files 1. List the four professional requirements of a contract. Identify if the City of Rancho Palos Verdes Services Agreement and Exhibit "B" (All D
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Introduction You will submit your first mini essay fact pattern Assignment answer in this module. The mini-essay fact pattern addresses intentional torts only. You are being tested on your ability to
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Cicero's conception of natural law is 'based on the idea that 'true law is right reason in agreement with Nature.' Reason is a key element because: 1.It is a sin for humans not to apply reason. 2.The
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Review FEMA’s State and Urban Area Homeland Security Strategy: Guidance on Aligning Strategies with the National Preparedness Goal, July 22, 2005: Homeland Security Digital Library Although this docum
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According to the text, crime has been part of the human condition since people began to live in groups. Ancient documents indicate that conduct we now call murder, theft, or robbery was identified as
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Read this article published by the History Channel "Labor Movement" (Links to an externalhttps://www.history.com/topics/19th-century/labor site.) and watch the following YouTube video produced by Time
Read this article from the New York Times Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) v. https://www.nytimes.com/2015/06/02/us/supreme-court-rules-in-samantha-elauf-abercrombie-fitch-case.htmlAberc
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Policymaking occurs in organizations and governments. How policies are made, approved and enforced can vary depending on the entity and those making the decisions. It is important to understand how po
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You work for a firm that represents ABC Bank, a major U.S. banking institution. The company’s primary lines of business include banking, annuities, insurance and securities. ABC’s CEO has contacted yo
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Week 10 Discussion: Crime Mapping and Geographic Profiling Please see attachment for Crime mapping media piece(transcript is provided) Crime maps display data on offenses, including the type of crim
The Hedgehop Concept is interesting in that Collin compares the simplicity of the hedgehog to the beautiful fox (Wexler, Wycoff, & Fischer, 2007). Collin was incorrect on how Wells Fargo reported thei
According to the textbook, prison reform is often effectuated by and through the legislature. Often, these changes are meant for improvement; however, they can have an unintended consequence. Imagine
Entrapment Please respond to the following discussion prompt and submit it to the discussion forum as your initial post. Then, make at least two thoughtful responses to your fellow students’ posts. Yo
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Your third summary paper assignment is a detailed summary review of the following article found in the week 7 lesson: Ruble, N. M., & Turner, W. L. (2000). A systemic analysis of the dynamics and orga
Collins did not understand the events that led to the reasoning why and actions how Wells Fargo conveyed victories, achievements, and accomplishments. Therefore, Collins was incorrect. Wells Fargo as
Need to make some changes for an existing common law paper. All the information is already there just have to include and exclude few points.
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Please write a 250 - 500 word statement (call it a mini essay if you like) in which you summarize a few aspects of your professional life. Try to demonstrate your understanding of these questions in y
Use the terms in your book to answer the following questions. Imagine that you work in a prison as a correctional officer. Which officer personality would you display and why? Which types of power wo
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Instructions: Analyze how prevalent delinquency is among adolescents. Be sure to include data to support your position. After that be sure to identify and examine what theory best explains juvenile de
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Instructions: Each answer to the question should be between 550-600 words. A minimum of two references need to be used in the development of your answer. Also, be mindful of including references and
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Key Assignment DraftClermont, a rapidly growing southern city of approximately 100,000 residents, is predominantly a suburb to a much larger tourist area. The population can rise to as many as 120,000
Criminologists have derived a variety of theories that attempt to explain decisions to participate in juvenile delinquency. Some of these theories focus upon the societal environment in which the juve
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Read this article from The Conversation (http://theconversation.com/blurred-lines-may-be-the-biggest-music-copyright-case-of-2015-38706Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.regarding a
Write a 2 page paper analyzing the fact pattern scenario below. Please use your own state law. Your analysis should include application of the topics covered during the past 7 weeks. For example, sear
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Jihadi Salafism In a well-written paper: a. In a three-page paper discuss define jihadi Salafism and outline its history dating back to the Crusades to its modern day version. Next discuss any past
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You will post a thread of 400 words or more and demonstrate course-related knowledge. Two additional sources beyond the course material (i.e. textbook, readings, and presentations) are required for t
10-12 pages in length Approach this topic from the perspective of prevention; if terrorists complete their attack and attain their objective, they have won. If their assault is successful and innocent
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Four levels of measurement—nominal, ordinal, interval, and ratio—can be used with variables. The nominal level of measurement is used with variables that can be classified arbitrarily by numbers and w
Questions: 1. Discuss the community policing philosophy. 2. Search your local or regional news web page and locate a current event involving law enforcement officers, summarize the article or post, a
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ASSIGNMENT MUST BE 2- 3 PAGES IN LENGTH. ATTACHED ARE RESOURCES TO ASSIST WITH ASSIGNMENT. Prior to beginning work on this assignment, please review the assigned material in your Stojkovic and Lovel
Essay In at least 2-3 fully developed paragraphs,, briefly, discuss if a lower risk of bullying exists in boys-only schools, whose students are from families with a high social economic status (SES),
Analyze how specific social situations and power differentials might play a role in the development of violent criminals and consider the development of dangerous violent offenders. Then, using the ca
POWER POINT MUST BE 5 TO 7 SLIDES. ATTACHED ARE RESOURCES TO ASSIST WITH ASSIGNMENT. Prior to beginning work on this assignment, please complete the assigned readings in your textbook and read the a
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Legal and Ethical Scenarios Select two of the scenarios provided below. Analyze the facts in the scenarios and develop appropriate arguments and recommendations using case law and scholarly sources. D
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The Chief of Police has asked you to create a PowerPoint presentation based on the research findings. Your presentation consists of the current and future criminal justice technology, examples and the
Repeated mistakes after corrections will be given heavier penalties, so learn from your mistakes. In addition to chapters from the required texts, you are expected to research outside material relate
Many organizations publicly define who they are through their vision, mission, and values statements. You can do the same as individuals. This exercise is very similar to organizational vision, missio
Victor Bout, the person on whom Lord of War was based, was arrested in 2008 in Bangkok, while attempting to sell arms to US investigators posing as Colombian FARC rebels. Though initially Thailand was
This assignment provides you with an opportunity to think critically about business ethics, business relationships, leadership, and how each contributes to an organization's overall culture. Write a 5