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(e- - ty r-Mv l s-i'n ; am EXERCISE: gender, race . disabilities, and LGBT issues. Guidelines 1. Divide participants into groups of four or...

Could you help me respond to the following post using the attached case study."After reading this case I do not believe that it is wrong with Tom wanting to promote someone for the position that is able to put in the hours that are needed for the job. The job position seems to be a very important one with a lot of responsibility. I do however think that it is possible for someone who is a mother to be able to put the hours in with the help with their significant other. As for Rebecca I think she should be very honest with Tom and tell him her concerns and what she is planning on doing. I think that if Rebecca is serious about wanting this promotion she should make it very clear to Tom that she wants this position and even though she is having a child that she is able to handle the responsibilities at work and take care of her child. On the other hand if Rebecca is planning on taking time off and not working as much as she has been then i believe she needs to be honest with Tom because if the job promotion requires more hours then she is willing to work then maybe someone else may be more fit for the promotion."

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1.Basing my argument on the facts articulated in this case study, as the firm’s partner Tom is taking theright move towards promoting someone who is able to put in the hours since this is a...
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