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 For this Discussion,Consider the dilemma described below, and imagine how you might feel if you found yourself in a similar situation. Think about the ethical obligations you would have as a social

 For this Discussion,Consider the dilemma described below, and imagine how you might feel if you found yourself in a similar situation. Think about the ethical obligations you would have as a social worker or social work student. 

 You are at lunch with some of your social work colleagues at a mental health center. While you are eating lunch, one of your colleagues says, “So, none of you can beat my morning. I had a borderline in my office who was definitely off her meds. She kept jumping out of the chair and spinning around the room and she was talking really fast about having a baby and being pregnant. I did not even try to deal with her. I called the Access Team and it took them half an hour to get to my office. The whole time I am watching her spin around, and I cannot help but laugh. They took her for an evaluation, but that was the craziest woman.” 

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