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你能解决这个错误,我有吗? 黑暗的历史I sat absorbed in my own memories funk. Look back It was three years ago. The books I read tell me what racism was, when I refresh over back I fe



I sat absorbed in my own memories funk. Look back It was three years ago. The books I read tell me what racism was, when I refresh over back I felt stupid about what I did to her. Three years ago, it was a period when I still live with a foolish blockhead. How can I tell?  Because of her, my best friend today.  

A new day begins wearily, school deserted, I felt eccentric. I felt something gonna happened, but… what is it? I leave this telepathy behind, walked with my best friend, Ako, toward my first learning. Until I see a girl tensely stand in front of the door with the corners of the mouth turned up and the front teeth exposed. She blocked the way of getting into class, with two women stand nearby, one unknown, one was who I respect deeply. Something's passing in my head. I ambled tried recalled the light that's passed.

“Good Morning.” I heard a two-word greeting as Ako walked by. I quickly catch up the step.

“Good Morning, Mrs.Gilbert.” I smiled at her, while the eye attention tilted to the girl behind.

I think Mrs.Gilbert notice what I thought because next second she turned her head over to the girl and the woman, hand pointed at me as her mouth more tightly shut,  mouth either be forming the shape of a large O or a small lowercase u when she opened it. I know she's speaking in another language to introduce me and Ako because I heard the similar sound of our name.

Bring, Bring, Bring …

"Alright, everyone sits down please!"  Mrs.Gilbert shouted. She’s this class first teacher, a dog lover. Even she calls silence, I can still hear whispers and minuscule coughs penetrating the quietness.

"We have two new students this month, a new student from…” Participation by a boy stops Mrs.Gilbert’s speech.  

"Two Girl?! No, No, there must a boy!" His name was Jacob, as he said, his voice implying he was retreating and withdrawing.

"Uggh, Again?" I hissed, only the two girls beside can catch it. This wasn't the first time happened to the new student conversation, because… here is ESL for different foreign countries students to learn, in here everyone longing same country friend.

“Listen please!” Mrs.Gilbert sighed. As she carries on two new students information were exposed.

Two girls, a German girl named Leoni and the another named Sophie. I incisive notice that the girl outside was one of the new students, another one wasn't here yet.

Two weeks later another new student, Sophie, finally come.

"Oh my god! Why is Chinese, I want Japanese!" Ako mumbled as the new student come in. It's a suspense Mrs.Gilbert left to us. The information was not directly given to us because of our conversation war. I can hear everyone is heartbroken but not including me.





  • 我甚至今天恨我自己。露出黑色的历史让我担心失去朋友。这是自食其果今天我仍然相信。

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