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"Mortgage Securitization" Please respond to the following: From the e-Activity Part 1, critics have suggested that the complexity inherent in securitization can limit investors' ability to monitor risk. Evaluate the merits of this criticism, indica

"Mortgage Securitization" Please respond to the following:

  • From the e-Activity Part 1, critics have suggested that the complexity inherent in securitization can limit investors' ability to monitor risk. Evaluate the merits of this criticism, indicating your agreement or disagreement with the criticism. Provide support for your position. 
  • Mortgage-backed securities are believed to have contributed to the recent subprime mortgage crisis. Assess the fairness of this statement, providing a rationale for your reasoning and a recommendation for future use of this type of investment. 
  • Please provide one citation/reference for your initial posting that is not your textbook.  Please do not use Investopedia or Wikipedia.
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