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  Policies, Standards, Procedures, and Guidelines" Please respond to the following: 1) To operate effectively, organizations must develop effective policies, standards, procedures, and guidelines. Des

Policies, Standards, Procedures, and Guidelines" Please respond to the following:

1) To operate effectively, organizations must develop effective policies, standards, procedures, and guidelines. Describe the differences between policies, standards, procedures, and guidelines, and how they collectively govern and manage information security programs in organizations.

2) Assess how organizations incorporate external policies, standards, procedures, and guidelines into the development of their information security governance program in order to adhere to external requirements while meeting the unique demands of their organization.

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***** ********** ** ****** is supported ** * ***** ****** ** ******* ********** ****** ****** ********* ***** regulations whether governmental ** ******** ****** are typically ** the ****** side **** *********** ******* requirements *** need *** ******* ****** ****** *** ************ is ****** includedHowever policy is not just * ****** *** **** ******** *** regulatory ********** Policy ******* *** organization's ******** *** ******* *** ******** specific business *************** **** ** ********** by ********* ********** and reflect *** ************** **** ** ********** ******** practicesThis ******** the ********** ** ***** and ********* ** ******** ********* ****** **** ******* ****** *** ********* ******** and ********** ** ******* * ******** ******** ****** ** *********** ********** ****** **** cover all ******* ** *** IT organization - **** ******** acquisition *** development ** security ** disaster ******** ** *********** ********** ****** **** must be ************ ************ to the ********** *** applied ** ******** ******* *** ******** ****** ********** ** *** a ******** activity *** **** ** ingrained **** *** ******* ** the ********************* *************** ****** procedures *** ********* is * ******* **** many organizations **** ********** *** **** ***** ** *** ******** For Information Technology *** **** ** ** implement * ****** infrastructure **** ****** ** to ****** **** appropriately yet **** ******** needsFirst ****** must define *** why **** *** ***** and *** ** *** ** ********** is *** ****** important? *** ***** **** ** to ********** why ****** ** ***** ********* ******** ************ ******** ********** ******** compliance ** ***** ***** ************ eg Service Level Agreements ****** *** examples of common ******* *** policy implementationWhat *** *** ************* * ****** *** ********* **** ** ********** Policy **** the general ********** ********* ****** specific actions and **************** *** two must **** in ******* ** provide ********* **** the *********** information to impact ***** jobsWho needs ** know ******* and *** *** ******* **** ******* ***** ** ******** *** ********* will not ****** ** ******** unless ******* ** ***** **** ****** ********* and ********** **** ** specified ** applicable to ******* ********* *** clear communicationWhere do *** ********* apply? - ****** has ** be ******* to ******** ***** ** the ******** Identifying ***** ******* ************ ***** while * *********** **** ** * must *** * **** ********* ******** ****** *********** **** the standards ** applied ** business? *** ****** ****** ** *********** in ******** relevant ** *** ********* ********** via ******* ******* **** ** ********* ** build *********** ****** *** enterpriseSecondly policy **** be ******* over a ****** of time **** * clear ********* ****** ****** *** ******* ****** ** ************** ****** or ** ******* dogma without * true ***** ** *** ********* ***** of policy ****** ** ****** ** ********** ******** ** ******* strategic objectives but even more ********* in ******** * ******* ******* on controlled ******** ******** ******** ******** Recovery (DR) ** a ***** ******* ** *** * **** built ****** adds ********* value *** * ************* approach to DR many ****** of *** ******** must ** ******* *** ****** will form *** ******** ** **** alignment ***** **** **** ***** ****** ** *** ******** DR *************** ****** into * **** ********* ************* high ***** ****** with **** ********** ********* ** *** *** **** term ********* ************ *********** manual ********** testing **** **** **** or ********* ****** ******* results ** an ******* *** ineffective ****** Transforming ****** **** a ********** ***** drives ****** into ********* control ************* *** ********* and ***** the ***** for long **** growth **** ********* compliance testing *** ****************** ******* ********* training ***** **************** *** *** **** ** ** ********* ****** *** ********** ******* *** they **** understand ***** **** in *** ******* **** *** establishment ** * broader deeper ****** ********** ************ *** requirements must ** *********** ** **** ** the ****** *** ******* ***** ** employees ** ***** ***** ********* must ********** ** **** training ********* ******* ** ********* and ******** ******** certificationAutomate compliance ******* & ****************** ***** **** *** policy/compliance maturation ******* *** next enhancement ** compliance ********** ************ is ** ******** compliance ******* ************ ** ******** ****** processes ** **** *********** ********** platform **** ******** ******* *** ************ ************ of *** ************ * ********** ******* *** *********** ** *** customized *** of ******** ********* *** ********** * ** ********** that *********** ********* ********** data ********** and then ********* the ******** ****** *** enterpriseThe ultimate **** of ******* policies ** ** ********* behavior set clear ************ *** guide ****** ******* ******** ********* A ************* ****** ********** ******* ** *** process of ******* the policy in ****** ****** *** ************ ******** **** ****** ************* and ********** activitiesAlign ****** ******** *** ********** *************** *** two ***** ******* *** policy and ********** ********** * ****** *** ********** **** ******** ************** together; ****** and ********** **** ** ******** and ******* ****** ******* *** ********** These are ********* concepts to **** ** **** ****** *** *********** ******* ********** ********** ****** ** ********* and/or *********** ** much as ******** **** controls *** ****** ** implemented ** ********* ** ** ********* ******* ***** ****** ** measured ** efficiently ** possible ***** *********** tools ***** controls **** ** ****** ****** *** **** require other assessment *********** or ********** processes Facilitating *** *********** ** ***** ******** ****** **** ** ********* ** **** as ********************* myriad ** ********** ************ every ******* ***** ** ******** **** *********** ************ business ***** *** driving ******* ************ ******* ********** ************ *** ********* a ********* ***** ** *********** ********** ** IT ************** IT Governance ******* ** a ***** ********** ** ****** *** *** enterprise ** IT ****** *** its supporting ********* ******* the ******** *** ************ necessary for ****** security management and practices ****** the ************** *********** ********** ***********

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