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/* Style for body specifies a background color */ body { background-color: #FFFFFF; /* White */ } /* Style to create fluid image */ img { max-width:

/* Style for body specifies a background color */

body {

 background-color: #FFFFFF; /* White */


/* Style to create fluid image */

img {

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/* Styles for Mobile Layout */

/* Style for the container centers the page and specifies the width */

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/* Style for the header specifies top margin, background color, rounded corners, and center align content */

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/* Style for nav specifies text properties */

nav {

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 font-size: 1em;

 font-weight: bold;

 text-align: center;


/* Style specifies padding and margins for unordered list */

nav ul {

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 margin-top: 0.5em;

 margin-bottom: 0.5em;


/* Style for nav li specifies the background color, rounded corners, removes bullet style, and applies margins and padding for list items within the navigation */

nav li {

 background-color: #FF6600; /* brown pink */

 border-radius: 1em;

 list-style-type: none;

 margin: 0.3em;

 padding: 0.4em;   


/* Style changes navigation link text color to white and removes the underline */

nav li a {

 color: #FFFFFF; /* White */

 text-decoration: none;


/* Style for the main specifies a block display, text properties, margins, padding, rounded corners, and borders */

main {

 display: block;

 font-family: Georgia, "", sans-serif;

 font-size: 1em;

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 padding: 0.5em;

 border-top: solid 0.2em #FF6600;  /* brown pink */

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/* Style for the footer specifies font size, text alignment, and top margin */

footer {

 font-size: .70em;

 text-align: center;

 margin-top: 2em;


/* Style displays the mobile class */

.mobile {

 display: inline;


/* Style hides the desktop class */

.desktop {

 display: none;


/* Style for the div paragraph elements */

div p {

 padding-left: 1em;

 padding-right: 1em;


/* Style for the section element */

section {

 padding: 1%;

 text-align: center;


/* Style for the article element */

article {

 border-top: solid 0.2em #FF6600;

 padding: 2%;

 margin: 0.5%;

 text-align: left;


/* Style for the aside element */

aside {


 color: #FFFFFF; /* white */

 background-color: #FF6600;/* brown pink */

 font-size: 1.25em;

 margin: 1em;

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input, textarea{

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/* Styles for tablet viewport */

@media only screen and (min-width: 481px) {


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 width: 8em;


/* Style specifies width and float for image */

img {

 width: 25%;

 float: left;


/* Style specifies margin and padding for paragraph within the header */

header p{

 margin-bottom: 4em;

 padding-top: 1.5em; 


/* Style specifies display, float, margin, padding, and width for nav list items */

nav li {

 display: inline;

 float: left;

 margin-left: 1%;

 margin-right: 1%;

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 padding-right: 0;

 width: 23%;


/* Style specifies clear and margin for the main element */

main {

 clear: left;

 margin-top: 12em;


/* Style hides the mobile class */

.mobile {

 display: none;


/* Style displays the desktop class */

.desktop {

 display: inline;


/* Style for the section element */

section {

 background-color: #FF6600; /* brown pink */


/* Style for the article element */

article {

 background-color: #FFFFFF; /* white */

 border-top: 0;

 border-radius: 0 3em 3em 3em;

 margin-bottom: 1em;


/* Style for the aside element */

aside {


 color: #FF6600; /* brown pink */

 background-color: #FFFFFF; /* white */

 box-shadow: 1em 1em 1em #000000;  /* black */

 border-radius: 8em;


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  border-collapse: collapse;

  padding: 1em;  



  font-size: 1.5em;

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/* Styles for desktop viewport */

@media only screen and (min-width: 769px) {

/* Style specifies width for container */

#container {

 width: 80%;


/* Style specifies margin for nav */

nav {

 margin-top: -5em;


/* Style specifies margin and padding for the unordered list within the nav */

nav ul {

   margin: 0;

 padding-left: 0.50%;

 padding-right: 0.50%;


/* Style for navigation list items specifies a border radius, border, background color, margin, width, and padding */

nav li {

 background-color: #FFFFFF; /* white */

 border-radius: 0;

 margin-left: 0;

 margin-right: 0;

 padding: 0;

 width: 18%;


/* Style for navigation links specifies display and padding */

nav li a {

 color: #FF6600;  /* brown pink */

 display: inline-block;

 padding: 0.7em;

 font-size: 1.25em;


/* Style rules for pseudo-classes */

nav li a:link {

 color: #FF6600; /* brown pink */


nav li a:hover {

 color: #4C1F00;

 font-style: italic;


/* Style for main specifies border, border radius, box-shadow, and margin */

main {

  border: none;

  border-radius: 1em;

  box-shadow: 1em 1em 1em #331400; /* dark brown */

  margin-top: 1em;

  overflow: auto;


section {

 float: left;

 width: 60%;


aside {

 float: right;

 width: 25%;

 background-color: #FF6600; /* brown pink */

 color: #FFFFFF; /* white */



  width: 80%;

  margin-left: auto;

  margin-right: auto;

  margin-bottom: 1em;



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