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)Using "mixed" tactical teams (comprised of personnel from various agencies or disciplines) during critical incidents can be good or bad.

1.)Using “mixed” tactical teams (comprised of personnel from various agencies or disciplines) during critical incidents can be good or bad. In your initial response identify and discuss some of the advantages and disadvantages of utilizing mixed teams during critical incidents. Identify specific action items that can be done ahead of time to minimize the disadvantages.

2.)Prior to responding to this discussion forum you will need to review the case study for the Central City Performance Enhancement Monitoring Systems (PEMS) that begins on page 300 of the Vasu, Stewart, and Garson (1998) textbook.

Using the Central City PEMS case study as an example, identify and briefly discuss two mistakes that the project management made, which led to the system implementation being unsuccessful. Next, present two significant changes in how this project was managed that might have turned this into a successful implementation. Be sure to explain why you think these changes could have made a positive impact on the project

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