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 Write two letters of recommendation for yourself. Write your first letter from the point of view of a co-worker. Write your second letter from    the viewpoint of a professor that instructed you

Write two letters of recommendation for yourself. Write your first letter from the point of view of a co-worker. Write your second letter from 

the viewpoint of a professor that instructed you in a class. These letters should include your strengths, abilities, and experience. 

The completed assignment should be at least one page, double spaced.

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*** whom ** *** ************ ****************** Letter ** ************** *** **** ***** *** XYZ ****** *** *********** programme ** *** ******* ************ ** **** I found him **** ********** smart *** ******** ** *** ***** ******* itself ** ***** *** ****** *** **** **** ********** ******** His **** ************* ****** ****** helped him ** being * **** ** the **** ** is equally **** ** *** presentation ****** *** **** **** him *** **** awards ** *** ********* ******* * ********* I **** him *********** ****** ** has **** ********** skills; he *********** ****** easily *** ** * **** ******** ******** ** well ******* *** ********* *********** ** *** **** ** ** ***** keen to ***** *** ****** ** ****** ***** *** *** *** *** ********** ***** ***** *** solve *** ******* in a better *** A ***** ** ******* naturally ***** *** *** ** is ******* ** *** and *** *** ** **** ********* to **** **** *** ******* optimistic **** in ********* ********* *** ******** vibes **** him **** ****** *** **** members and ** a ****** * good work environment developsXYZ ** **** ***** ** our clients ** easily understands ***** ******** *** ******** * ***** ***** effective ******** ** ***** ******* ** ** ****** keen ** **** *** challenges Dealing **** ********** is **** *** hobby and he enjoys *** work * lotXYZ has **** **** ********** ********* ** ***** the ****** ** ***** *** **** can ******* even ** *** situations ** ********* his **** **** ** is ** *** *** ***** and encouraging *** ******** ** *** provided ********** ********* ** improve *** ************ ** *** team *** ** **** disciplined ** his **** *** focus ** ****** ** the **** ******* big troubles ***** ****** *** path ** ***** ** a ***** *** ***** **** use of *** ********** ** **** **** *** ***** ********* * believe that XYZ’s farewell **** the team *** the ******* **** ** * ***** **** ** * ******** company ***** find ** **** ********* to fit someone ** his placeConsidering ** ********** *********** *** working with XYZ * ******** recommend *** as a ********* for *** job opportunity ** ** looking *** I am ********* **** he **** ** * crucial ***** *** the ************ ** **** *** **** ** ******* me *** *** ***** ********* I am **** a phone **** away you *** ***** ** ** * ** ** **** xxx **************** *************** ********* AssociateIBM(To whom ** *** concern)Tom ************************ ************* ******* **** 2015Dear ****************** ****** ** ************** – **** **** very ***** to ***** **** ****** ** recommendation *** ** *** * am ******* in ********** ************* ****** ********** **** ***** **** till ******* as * professor *** school ****** serves ********* ******** **** ****** the world *** *** ******** in my ***** *** from *** very ***** day ** **** **** ****** *** ** *** ********* **** ************* ****** ** *** equally **** ** his ************ skills *** ********* ******* to the ***** in an ********* ****** ****** *** ************ round * ****** ***** him ****** ** learn new ****** *** techniques ** ** * **** ******** ** **** He always ******** to me *** *** classmates ****** a ******* ** ******** *** **** **** *** **** ***** ** *** **** He ****** *** ** uncover *** ****** ** *** ** ***** **** ** ********* *** ****** **** ** open mind and ** not **** *** prior *********** **** ********** ***** ***** *** for being ********** ** his ***** and **** ** always submitted *** assignments ** *** ***** deadline *** never ****** ***** *** ********* ** *** ******** **** ******* ************ *** dedication *** discipline ** his **** ** *** * **** **** *** ***** learner ** *** class ** **** used to help *** ******* *** classmates to make *** ******** **** to understand *** ******* *** cooperating ****** ****** *** ** ***** ******* ***** *** classI feel very proud ** being his teacher ** *** ****** *** ******** ****** honored ** ***** **** ****** ** recommendation for *** ** **** ****** ***** ** an ***** of any ************ *** ****** innovative ***** ********* ************* ****** and ******** ******* make *** a unique ********** in ******* *** qualities will definitely **** *** ************ ** achieving *** goal If *** need any ******* *********** ********* *** *** *** **** ** ** *** 44444444 ** **** ** an ***** on ** official ** ****************

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