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“Writing Documents” on Canvas for more guidance and “dos” and “don’ts” for literary analysis (“do” write in literary present tense... “do” use literary terms when appropriate... “don’t” confuse plot

 “Writing Documents” on Canvas for more guidance and “dos” and “don’ts” for literary analysis (“do” write in literary present tense... “do” use literary terms when appropriate... “don’t” confuse plot summary with analysis... “don’t” expect your examples and support to make your point for you, etc.). Also, use the required and optional books for the course to formulate a well-crafted and supported analysis. Pay careful attention to “Close Readings and Literary Analysis” as well as “Thesis,” “Essay Structure,” and “Body.”Your research requirement is a minimum of two to three scholarly/peer-reviewed sources (in addition to the primary source, the short story). These may be from your annotated bibliography or new sources, if you needed to do more research or find relevant research. You may need 3-5 sources to support your analysis adequately, but at least two of these must be academic and one must deal directly with the short story you selected to write about. You will be required to use proper MLA format and documentation for your paper and the works cited page (please refer to the MLA Handbook, 9th edition). Citing sources means that you use them in your paper to provide scholarly expertise that supports your analysis: 1. Do not use a source to say something for you. It’s your paper—let them support what you have to say.2. Do not use a source to say something you can say on your own. Use them to say what you could not.3. Do not count an article/book/chapter as one of your sources if you only need one line or idea from it—use it but let that be in addition to the minimum number of sources. Sources must be properly evaluated and appropriate to the specifics of your analytical thesis—in other words, do not choose a source simply because it deals with the selected text; instead, be sure the source supports your paper’s assertions and claims. Hint: If you cannot find enough research, search again, ask for help, and/or expand your search. Remember that in an essay to convince, you must use logic, reason, and supporting evidence to present a clear argument to your audience. Use a formal writing style with precise diction (word choice). Write an argument with a thesis for which you feel the need to argue—not one that is obvious or factual. Your thesis should be debatable! This means that someone should be able to form an anti-thesis to debate your argument and points—if everyone agrees with your thesis, or if your point is obvious, there is no need to argue. Choose the best sources for your paper—these are not usually the first ones you find. You should have sources that best support your specific argument—do not choose just any source simply because it comes up easily in a search or is listed first in your search results. Research is a search (the best sources rarely reveal themselves to you immediately)—find relevant and strong academic sources and use the research librarians’ assistance should you want one-on-one help. You may also come see me during office hours (or make an appointment). Use JSTOR, books published by university presses, and other articles, books, and chapters of books written by scholars, or experts in an academic field. Seek out peer-reviewed sources. [Any articles you find on JSTOR count as an academic source; however, you may not use a JSTOR source marked as a “Review”—instead, you would need to obtain the book that is being reviewed.] For more information about scholarly articles and a 90-second video from Cornell University: guide (video at the bottom): Review the research videos on the syllabus, too! Required length is 3-5 pages plus an MLA-formatted works cited page.-works cited page is not included in the page count-the essay itself should go to the very bottom of page 3, or the top of page 4, at the very least

Remember to narrow your focus in your thesis; you will need to create a strong, convincing argument and include an appropriate amount of primary and secondary source material to support your argument. Don’t forget that your argument (what YOU have to say/your interpretation) should be the dominant presence in the paper and you should use textual support wherever/whenever necessary to uphold your claims (use references to and quotations from the short story and your research effectively—not as filler or to make your point for you). A Few Important Reminders:  Be clear, direct, and specific.  Avoid using second person (you, your, etc.). Second person is far too informal for college-level writing, and there is no place for it in literary analysis—do not address your audience directly. No first person, either. Use third person.  Avoid unnecessary “to be” verbs. Use strong verbs and vary your word choice.  Use literary present tense and follow all writing rules, as covered in class and presented in the online documents and handouts. Please pay careful attention to the “Writing Rules” and “Basic Tips for Writing a Literary Analysis.” (Review all documents in the “Writing Documents” on Canvas before beginning this assignment—pay specific attention to the items in the “Close Reading and Literary Analysis” documents.) Follow Formal Essay Basics (essential to strong essays)—see Canvas Use MLA format and documentation (9th edition). Sources: Short story (primary source)PLUSTwo or three scholarly sources, minimum (one must deal directly with the short story, but both must directly support your argument’s specifics); 3-5 secondary sources suggested, in addition to the short story Evaluate all of your sources Integrate your quotes, paraphrases, and summaries (see handout, MLA Handbook, and the research section at the back of the textbook for more information). 

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