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1. Blog Post (1500-words maximum, APA format): As a response blog, you will have an introduction (that includes your argument), body paragraphs, conclusion and references all in APA format. You will i

1. Blog Post (1500-words maximum, APA format): As a response blog, you will have an introduction (that includes your argument), body paragraphs, conclusion and references all in APA format. You will include citations for quotes, paraphrases, and summaries that you use in the blog. The sources you use should be from the annotated bibliography assignment. Please make sure to use all of the Graff and Birkenstein (2021) text to develop your argument with the use of their templates (chapter 4), transitions (chapter 8) and code-meshing/self-translation (chapter 9)

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*** *********** ** More ********** Than ****************** Of The ******************************************** ******************* * (2018 ******* 6) ****** ** handwriting: ***** ** ****** *** **** * ******* ******* Retrieved ***** ** **** **** ********************************************* *** ****** ****** ** ****** causes such as ********* *** ****** **** **** **** utilized to replace *********** **** ****** * ******* **** *********** ** **** important *** **** **** before ********* *** *** ** *********** is ******** ** ** *** ** **** ****** from ******** *** dominant form ** communication(Barrios ***** *********** *** been ***** ** ** ************ *** recreational *** ******** usage in ******** ** ********** *** ********** ********** Handwriting ** * very ********* ***** that should *** be overlooked **** ** ***** to ********* *********** *** *** ability to ****** understand *** repeat what ****** been ****** ** ** critical to ****** and ********** ***** ******* to ***** ** **** in ** era ***** *********** *** ********** are ******** more ***************** * ****** Typing ** ************ ***** Is ****** *** **** ******* Youtube https://wwwyoutubecom/watch?v=pu0PSZ_EwII"Typing vs ************ ***** ** ****** *** Your ******** **** *** ***** ** *** ******* ********* ** ******* ****** ******** *********** ****** **** **** write **** **** **** **** (2018) When ******* types they are **** ******* *********** *** *** *********** ** ********* to Barrios ***** *** *** ******* ***** ****** notes: the ******** hypothesis which includes ******* *** interpreting the ******* ***** ******** *** *** ******** ******* ********** ***** ******** *** ***** ******* *** *********** *** ***** ****** ******* ********* ** *********** ********** curve ** *** ** *** make ** ****** ** ****** *** information after recording ** **** memory *** knowledge **** ****** substantially ******** ***** ***** typing is ******* and **** ********** ******* ******** **** writing **** ***** encourages *** ** ******** *** ******** in ***** to **** *** ********** ** better(Borkala ***** Despite the **** **** technology *** *** advantages ** ****** not ** **** ** **** ** handwriting; rather ** should ** used ** ****** with *********** ** **** the full ******** of **** ***** *** *** *** ***** ** ***** ** ****** **** be ****** the value of *********** ** **** *** *** *** ** ********* ********** usage and ************* ******* ** ******* points *** typing does not ****** *** ****** encode *** absorb *********** **** *** exposed ** *** handwriting ***** you summarize ** by ******* it down ******* ****** **** ********** *** ******** *** source ** knowledgeI ******** to Barrio's **** ** *********** ********** *** storage ********* the ******** ****** ******** ******* *** Eddingbaus' ********** ***** ** **** up ** claim that *********** ** ****** ** remembering than ************* * * * ***** ***** *** ********** ** good handwriting for ********* ✓research ****** blog CollegeMarker ********* ***** ** **** **** ************************************************************************ ** comes ** the ***** ** strong handwriting *** ******** ******* (2022) ******** **** students *** usually too *********** with ********* *** *********** ** dedicate time ** **** notes ** ******* *** ** **** ** *** benefits ** **** handwriting According ** ******* ******** ****** ****** **** time *** ****** ** improving ***** *********** ******* ** *** many ********** ** ***** ******* offers ****** ******* why handwriting ** superior **** ****** * ***** published ** the ******* "Journal ********* in *********** ********** **** **** *********** ********* ***** ** *********** ****** **** ****** *** parts ** *** ***** ******** ** *********** *** ********* *** *********** were **** ****** ******* *** ***** can ******* ****** and remember *********** that ** *** **** *********** **** *********** ***** *** ***** retain knowledge (Borkala 2022) ******* ******** that ********* excellent *********** ** ******** ******* of *** **** ********** it ******** ** makes ** ********** *** much time students **** ** **** ** projects *** ****** learning ********* *********** techniques **** help **** remember ******** *** ***** ** ** ***** *********** *** ************ ** ********* ******** ****** **** *** **** ** handwrite ***** ***** ** ***** to ***** *** ******* which ******* improved writing ******* memory *** academic achievementAlthough handwriting ***** longer than ****** ** is **** effective *** storing and ********** *********** *** ****** *** *** will save ******** more **** ** the long *** ********* to Borkala's (2022) ***** handwriting *** help ******** **** ****** projects and ********* * ***** ******* J ****** *** ********* *********** ** ********** ** ****** ********** ************** ************ ****** children’s **** ******* ******* of ************ ***** ********** *** ******* ******************************************** who ***** ** ***** ** **** at * ***** *** *** more ****** ** ******** ***** ******* *** ****** ********* ** they **** ***** ****** knowledge ********** ********** **** ******* ***** ** **** ********** ***** writing ********* According ** ***** *** ******* **** ************ ** *********** ** * ********** *** ********* reading" ******** ******** ******** ** ***** ** the ***** ********** years ****** * & ******* * 2018) ** *** ***** **** ******* ******** **** longer ** grasp *** ******* *** ***** writing **** older ******** ** * result ** ******* ** ***** children **** ***** ** replicate ***** *** ********** ******* using ************ eye-tracking ********** ** ******* visual-motor coordination ** **** time According to ***** *** ******* (2018) ******** demonstrate **** when ******** learn ** ***** ** * ***** *** **** *** connect letter recognition with **** ****** **** if they **** *** ****** ** * young *** ** **************** approach focusing on the ************ ******* *** ********* and information ********** has resulted ** *********** *********** ** *** ********** ** ******* *** reading development" ***** *** ******* ***** in **** that ********* ** al **** Kaakinen et al **** ****** **** Sereno *** ****** ***** ********* ** ***** and Lockman ******** ******** ******** ** visual stimuli *** ****** ** ********** how ******** ** **** and ***** ** *********** ***** to ********* ********* later ** **** Handwriting ****** ****** ** ********* at ** ***** *** ***** **** **** **** ******** ******* ***** ******* *** ******* ******* ** **** **** older Fears *** ******* ******** that "Handwriting allows ******** ** ***** writing ***** form sentences and ********** ******** knowledge even before they *** *************** capable ** using ********* *** ******** *** **** ************ ****** children ** begin writing ***** **** ********* *** eventually ******** ********* even ****** **** are *************** capable ** using keyboards *** writing" ********** ***** Just ****** **** to ******* the facts *** evidence ******* ** Fears' ******* ** the ***** ** *********** **** a young age to ******* one's ******* *** ******* ************* ********* later ** **** **** ** comes ** ******** to ***** it ** preferable to learn ** ***** ** **** **** than ****** which ** *** students ****** continue ** ******* handwriting ** schoolLynch * ***** September 3) *********** vs ****** ** *** ******** *********** *** **** ******** ********* ***** 24 2022 **** https://wwwthetechedvocateorg/handwriting-vs-typing-in-the-learning-environment/Lynch ****** ****** ** *** ******* ************ ** Typing ** *** ******** ************ that ****** ***** by **** ** **** as effective ** ******* ** * ******** ***** contends **** *********** **** *** ******* * ******** *** only requires * ******* **** ***** as ** erasable *** ** ******* *** * ***** ***** ** paper Lynch ********** **** to avoid writing ********** down ** **** for ****** *********** due of *** **** ** ***** To *** it ******* *** ****** **** **** in ways *** wouldn't ** a PC ********* ***** **** ******* ** ******** **** procedure *** cause * ********** ** your workplace **** *** ****** **** ********** *** *** have ** do ** **** a *** *** paper *** start writing" (p * ** ***** ***** ***** ******** **** apart **** a ******* implement *** **** paper *********** ** *** ****** ****** *** ******** *** *********** ****** ********* ***** ** ******* you ** ********* your ***** ** *** go ***** ***** helps *** ****** ********** **** ****** ******* **** *********** is ********** *** ********* ******* ** *** ** ************ criteria; ** ** also ****** *** ********* information and ********** ******** ******* *** writing ****** The writing ******* forces *********** and encoding ****** ** **** **** ********* *** ****** for ************* ****** is **** convenient than ******* ***** ***** more **** ***** **** ***** has more ************* *** requires more ********** *** ******* piece to **** me **** ** study ** *** ***** ** handwriting ** ******* ******* ****** *** **** **** *********** have a **** ******* *** ** ** ***** ********* ***** due to *** advantages ** writing reading *** ************ ** well ** *** fact **** ** ** simple ** *** *** **************************** V ***** January 6) Typing ** ************ ***** ** better for your * youtube youtube ********* ***** ** 2022 from ************************************************ * ****** Typing ** Handwriting: ***** ** Better *** **** ******* ******* ************************************************ L * * ***** March *** Importance ** good *********** *** ********* ✓research backed **** CollegeMarker ********* ***** 24 **** **** ************************************************************************* N ***** Lockman J ****** *** ********* handwriting ** ********** by ****** ********** ************** ************ during ************ form ******* Journal ** Experimental ***** Psychology 171 55–70 ***************************************** M ***** ********* 3) Handwriting vs ****** ** *** ******** *********** The **** ******** ********* ***** ** 2022 **** ****************************************************************************************

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