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1. Explain and provide examples of individualized leadership2. The Difference between Hersey Blanchard Situational Theory and Fielders Contingency Model3. Discuss leadership perceptual distortions and
1. Explain and provide examples of individualized leadership
2. The Difference between Hersey Blanchard Situational Theory and Fielders Contingency Model
3. Discuss leadership perceptual distortions and how they impact decision making
4. Why mental models are important in good leadership
5. Role of emotional intelligence in leadership
6. Describe situations where fear can be a successful motivator
7.What does love have to do with workplace leadership?
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***** ******* *** ******* ******** ** ************** ************************ ********** ****** to ** approach ******* * ****** ******** * ****** ************ **** **** *** ***** employer ** ** effort ** ******* *** ****** needs *** ******** ** ***** individual Under ************** ********** *** ********** efforts vary depending ** the ********* *** ************* ******** the *************** ************** ******* ** individualized ********** ** **** * ****** ******** their ********* *** supports them ** ***** ****** **** *** be ************ by providing ************ ********* *** offering ****** ** *** ** improve ************ *** leader ** **** ** appeal ** *** ************ ****** *** values ********* *** or *** ** ******* *** ways of thinking ***** ***** *********** example of ************** leadership ** **** * leader ****** a junior ******* coaching *** ******** **** ** ***** ******* role *** ********* *** ** *** for a ********* ****** **** **** entails *** ******** *********** the unique ***** ** the subordinate ** ***** ** *** ** *** ****** **** and ******** him ** *** ** that ***** *** ********** ******* ****** ********* *********** ****** and ******** *********** ****************** *********** theory *** Fielder’s Contingency Model are ********* ** **** **** emphasize ********* ********** styles ***** *** situational ****** *** emphasis is ** the ********** ******* to ***** ** *** ********* by ***** their ************* skills and natural ability ** lead ** *********** ***** ********* **** is ** opposed to the *********** ***** which ********* ** *** ********** ********** ********** approach *** *** ********** **** tend ** ********** the *********** theory places **** ******** ** *** ****** ********* ** *** followers to **** on *** ********* ***** ******* ***** *********** ***** *** ***** **** is ********* ** how *** ****** **** ******* followersFielder’s ***** also ***** flexibility ** ** ******** **** leaders *** ********* fixed in *** **** handle ********** *** **** *** leader *** to ** ******* in ***** ** change *** *** ** which a ********* is ******* This ** in contrast with *** situational ****** ***** ** ******** ** it ******** **** the ****** should **** ***** leadership ***** ********* ** *** ******************* ****** ******* ********** ********** *********** *** *** **** ****** ******** **************** *********** *** ******** ************** ** ********* *************** ** a ********* Leadership *** judgmental *********** *** ********** ********* during ******* of strenuous intergroup conflict ** ****** *** ********* ****** among ***** ** leadership positions(Daft 2014) ********** ********** distortions *** ** **** to ****** ** **** *** deeply rooted in ******** *********** and beliefsPerceptual *********** ***** result **** ********* ****** and *** negatively ****** * leader’s ******** ****** **** is ******* ***** ********** ** ********* and *** ** ******** **** to ***** *************** and consequently erroneous decisions One ****** example of * cognitive ********** ** the ********* ********** **** which can **** ******* ************** ** a ********* ** **** ** *** ** ********** **** their ********** ******* **** *** *** ******** ** ****** ******* ** ***** *********** rather **** **** ******** **************** perceptual distortion **** *** ********** ****** * ********** ********* is stereotyping **** ******* when * ****** adopts ***** about an ******** ***** on the aggregate ****** about *** group to ***** *** individual ascribes4 Why ****** ****** *** ********* in **** leadershipMental models *** important ** **** ******* * framework *** ************ ***** *** ***************** ***** This ******* leaders ** *********** ******** *********** *** ********* *** information **** *** ******** *********** **** ** ********* ** ******** * *************** ******* ***** ** * key *********** ** *** ********* **** ** leadersMental ****** *** also ********* in **** ********** ** **** ****** leaders ** challenge ***** *** perceptions *********** and beliefs **** ****** ********* ** a result ****** ****** enable ******* ** ***** *** change ** challenging ***** *** ****** ****** **** *** * ******** ****** ** *** ******* ** ***** decisions ** ensuring **** **** focus on *** outcomes of their ********* ****** **** ***** ************* ****** **** **** leaders to ******* critical skills that increase ***** ************* ** ******** ************* This ** ******* ** challenges ***** ******** and ***** them critical ********* Role of ********* ************ ** leadershipEmotional ************ plays * *** role ** making a ****** ***** ** ***** emotions *** *** **** *** ****** ***** ****** **** **** ** ********* in *** *********** of success ** * leader Thus having * **** degree ** ********* ************ ******* *** ** know their ********* *** ******** **** ******* *** to react ************* in ********* ********** **** as ******* **** ** stressing ******************* ************ **** plays * **** ** enabling *** ** ******** ********** *** ***** ****** ****** ********* **** ** important given **** ********** **************** ******* ****** ********* **** **** * *** ****** on *************** ************ ** also ***** ** ******* ****** ********* ** as to ******* their goals ******* **** * **** ****** of emotional ************ are **** sociable * ***** **** ******* **** ** ***** ********* effectivelyIt *** also ****** leaders ** ************ ****** ***** teams ** organizations **** is because ******* **** * **** degree ** ********* ************ *** ********** *** **** develop ***** ***** to ******* success6 ******** situations ***** **** *** ** * ********** ************ of *** ********** in ***** **** can be * successful ********* is ** ********** ********* to perform better(Beattie ***** However ** ** important **** ********* are ***** ********* in ***** ** be ** * ******** to achieve *** ******* *********** **** ** ******* ******* fear can ** * ******** motivator it *** **** ******* motivation ** ** ********* ********* **** leaders ***** ********* ***** by ********** ***** followers ** ** ** ******** **** positivelyFear *** also ** * ********** motivator in ****** ****************** ***** **** can *** ******** ** a ********* whereby * *** ** productivity *** ****** ** in *********** financial outcomes that could *** ******** **** ** ****** ** *** survival ** * **** In **** ********** **** *** ******** ********* to *** ***** **** forward ** *** ****** ****** **** ******* to *********** ******** **** ** smaller paychecks *** **** *********** For **** ** **** ** * ********** they need ** ** *********** ******** so **** ** *** be *************** **** **** have ** ** **** ********* leadership?Love *** ** a ******** ********* **** *** inspire ****** to **** ******** **** * ***** ** ***** in the path ******* fulfilling ** **************** ********** This ** ******* **** ********* **** up ** *** ********* **** *** ***** ******** **** *** be **** productive ** **** *** ** *** right frame ** **** ************ **** *** able to **** **** a ******* capacity ** ******** to **** an organization **** *** ******* ********** ***** **** ** **** ******* emotions *** ** *** ***** ** ***** ***** ******** Hence leaders ****** ****** a ******* that ********** positive ******** at *** ****************** love can also **** * ****** to **** strong referent ***** **** refers ** *** capability ** the ****** ** inspire ********* ** ****** them ******** *** ********* with *** ***** This enables *** ****** to **** trust *** ********** **** the ********* ***** ** **** ********** to * ******** culture ** ********* ************* and ****************** ***** This ****** be ******** under a dictatorial leadership *********************** * ****** ********** *** ******** Guide ** Achieving **** ***** WrightbooksDaft R ****** *** Leadership Experience ************* ******* **************** * ****** ****** Models *** leadership ************** ******** ****** different **** the past ******* of *********** ********** *** *************** 57-63Northouse * (2013) *********** ****** and ******** Thousand Oaks *** Sage ***************** * (2015 May) **** **** **** ***** ********** Excellence ********** 32(5) * **