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2000 words, excluding abstract, bibliography and references (please note an abstract must be included with your essay – max 200 words) 1) Resource management and power. Power is not simple, it is comp

2000 words, excluding abstract, bibliography and references (please note an abstract must be included with your essay – max 200 words) 1) Resource management and power. Power is not simple, it is complex and messy. This has implications for how it can be challenged and reconfigured. Focusing on a case study of a resource sector, resource corporation, and/or resource project, discuss why a relational understanding of power is important for a clearer understanding of the role of power in resource management systems and how it may enable government, corporate and/or civil society groups to intervene in resource management systems more effectively. You must consider theories of power in this essay, for example drawing on Foucault’s theories of networked power would be useful. Please refer to attached file and ″Assignment 2: Research essay″ please select ″Resource management and power″ please understand that is it a research essay information is provided in attached document for the case study please choose the murray darling basin (water management) please use several academic books and/or journal articles. please use 3 describing resource management and power i have provided one and please use minimum 4 for describing the murray darling basin situation

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********** **************************** Affiliation:Date: Murray-Darling BasinAbstract: *** Murray-Darling ***** ** ******* **** maladministration unlawful behaviour and ****** ** ***** ******* ***** the authority can ** ***** *** and **** to **** ****** ***** **** ***** ** **** ************ and abuse ** ***** ** those ** *** Murray-Darling Basin Royal ********** ** *** ***** ******* an ************* ****** unfolds ******* *** body ** ****** the river system **** the ******** ***** being how **** water *** **** ****** ****** ** *** environment the ***** ********** ***** **** the ******** *** into ************* *** social and ******** concerns ** **** ******* this ** not * scientific ************* *** rather a decision **** by ****** ********** *** authority’s ***** and an ******** ******** **** **** it ** ** ***************** ******** 2009) *** ***** ********** ********** * complete overhaul ** the **** by considering weather ****** Such ********** however has ****** anguish ****** *** ******* communities The ***** ********** ******* *** ****** **** *** negative impacts are ****** being ********** ** ** not exist ****** *** ******** *** ******** the question remains ** ****** **** ****** The ***** ********** which was ******* under * ****** ***** Australian ********** and the new *** **** *** **** to **** *** appetite *** ******* ***** ***** (Ostrom 2000) With *** ******** **** ***** ****** ** ***** ** *** ****** ** ******* the current position and ****** ***** **** *** ** *** ******************** ***** *** *** ** ****** ************ *********** interests *** ** maintains **** there ** * difference between ‘Power’ *** **************** it ** *** Power ** the ************ of ***** relations ******** ** the ****** in which **** operate ** *********** ***** ************ ** *** ******* ******* ***** constant ********* and confrontations ****** ********* strengthen or ******* **** ** ** ** *** ******* **** ***** ***** ********* find in *** another **** **** * ***** ** ****** ***** **** ** ** ***** ** an ******** ******** and *** ********** ** ***** ********* ********* to ***** Commissioner **** ****** *** Murray-Daring ***** Authority *** ****** ** ** ********* *** ********* ** ****** lawfully in *** ********** ************** ** *** seen *** **** mighty Darling come ** ruin The **** ********* **** dying ***** ** struggling **** *** ******* ** ***** ************* *** leaders *** ********** ***** in *** managing ** **** ******* ******** ** ** ******* **** cotton ***** **** ******* ****** lands ********* ** improve the river's ****** ** comes ***** ***** pump meters have **** ******** with ** *** ********* ** all pumping ****** ********* *** *** ******** ** water *** ***** *** environmental purposes ****** 2005) **** *** *********** ****** irrigation ****** around *** Darling ***** public ********* *** other inquiry *** ** ****** ** ******* on ******* ********** ******** **** ******* ** ************* *********** *** *** ********** ***** ***** ******* ** the ************* *** ****** ** official ***** ** ********** *** *** ***** *** regulations ** ***** *** ***** ************* **** **** felt **** *** **** ***** ******* include ***** ** ******* *********** hurt floodplain ******** anxiety ** *********** and ******* ***** ** ****** birds *** **** *** *** ********* the ****** of ******** *** ************ *********** ** *** **** (Olson ***** *** river ****** *** ******** **** the ***** ** *** * ******* due ** ******** irrigation No ***** ***** *** ******** ********** *** very ******* Vast amounts of ***** however ** involved *** **** ********* *** chances ** corruption *** ****** that ***** ********* ****** ** *** **** that ******* ****** **** ********* *** ******* *** floods a ************ ** water ************* in this age ** climate change **** **** to * ******** **** essay **** ********* delve ****** **** ************* ***** in **** a ********* ** ******** management the ************ ** *** *** *** understanding ***** ** ********* *** * clearer running of management systemsTopic sentence ** * **** organisation ** sector ******* a useful ***** **** **** ** ** both ********** *** ********* Disciplines that control *** train ***** ****** **** ******* implied by ***** ******* which ** **** kills other *********** **** bio-power systems *** **** *** ** ** ******** and ****** **** ** an ****** ********** ** means *** *** ****** ***** ** ***** ** ******** but ****** ***** *** whole ****** **** ** ** ************ It also ***** **** ***** ***** ** ** ********* ****** and ******* ***** bodies ** ******* the *********** *** *** ********** ****** the ********** ** *** ******* ***** ***** ****** not ** repressive *** ****** instead *** ******* *** create ** better the ********** *** other ******** ****** ************ them **** *** **** ** society ** ** *** *** ******* *** ** they allow illegally *********** ***** that ****** ***** into irrigation dams *** **** from ******* waterways ** ****** legalised ** **** **** appropriate ** say ****** the Nationals ** ****** ** ***** ** ******* to ****** * *** ** ****** of * ******* ***** **** ****** ** ******* and **** ****** ***** **** ** ** ********* as **** ** ********* to answer ****** **** how ****** ***** ***** ** ** ** ****** ********* ** ******** ** **** cotton in **** an **** ********* as Australia and **** can ** **** ** ****** **** natural ********* *** *** ****** **** ********** **** *** ****** that **** ** be ****** ********* ** re-challenge these implications **** ** *** country ****** 2005) ****** ** ** * ******** task managing water in the river ***** more **** ** ***** *** ********* ********* ** ** ******* **** *** ******** ***** have been ***** In 2004 the New ***** Wales ********** ****** *********** ***** *** off ***** data *** ** ******* *** ********** ******* ** ***** **** ********* over the **** 13 years ****** ** ******** ******* ** **** less ***** *** these big cotton ***** **** ********* ***** * ***** ************ **** *** ************** ***** ************** ** **** ****** *** ***** *** *********** ** **** ** *** ************ ********* on **** **** healthy *** ****** river ** ** well-secured into the *********** ******** ** *** ******** of power ** * repressive **** ** the traditional *** ** ********* ********* ** ******** ** ******** **** the most ********* kind ** ***** ** our ****** society ****** *** repress ** all It ******* ****** **** **** ****** and visibly *** ** is what ** calls *********** ***** **** ** think of ***** it ** **** violent **** * judge ********** an ******** ** ** angry **** commanding *** ********* ** ** as they are **** Control ** repression is ********** **** ****** ********** ******** or mental ******** ** ********* Though ** might **** ****** as seen ** *** ******* ***** **** ** ******* **** ***** is **** **** ** failure ***** is mostly in *** ************* Had *** ************** *** **** ******* or theft *** *** ******** **** there ***** be ** need *** the *** ** **** ********** ***** As **** the ******* ***** **** *** farmers *** ***** ****** **** ** *** ***** ** **** their *********** *** *** their ***** ***** *** *** ***** to *** ******* They want to continue ***** *** ***** *** *** authority **** *** power ** *** the **** ********* *** ********* **** ****** *** cotton ******* *** freedom ** **** ***** ******** to their ***** ********** ***** **** *** ********* to suffer ** *** cotton ***** which ******** ** ********* ** ***** **** ***** to ******** in litres ** ***** **** the ******* ***** *** ***** and ********** **** ** *** water ** ***** farms **** **** **** ****** both ****** *** ******* *** **** ******** ** *** administration’s ***** **** ***** ******* **** ********** *************** the ********** government have ** place systems **** regulate *** amount ** waters to ** **** ** ********* controlling ** ******** ****** the ******* **** **** protect *** agricultural ****** *** *** population and ** ** **** *** put in place ** ********* *** nation’s resources *** care for *** ****** ******* ***** laws ******* ** * ************** ************** *** *** ****** ***** ********* available and **** *** *** ******* *** its ****** These **** ***** ******* however **** received ******** ** money to harbour these ****** ******* ** ********* and **** **** carry *** ***** farming using *** *********** *** ***** resource Also *** ****** ** *** ****** *** *** *** **** ***** *** ****** more ********** As a lot ** water ** ***** **** ** ******** these lands some *********** have **** ** **** ********* as ******** **** ****** 2015) ** ** is * ****** solution ** clothing *** *** other ********** purposes it **** not *** as **** ***** as ****** **** ******* that ** ******** land degradation *** *** ** **** *** building ******** ** **** ** ******** ******** ****** ** wool ***** ** **** ******** ************ Cod **** ** vast ******* *** water dried due to *** pumping ** ***** upstream *** **** ****** *** ********* ** the water **** *** ***** of *** ******* and *********** of **** ******* *** ********** was patriotic *** *** ******* ** *** ******** **** ***** ******* ********* ** ******* ** was ******** **** **** ***** ********* ***** ***** ** ********** ***** they force *** ********* to ** what **** ** *** **** to ****** *** government *** *** ************** *********** its ***** it ***** people ** **** they have ** *** automatically ***** ****** *** ** ***** *** **** ** **** ******* ****** **** to do Had they **** ******* ***** normalising their ****** *** ******* and ***** ****** ******* ***** *** **** ** *** ***** place ***** to ********* ** ***** *** ****** ******* *** they **** been ********** ** *********** ***** non-oppressive ***** roles **** **** ***** ********* ***** **** **** ** curb ****** ** *** ****** farmers *** *** ****** *** ************* ** *** Darling River ***** Their ****** when it ***** ** ******** ***** *** ********* ** **** and **** by others *** in **** ******* *** authority *** rules *** ** ***** for *** ****** and ******* in Australia *** them ** better ********** *** **** of their ***** ** ********** or resources **** **** to ********** *** ********** ** authority and **** power ***** *** the ********** ********** as it ********** *** ****** ********** ******** 3: Understanding power and *** ************ to resource ********** **** that *** ********** ********** will **** ** embrace ***** ******** ********** ********** to ***** *** ******** ********** ** * ******* ******* ******** revision *** a *********** to learn **** ********** ******* 2000) ** ***** **** **** *********** ********** goals for the sake ** ********* ***** *** ********** For stakeholders ** is means ************* in such adaptive ********** ***** ******** ** ******** commitment ***** ****** considerable demands on **** By ***** involved in *** Murphy-Darling River case **** build ********* ***** *** only ********* ***** competencies *** **** ********* ***** ************* of **** ***** This ******* ***** ** ***** ********* ** ** strengthens their commitment ** ****** *** in ****** ******** ********** *** ********* ****** ** restore and **** *** ************* of *** ******* ******** It **** also **** *** ********* ** *********** ********** ********* *** *** ********* *** the ************** ****** and health ****** the ******** *** ********** ********* take ****** ******** 2009) **** ************ ***** ******* **** and ***** ***** bodies *** their *** ** *** ************** ***** ** ******* * ********* ******** to ****** the ***** basin ** ** **** ** **** ** ***** **** ** ***** **** ***** ** ** ********* ** **** **** *********** *** *** ************* of the ********** ********* ****** be ******* ********** and retained to provide ***** ****** and *** local communities with * ********** in which **** *********** and *** ******* ** *** ******** process **** ** will be **** ****** *** *** ************** ** **** *** ********* ****** and ********* ****** to manage these resources ****** ** ****** * ******** ** their resources *** government can ******* ********* ***** ******** and *** ** *** *** *** they *** **** ** comes ** ********* ******* ** ** identifying ******** ********* ******** * ******** **** **** ****** address *** ******* ***** and *** ***** ******** ** well ** *** ******* ** ******* *** **** to ****** **** ******* *** ****** *** *** tasks Also ******** ******** ******* *** ** ***** **** visibility to *** ******** ** ********** **** ** **** project ** ************ ********* *** ************ **** **** various ****** ** manage ********** *** get the **** *** of *** **** ********* **** and the ******* a **** *** *** this ***** contingency ***** *** ** ***** ***** ****** for * ******* **** ** **** ***** *** unexpected ******* ** *** *** * forecasting strategy ****** ** *** ** ***** ** ********* ***** *************** *** ***** ** ******** ** **** **** *** age ********** ****** ** ******** ** ****** ********* ****** and **** ******** It *** ** **** to ******** ********* ** ********** *** a more *********** ******** ** ******** management *** ******** Though *** Darling Basin ***** *** and ***** *** soil is ***** ***** are ********* ** **** *** ******* ** * ***** ** supplement *** ***** *** ***** ***** ****** * ********* ******** ** found By using their ***** *** ***** ******** ** the ************** ** show ******* *** ** ******* *** thrive during *** ******* **** a way **** ******* the society *** *** ******* to intervene ** resource management By ****** ** ***** ******* that **** ***** *** *** *** ***** ***** ** how the ****** ***** *** *** to slow down the drought and *** water from ******* Creek to hydrate *** land will *** **** ** manage *** ******** *** *** ********* ****** As *** ********** is ** ****** ** ****** **** *** *** ****** **** ************** the landscape ** *********** this ***** to ** ***** *** the ****** ******* ** all they need ** *** ****** **** *** course ** *** journey to rejuvenating the ******* River Should **** ** **** in * couple ** years *** **** ****** **** **** * flourishing rich *** ******* ********* ** **** are ** power **** ***** to *** ***** back into *** area **** ** ****** ** ***** ******** ****** ** ***** *** ******* ** ********** *** hydrology **** **** ***** ** management ***** **** **** *** what needs ** ** **** *** **** *** right ****** to do ** By triggering the areas' fertility ***** *** ********* **** come ** be Such ******* ******* *** ******* **** ** evident ** *** **** ********* ********** its abundance With moisture ******* **** ** abundant and ********** **** ** ** before ** **** ****** *** **** will **** * ******** ecosystem But *** **** ** be ******** ***** ** ***** **** ** ******** their ***** **** ******* ******* and care ** ** *** to *** in ****** ** ********** ************* or ******* ***** ********* **** ***** way ***** **** *** ****** Also ***** ****** solutions ***** **** a long-lasting ******** ** ***** and ******* ******** ** *** **** ** ******* together **** *** community and *** ******* Normalising ***** ***** *** ****** ***** ***** and ********* **** will **** off corrupt ****** *** ********** not aligned ** ***** ***** When ******* *** ********** ***** ** **** **** *** *** ** *** ********* of *** ****** **** that means **** are solving * problem *** **** to use ******* ** ******* *** ****** ******* ***** **** the ****** ******* are at fault They ********* ***** *** **** **** there ** *** government had made ** clear they **** ********* The ********* ****** *** ***** power ** ****** **** ****** do **** ** expected ** **** ** *** ***** place  Conclusion: ** ******* ****** power ** not smooth *** managing ********* can *** *********** *** managing *** ******* mismanagement has ** *** **** *********** than trying ** manage ********* Though ********** *** ** ******* *** ********** ******** **** ********* ***** **** *** ******* *** ********** to ***** ** ***** ******** issues By using their ***** *** understanding **** ***** role means ** ******** resources enables them to **** ** **** ****** plans for managing *** ********* these ********* for all ** ******* ** ** ******* *** those ** authority ** **** rules *** **** ** *** ******* *********** ***** to ** *** ** ***** for those who do not ****** to them            ReferenceBormann * ****** ****** ** * ******** **** ** implementing ******** ********** after *** ******* **** *** ***** * ************** P ****** ******** ** ****** ******* ******* ** Criminology Vol ***** * ************* M (2015) *** ***** ** ********** Action: ****** ***** *** *** ****** ** ****** *** ***** * 343 *** ********* * ****** Governing *** ******** *** ********* of ************ *** ********** ****** *** **** * ** *** ********

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