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2500 word research paper. CHRI_5311_B01: HERMENEUTICS in this paper, you should document your research using Turabian style guide. You will offer a description of the interpretative theory and practic

2500 word research paper. CHRI_5311_B01: HERMENEUTICSin this paper, you should document your research using Turabian style guide. You will offer a description of the interpretative theory and practice of Origen, Thomas, or Calvin.The paper should reflect the following items and order: 

  • A small biographical reflection (10%)
  • Your understanding of Scripture (what you think Scripture to be – inspiration, authority- 30%)
  • Your own description of how they interpret (30%)
  • A description of how they actually do interpret (30%)

You may employ your textbooks but need to employ at least 3 other resources; The New Catholic Encyclopedia ( available online through sites like Christian Classic Ethereal Library (CCEL) and others), The Blackwell Companion to Hermeneutics, The Blackwell Companion to Augustine along with numerous books and journal articles available through Moody library will serve as excellent resources.

Please note: This assignment will be submitted via SafeAssign, which will generate an originality report for you and your instructor.

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