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A 30 page research paper outlining the security risks with sexual harassments/ assaults' in the work place. This is a security management paper that emphasizes the problem and creates some solutions.

A 30 page research paper outlining the security risks with sexual harassments/ assaults' in the work place. This is a security management paper that emphasizes the problem and creates some solutions.

 A 30 page research paper outlining the security risks with sexual harassments/ assaults' in the work place. This is a security management paper that emphasizes the problem and creates some solutions. Instructions for the paper are listed below.

Creation of a Premise Statement (what you will prove or disprove), Problem Statements (a numbered listing; not questions), and Definitions of Terms used in the Premise Statement.

- Written approval of the Premise Statement, Problem Statements, and Definitions..

- Written approval from an official representing the institution or organization with which the research deals and from which Primary Research will be obtained.

- Comprehensive enough to encompass all components required of the research and a minimum of 30 pages in length.  Excluded in this count:  Cover/Title pages (Title pages are not numbered.); Table of Contents (also not a numbered page); Abstract (also not a numbered page); divider pages; or any pre-published information that would warrant being included in the research paper.  This is an absolute minimum, as described.  A paper that is not of sufficient length will not be scored.

Areas expected to be included in the Conventional Research Paper are:

- Abstract

- Situation Analysis

- Premise Statement (a statement that you will prove or disprove)

- Problem Statements (numbered list of sub elements of Premise Statement)

- Definitions of any terms that may not be commonly understood by a reader.

- Applied Research Methodology (to include participants, apparatus, and procedures being covered)

- Literature Review and Findings

- Conclusions

- Premise Assessment

- Recommendations for the institution or organization being studied

- References

- Appendices as appropriate

The Conventional Research Paper must include both Primary Research (real time such as survey/questionnaire) and Secondary Research (library, web sites, corporate documents, etc.)  Primary Research should include either 100% of the population being surveyed or at least 30 surveys, if a random sampling is done.  Secondary Research is to follow the current edition of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association.

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