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Addressing Unemployment & Inflation Paper Analyze how the government uses both fiscal and monetary policies to deal with the problem of unemployment and inflation. Youtube videos: https://youtu.be
Addressing Unemployment & Inflation Paper
Analyze how the government uses both fiscal and monetary policies to deal with the problem of unemployment and inflation.
Youtube videos:
Submission Instructions:
- Prepare an outline of your essay with this Outline Template Download Outline Template. Submit both the outline and the essay in the same document.
- The paper is to be clear and concise and you will lose points for improper grammar, punctuation, and misspelling.
- The paper is to be no shorter than 5 pages and no more than 7 pages. You will automatically lose points if these limits are not followed.
- Journal articles and books should be referenced according to APA style.
- The work should be academic, written in an academic voice, and use at least 5 scholarly sources. The textbook may be used as a scholarly source. You may cite/quote the same source multiple times. Here is a Primary Sources Template Download Primary Sources Templateto help you organize your research. You are not required to submit the primary sources template.
- This assignment will be assessed through Turnitin.