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Part I Finding Time for PLCs Now that you have determined the stage of your PLC, what is keeping it from developing to bring about full effectiveness for student achievement? Refer to the textbook

Part I Finding Time for PLCs

Now that you have determined the stage of your PLC, what is keeping it from developing to bring about full effectiveness for student achievement? 

  • Refer to the textbook on page 88 activity #3.
  • Meet with your colleagues in a group setting.
  • Brainstorm ways to find more time for collaboration and professional development that will work in your school.
  • Provide a one-two page overview of your discussion and findings following the collaborative meeting with your colleagues. Make sure to include a cover page.  In the overview, make sure to discuss the following:
  1. Description/overview detailing how often and when you and your colleagues currently collaborate with one another.
  2. Reflection upon whether the current structure is providing you and your team an adequate amount of time.
  3. If you feel that the current structure does/does not provide adequate time, explain why or why not.
  4. What barriers are present that prohibit your team from restructuring the time so that you have adequate time?
  5. Describe a proposed plan of action to resolve barriers and to increase time for PLCs.
  6. Provide a brief reflection upon the value of this collaborative activity.

Part II 

Present Stage of PLC's in your School


After studying the rubric, the Seven Stages of Professional Learning Team, use the information from Chapters 1,2,& 3 plus the article "One Step at a Time", to write a narrative explaining the present stage of PLC's in your school.

What is the evidence from your experience in the PLC and the above stated resources that supports the stage identified for the PLC.

1-2 pages, size 12 font, double spaced, (100 points)

Remember to reference using APA style 7th Edition and a Cover Page for the assignment.

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