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After reading further background material on the company and relevant case studies on related companies the case, prepare a 2000 – 2500 word

Homework: Case Study 2

After reading further background material on the company and relevant case studies on related companies the case, prepare a 2000 – 2500 word report analysing the issues in the case, and identify logistics management strategies to resolve the issues.

ALSO look at the web site

In your report you need to consider :

  • The main problems at with the current logistics network in NSW
  • How they might be resolved
  • What, if any, involvement should the NSW government have in the resolution of the problems

To support your analysis and recommendations, you need to:

  • use a minimum of 5 academic journal articles, plus the text supporting your identification of problems and proposals / recommendations to resolve the problems (better marks will be awarded for more than 5).
  • link the case elements and discussion / analysis to correctly referenced logistics concepts and models.
  • 2500 –  word response - word count applies to content only, not title page, table of contents and reference list.
  • Responses should include relevant logistics management theories – referenced and their application explained – do not just quote or paraphrase the theory
  • Short report format – title page, introduction, suitable headings & subheadings, recommendations, reference list - use Harvard (APA)  or Chicago referencing style
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******* ***** ******** ********** ********************************** Management Strategy  Table ** ******************** ***** Problems with *** ******* Logistics ******* in *** ********* ******* and ***** ************* ** the use ** High ************ Vehicles ************* ** *********** ** Supply ***** Relationships ***** ** ******** ******* ***** ** Dedicated ********* on **** ** *** **** **** ********* 6Logistics ********** Strategies to ******* *** ****** ************** ** ******* and ***** Strategy **** ** Large ******** ** NSW ********* of ********* about *** *** ********* Environment ********** of Logistics ******* ********** ********** 9Expansion ** **** and **** Network Infrastructure **** ********** Involvement ** *** ********** ** *** ******** 10Recommendations 10References ************************* ********** ********** *** *** **** ********** ** ** ************ ** operate *** ******** ************ ** *** ****** *** ******* *** ***** and ***** of *** ********* customers ** well as ********** ** *** ******* Further ** ** ********** **** logistics management ** *** part ** ****** ***** ********** **** ********* ** ********* *** *********** landscape *** assure *** key business ******* ** the company for * long **** In ***** words ******** ********** ********* ***** ** **** *** ********* ** well ** ******** *** ********* ********* ******* *** reverse **** and ******* ** ***** and ******** ******* 2003) ******** management also controls ******* *********** ******* the ***** ** origin and *** point of *********** ** *** context ** meeting customer's ************** the other **** **** paper is ********* **** * *********** ********* ********** ** NSW ********* *** ******* **** *** some ****** or problems **** the ******* logistic network ** QUBE *** *** ***** ******* companies **** ** **** ******* ******* **** ***** *** **** **** ********* *** Qube ********* ****** ** NSW ********* ** *** ***** ** background material on *** company and relevant **** ******* ** ******* ********* **** ***** ***** analyze ***** *** ****** or ******** **** *** current ********* ******* ** *** **** ***** ***** **** ******* about *** ********* management ********** ** ******* *** issues Further this ***** ***** ** **** helpful *** other scholars ** *********** ** increase *** ******* their ********* *** ************* and **** ** ****** ** this ***** This ***** would ** **** ******* for *** ***** ************* ** understand the **** ****** ** *** ********* ******* *** ***** ********* ** ****** the issues *********** *** *************** Problems **** *** ******* ********* Network ** ****** ********* network ** ********* ********* **** a ****** ***** as * ****** ****** of organizations ****** *** ********** as **** ** *********** and resources ** ***** ** **** a product ** service **** ******** ** ******** ******* *** *** ***** ***** ***** ** Australia **** is known as **** ******** ***** ** ******** ** *** ***** ********** ***** *** ******* ********** ******* ** which **** *** its ******* ********* **** *** *** ********** But the ******* ******** ******* ** *** **** of *** ********* *********** ** *** ******* of ******* problems (NSW ********** ***** These ******** ******** *** **** ** *** ******** *** services of ***** ********* *** ** interruption ** the logistics ******* ********* *** main problems **** *** current ********* ******* in *** *** ** ********* as ************* ******* *** PortsThis ** one ** *** **** ******** ** *** ***** Wales **** ******** *** **** ** the ******** and services ******* ** ****** **** ** * supply ***** management system ** is * **** **** that ******* matters to every person ** **** state ** grab the opportunity of reduction in *** **** of everyday ***** and ******** and ******** *** strength ** ****** industries *** generates ***** employment ******** ***** *** *** ******** ******* *** ports ******** of the ***** government ***** *** ************** ** *** ******** *** avoidance ** *** use ** ***** transportation vehicles ********* ******* *** *********** ** *** ***** amount ** ******* ********************** *** lack ** *********** *** efficiencies ** *** ************** ******* ** *** *** ***** ****** **** **** *** ***** *** **** creating problems in *** ********* network through increasing **** ** ******** ****** ** *** ********* ******** ***** ** the **** **** *** ********** late decisions about *** *********** ** the state’s ********* ******** *** ************** ** ***** plan **** increase *** ******** freight *** ports ******** ** *** *** ************ ***** *** ***** ** logistics ******* ** *** ********************* ** *** use ** **** ************ VehiclesMost ** the ********* **** **** ************ vehicles **** **** ** **** large ****** ** *** ***** ** *** ***** *** reason ****** ************ ** the *** ** high ************ ******** ** large ******** ** *** ********* ** ********* related to **** ************** ** roads **** ***** ***** ********* in *** (Blunden ***** ************ *** *** tapes *** **** *** **** reason in *** NSW that unnecessary ****** and downtime *** high productivity ******** in *** logistics ******** at **** ****** **** activity ** *** local ************** management ** *** *** ******* *** ******** ********** *** *** ******* ************************ in Development ** ****** ***** **************** ************ ** *********** of supply ***** ************* in * *** ********* *********** *** **** * problem ** *** **** diminish the ***** ** logistics ******* *** difficulty **** comes out *** prohibits ****** ***** ************ *********** ** *** ******* of ********* ******** ******* ****** ***** *** ****** ****** ** the ****** ***** ********* **** ********** ***** The ********* ** ******** ************ ******* ** * *** operating *********** takes **** **** ******* ** ***** proper ********* ****** ** ******* *** ***** *********** ***** *** ****** ********* ********* ** the ****** ***** ******* ** ***** *** **** **** the lack ** tactical ************* *** ************* relationships as **** as internal ************* between local authorities ** *** ****** a ***** ** ****** ****** ********* ******* ** * *** ********* *********** *** *** ********* Therefore *********** ** supply chain relationships in a *** ********* *********** for most ** the companies in *** ** * challenging **** and *** ********* ******* ***** ** ******* productsLack ** Analysis ********** ******* ********* network ** *** ****** ** considered ** ********** for **** *** ***** **** ** the ********* ******* ** *** lack of ******** ***** ********* operation ****** and performance *********** ******* **** ******* ******* ** *** **** ******* effectively and *********** in NSW (NSW ********** 2012) ******* *** lack of ******** *** finding main ****** ******** *********** **** *********** ** operational ********** and ************* ** the ********** performance *********** ** the ******* ********* ******* ** *** *** *** *********** ******** ** *** ***** ********** **** the actual improvement ** logistics network ** NSW ****** *** earning ** *** ******* ******* ********* this ** **** * ******* with ******* logistics ******* in NSW that ******* *** business operations of *** companies with ********** ***** **** ** ************** of the ************ ** Dedicated ********* ** **** ** the **** **** ************ road and **** ************** ** *** ** *** **** ***** that does *** support *** ******* logistics ******* ** *** **** ** *** ********* ** **** *** main line ********* ** *** **** and ******* in the *** **** *** ******** with other ********* corridors by the ***** ********** **** ****** *** **** and money in *** ****** of *** ***** *** ******** from ****** ** *** ***** *********** **** ** ******************** ** *** **** ********** **** *** ************** ** *** goods ** *** ********* in the *** ****** **** ** *** ***** ******* of **** ******** travelling **** ******* to *** ***** ******** ****** Therefore *** *********** ** *** ********* **** main **** *** ****** **** *** increasing cost ** *** ******** *********** and *********** when ** ***** be ******** ** *** ***** ******************* ********** ********** ** ******* *** IssuesThe ******* logistics network ** NSW *** ******* **** ******** **** **** ** be ******* ** the ********* **** ** increase the efficiency ** ****** ***** management ********* **** ********* ********** ********** ***** be required ** ******* such **** ** ******** ** ****** ** *** ** ******** *** logistics ******* ** the **** Company *** others ** *** profitable ****** These ********* ********** strategies *** ** as ****************** ** Freight *** ***** StrategyTo improve the ******* ********* ******* ** *** *** modernization of ******* *** ***** ****** ** *********** by *** ***** ********** This ********* ********** ******** would ** very ******* *** the large consignment ** *** ********* ** send ** *** me ****** **** several ***** (NSW ********** ***** *** involvement of the *** technology ** *** *********** ** ******* and port conditions ***** **** to ****** ************** costs *** ******** **** **** ****** to *** ***** place **** ** markets ** ***************** ** can ** ********** **** *** ************* ** *** freight *** ***** in NSW would *** only ******* *** ********* ******* but **** ******** the revenue of *** *** ********** ********* **** management strategy for ********* ******* in *** ****** ** implemented as **** ** possible to ****** the ******* ** ******** ******* *** ***** systemUse of Large ******** in ***** *** ***** *** **** ************ ** *** ***** ******** or **** ************ ******** ** the ********* ******* ** *** ********* because of poor infrastructure ** *** roads that cannot bear the ***** ******** pressure ***** ***** ** **** ******* ** is the responsibility ** *** *** government ** improve *** ********** ** *** roads ** ***** to *** ***** ******** to ********* ***** ****** of ***** ****** ******** **** *** ******** ** ***** ***** *** **** distance ************ without ********* *** ** *** ********* the same **** to ******** *** **** of ***** ******** use ** logistics ******* ** ******* *** issue the *********** ****** ******* (IAP) should be initiated ** *** ** **** program ******* **** ********** *********** *** ** ******** ** ******* ********** to *** transport ********* ** order ** ******* ****** to *** public **** system (Transport ********** Services ***** **** ******* *** enable ********* ** ************* ******* efficiency on major transport ****** **** ******* requirements ******** to ****** *** **** ************* ** ********* about *** New ********* ************** ************ ** development ** ****** ***** ************* ** * new ********* *********** **** many ************ *** this problem *** ** ******** ******* ****** training ** *** employees ***** *** *** *********** ********** ***** ******** ** also * **** ** logistics ******* ** **** ********* *** *********** ** the ********* about the ****** chain ************* ********* ** case of * *** ********* environment ******* it ** **** ********* that ***** *********** employee should **** ********* about the ************ ********** ********* ***** the ******* ******** ****** ******** *** ******** *** other **** *** *** ********* *********** ****** filled with ******* ***** ** risks ** ********** to **** *** right ********* ** ** part ** *** ****** ***** ****** Therefore *** ****** chain ************ ** ** *** ********* *********** ******** ** ********* to ****** *** effect ** ****** ******** in *** ********* ******* ****** *** ***** ******** or companies ******* *************** ** Logistics ******* ********** ************ ***** to resolve *** problem of finding ********* ********** issues *** measuring *********** ********* ** a logistics network ********** ********** ****** ** ********** ** *** *** government *** companies also ** diminish *** effect ** the problems ** logistics ******* In **** *** ********* network management ********** would be ********* ** ****** **** ********* in *** after ******** of the ********* **** ********** 2013) The ********* ******* management ********** can ********* *** origin of *** ******** ****** ****** ***** ************* *** ********* ******* management ********** *** **** analyze *** performance of *** ********* ******* that ** ** ********** ** *** ** *** ****** ** *** ******* ** *** ******** **** **** *** ******** as **** as security ** *** ******** **** ***** ***** ** some ****** ***** ********** *** material ******** ******* ********* *** ************ *** ********* ******* ********** department *** **** ****** ******* *** *********** personExpansion ** **** *** **** ******* InfrastructureThe ********* ** road and **** ******* ************** in *** would remove the ******** ** ******* *** ************** **** and ******** ** *** ******** effectively *** efficiently The ******** ** *** ******** *** ** ** *** ***** **** ** the ****** and ***** ***** be *********** ** **** **** ***** *** ** ****** road and **** ************** in *** **** ********** 2013) Further *** ********* ******* would **** ******** with ********** ****** ** *** products *** services in *** ****** ** new ********* ************ ** ***** ********* ** **** ** *** **** line corridor ** NSW can ******* *** ******** ********** ** the State when *** ********* ** *** ********** vehicles takes place and **** ***** ***** be collected ********* the ******** ** *** road *** **** ******* ************** ***** ******* the ******* ********* ******* ** ****** ********** *********** ** *** ********** ** *** *********** **** involvement ** *** NSW government **** ****** **** in the resolution ** *** ******** is the *********** and ************** ** the ********** *** road **** *** ports ** ******* *** ********* network ******* (NSW Government 2013) **** should be **** ********* ********** in the *** ** **** **** ******** to *** ****** *** companies ** well as *** NSW economy Further the ********* ********** strategy ****** ** ********* ** *** NSW ********** ** ******* *** logistics network in *** *********** *** ****************************** the ***** ********** ***** *** ********* ******* ******** and ******** ******* logistics ********** ********** ** can ** ****** **** there ****** ** more efforts ** *** *********** ** logistic ******* ** *** ********* to *** ********** *** policies The *** ********** should ***** over development of * ****** ***** management ****** ** ***** ********** *** profits ** the collection ** revenues In this the *** government should **** regional and local logistics network authority ** ***** every ******** ** transportation   ReferencesBlunden K (2013) *** ******* *** Ports Strategy ********* ***** ********************************************************************************************* ****** ********* for *** ********* from: ******************************************************************* (2012) *** ** provide * safe work *********** ********* ***** ********************************************************************* Government ****** ******* ** ********* of *** ******* ********* ***** http://wwwtransportnswgovau/media-releases/freight-forefront-nsw-economyNSW ********** (2012) THE NSW GOVERNMENT RESPONSE ** *** ******** ****** PLANS ********* from: ******************************************************************************************** ********** ****** ****** ****** ********* ********* ***** ******************************************************************************************************************** ********** ******** ****** **** ** **** ********* ***** ******************************** CDJ ****** ****** ********* and ************ Planning: ********** *** ********** **** Kogan Page **********

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