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After the fall of civilization in Anthem, electricity/light is re-discovered by Equality, but his discovery is not well received by the established...

After the fall of civilization in Anthem, electricity/light is re-discovered by Equality, but his discovery is not well received by the established government. Perhaps the government feared another cataclysmic event involving technology out of control, which may be the reason that those in power maintained such strict control over society. Today’s society is faced with some disturbing possibilities associated with the need for electricity. In 1970, few were concerned about global warming, depletion of existing energy sources, or the rising cost of producing electrical power. For this assignment, create a timeline of about 10 events starting in 1970 and extending to around 2030, which tracks developments in or problems with the way energy is generated and used and predicts how energy production/use could - or should - change in the next 20 years. View the rubric that will be used to grade your timeline: Timeline Rubric. 25 points.

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