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The next step in the Capstone Project process is to create an outline and description of the business proposal or business plan you will submit for your final project. It must expand on the Capstone P

The next step in the Capstone Project process is to create an outline and description of the business proposal or business plan you will submit for your final project. It must expand on the Capstone Project Proposal completed in Unit 1.


Please follow the following outline. Your Topic Statement should have the following sections, and be up to 5 pages in length, excluding title page and references. The following sections are required:

• Title page: APA format is required with a short descriptive title, your name and your concentration.

• Tentative Topic Title: One sentence. Be descriptive. It is to help the faculty to understand what your project is about.

• Target Organization: Name the organization, what it does, why it is relevant, and your relationship to the organization. If you have a sponsor from your organization helping you, then identify who that person is, their role in the business, and why you selected him or her.

• What is the Problem or Opportunity: Describe the problem you intend to solve or the opportunity you want to seize. Explain why it is important to the organization. Describe how you will go about proving the size and scope of the problem/ opportunity. Be clear how addressing this opportunity/ problem is innovative or creative either in general or for this organization.

• Case for Change (Why do it?): Why have you selected this topic? How will it help you and your target organization?

• MBA Concentration & Topic Format: Identify your concentration. Tell us why you selected your concentration. Also, state if you are planning to develop a Proposal or if you are intending to create a Business Plan. Explain why the selected format is appropriate for your topic.

• Program Content: Briefly describe the Program concepts you may use in completion of your project. This is not binding. We simply want to be sure that you have connected your project to the MBA Program learning.

BUS700 – Capstone

Unit 2 Assignment 2: Capstone Outline & Business Proposal/Plan

• Innovation Focus: How would you demonstrate innovation either in the Project selection or in implementation?

• Outcomes & Quantitative Thinking: Is the project susceptible to measurement? How might you demonstrate appropriate financial analysis and quantitative measurement?

• Defining Success: How would you go about measuring whether your project would be successful?


• Your Topic Statement should include the sections listed in the instructions.

• Be up to 5 pages in length, excluding title page and references. There is no penalty for exceeding the 5 pages guidance.

• APA is required, including 3rd person voice.

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