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All the questions this week refer to the table below:

Some of the table above has been filled in with answers already. But twenty four of the "cells" labeled "a" through "x" need to be filled in with your best "hypotheses" based on your research into the facts presented in our text book. We have read nearly the entire text book by this time, so we are ready to tackle this topic!

As an example of how to complete the table, the first feature/behavior listed is "Erect (not sprawled) stance maximizing air in lungs when running."  Modern birds HAVE an erect stance so "YES" is entered into that cell.  Crocodiles, on the other hand, DO NOT have an erect stance but instead have a sprawledstance which reduces the air in their lungs when they run.  So "NO" is entered into that cell. Regarding dinosaurs, we learned that the shapes of dinosaur femurs indicate that all dinosaurs had an erect stance rather than a sprawled one (textbook page 68). So "YES" is entered into all three dinosaur boxes because dinosaurs DID have an erect stance. Just looking at this particular aspect of bird and crocodile features and behaviors, we would say that dinosaurs are more like birds. So, on this basis, we might argue for endothermy in these dinosaurs. And, this makes sense since an erect stance likely requires fine neuro-muscular control only possible with an endothermic metabolism (as explained on textbook page 265).

The second feature/behavior ("Secondary palate which allows breathing and eating at the same time") is found in birds, crocodiles and dinosaurs. Since all of the animals we are comparing did have one, we can't really conclude anything about metabolism one way or the other based on that evidence.  Every cell has a "YES" entered in it.

So, here is what to do next.  Read each "feature/behavior" and then determine whether the type of dinosaur listed (small theropod, stegosaur, hadrosaur) indeed exhibited that feature or behavior by finding evidence presented within Chapter 12 and elsewhere in our text book. Then fill in the cells for that row of the table. If the preponderance of evidence supports the hypothesis that this kind of dinosaur had such a feature or behavior, your answer is that the probability is "YES". If most of the evidence, in your view, argues against the notion that this kind of dinosaur had such a feature or behavior, your answer is that the probability is "NO". If the evidence is so equivocal (or is not found in our text book), then your answer is that it is too UNCERTAIN ("U") to even state a probability. Only use this last option if you believe that the observations do not lean in favor of one or the other conclusion.


"The anatomy of this type of dinosaur indicates extremely active lifestyle."This statement supports what type of metabolism and why?

  • Box "a" is _______ (YES, NO or U) because this is the evidence for small theropods: __________.
  • Box "b" is _______ (YES, NO or U) because this is evidence for stegosaurs:  ____________.
  • Box "c" is _______ (YES, NO or U) because this is the evidence for hadrosaurs: ____________.

Remember that "U" stands for "Uncertain" and that you would choose this option only if there is no evidence for the probability of one or the other choice.

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