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An essay on some aspect of the consulting field that interests you. This could involve, for example, some predictions about future developments in the industry, or a new market opportunity that you’ve

An essay on some aspect of the consulting field that interests you. This could involve, for example, some predictions about future developments in the industry, or a new market opportunity that you’ve identified, or a new approach to consulting, or proposal for developing better consultants , etc. Develop and support your essay as if your paper would be published in a trade magazine on consulting. *** APA style ***** 

*** assignment order : 

- introduction

- at first explain issues 

- then pro- argument 

- count arguments 

- your own position 

- at the end is conclusion 

1-    in text citation and references in APA style 2-   13 -15 pages 

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******************** ******************** ***************** *********************** ConsultingIntroductionComputing ********** ** one ** the ****** **** *** become vital for ******** ** changing ********** *********** in ********* **** companies ** *** technology effectively for *** ****** ** ********** and ***** **************** problems These experts **** ********* ********* and *********** **** ***** ********* ** *** ********* ****** ****** Systems examiners ** *** ******** ********** *** redesign *** ****** ********** *** the latest *** ******* ******** PC software ********* ******* ******** operations for *** manufacturing business ** **** ** ********** ********* ******** ************** has ******* experts **** ***** ********* support *** **** ** ********* *** ************** with *** *** ** ******** ********** systems tools *** ********* *** **** of ********** *** ******* their data *** ****** ********* ** ****** ** ************** ******** as well ** *********** purposes ********* *** ********* ********** ** * **** ***** **** ******* to **** ******* of business ************* ********** ********** and security ************** consultants work ** ** ******** ** *** firms ** **** ** **** *** **** as a partner ** *********** ** technology ****** ***** ************* and ********* **** many reasons *** choosing to ******* *** consultant ** * ******** career The personnel ******* ***** boss ** ********* **** ** in *** course ** ******* People ** **** profession ****** ** ** ********* ** ***** ******** ** *** ********* *** **** work **** *** ** ***** ****** *** ***** * ******* one *** **** with ******* companies and *** ******** *** ****** of **** ** **** ** ** *** ***** **** ******** companies ** **** ****** ******** their ***** ** ****** as **** benefit **** *** ********* **** *********** with ** ******* their ********* fully *** consultants **** ** ** control and can choose ********* ** **** **** *** ***** ********* to **** ******* **** ********* to ***** ********** ***** relevant reason *** ******** ******************* ************** ** that it ** ******** *** ******** career paths using *** **** ********* People could ****** ** change their career profession to ****** ** ******** scientists and a computer ******** ******* *********** evolving ********* *** ********** An individual requires ****** training for *********** switching **** *** ******** specialty ** ******* ********* ****** ****** ********* ****** persons **** the **** ********* skills *** **** a *** ** ********** **** ***** be ******* ** *** future ********* being * ******** ********** can ** *** ****** ****** *** an ********** ******** in having information ***** ** ********** *************** ***** ******* ********** a consultant ****** ** ********** ** ***** *** ** his *** ******** ** *** ****** * ******** consultant *** ****** ****** *** *** **** as * *** ** **** ***** *** ******** An *********** ******** *********** **** ****** many ********* ** **** ** *** **** services *** ***** ** ********** *** ** ******** of ********** ** *** company ** ****** ** **** all **** ** ******* the same ********* *** ****** **** ********** perception ******* someone can become * teacher and **** ********* ** people ***** ******** *********** *** services *** ********** *** many ***** ****** ******* ********** **** ***** * ******** ********** ********* ******** * ****** consultant as * future career ** * right ******** **** *** **** in ********** other ****** ******* ** **** ****** ******** ********** forms * ******** of ******** lives *** **** ***** have ******* in *** ****** *** *********** should have facilities *** ****** ** **** in ******** ******** ********* ** *** ****************** in ******** *********** professionThe **** of ** *********** ********** consultant ** ******** and sometimes becomes challenging ********* ****** and ******** *** have a desire ** ****** ******** consultants ****** **** * ****** ************* of this profession Those **** ****** ** ******** ******** consultants ****** seek ***** ******** ****** ** **** **** *** **** point of view Fulfilling expectations ** customers ** a *********** ********* ** the ******** field consultation ***** * consultant *** customers ******* **** ******** ********* they ask **** ***** *** an *********** ****** ******* ** **** ********** a ********** ***** **** * correct response ** *** ********** ***** ******* ** some circumstances * ********** ****** ******* ** ****** **** **** ** disappointing ** the customers ****** *** **** * ********** of ******* ** ******* ***** customers *** ** the lack ** *********** ** *** questions ***** ** my ********** a ********** ****** ******* **** **** **** *** ********* ** come ** **** ** ******** ******** Computer *********** should **** *** *** of ********* and ********* ** ********** the need for the ******** ** ******* ** IT issue ****************** ** ******* ******** ***** ** *** ******************* ***** *** ********* and ********* ******* ** **** ****** *** ********* **** ** **** confidence in *** ********* ** the ********** ** ***** * ******* ********** ***** ********* * ******** consultant needs to **** *** ******* ** ******* ******** solutions according ** *** ********** ************ However **** ********** ********* *** **** confidence *** ********* **** ******* ****** ******** ** *** ** develop *********** ** ********* *** ********** Computer *********** might not **** everything in the ** ***** *** ************ they have ** **** ** ****** to ** knowledgeable Knowledge ** a significant ***** ** the ** consulting ********** ********* in **** profession ****** ***** *** ************ and **** ******* ******** ******** *** ******** ********* ****** ****** ********* **** *** ****** ************* but ************* is ** ********* ****** *********** ****** *** ***** ****** regularly ** indulging ** ********* ********* ********* ********* **** *** ******** consultant ** grow *** ******* ** ********* ** they familiarize **** particular ******* ******* ** computer ************* ********** **** ** ********** ***** potentials ** ************* *** ability **** **** on ******* real-world ******** Training ***** ** ********** ********** *** *********** *************** techniques Knowledge ** ** ********* *********** **** ********* *** ********** ** computer consultants ** ******** ** ********** ******************** ** another crucial challenge **** ******** ******* ******** ** ***** ********** ********** ** a ****** **** ********* according ** *** ****** **** ******** consultant ***** ** ***** ***** ****** ** this field ****** **** *********** ******** **** will ****** **** ** **** current *********** ***** ***** ** consulting field Challenging ********** might **** ********* ** the consultant *** they improve *** knowledge and *** ways **** ***** ******* providing ********* ** **** **** customer *** expect ********* response despite having the **** ******** Therefore ** *********** ****** **** * ***** **** of *********** to ***** ******** ********* ********* to the customers' ************ ***** time *********** complete challenging ********** of *** ********* ** company it gives them a ************ ** having confidence *** *** following **** However *********** *** overconfidence *** *** good morals *** a computer ********** ****** ******** *********** is always * ******* **** *** * successful ********** ********** is ******* challenge ** *** ******** ************ ***** ********** ********* ***** ********** and ** evident ** *** media sides *** ******** ****** in ********** *********** ******** *********** *** IT ***** ** implement new technology ** adapt to *** ******** ************ ******* *** consultants ***** **** *** challenge ** choosing new technologies ******** to the organizations' and ********** ***** *** ******* *** instance they ****** **** * **** ********* ** ******* *** **** that **** **** ****** *** ***** those **** **** lead ** problems *** *** company *** ********** expectations ************** ********** *** ********* ***** *** *** **** ********** towards *********** offering advice ** developing ********** ********** *** ****** *** ** *** ********** changing ******* that ****** ******************* profession Therefore *** *********** ****** **** a ******* **** in determining **** * new ********** that ** **** fit *** different companies *** ********* *** ********** **** ** ***** virtualization *** *** **** **** ****** ***** **** ******** *********** ** ********** ****** giving feedback to ********* *** *** public ** **** of ***** ******** The ** ******* ****** value **** ********** according ** the ********* goals of *** ************* companies or industriesTherefore ** *********** ****** ******** new technology for *** ****** understanding ** the ************* and ********** *** ********* *** challenges *** ***** **** ****** offering * solution ** *** ******* a ********** ****** **** *** **** *** ***** ** ********** ******* the strategic ***** ** *** ********* ** ********* *** **** ****** forms **** ** *** issue ********** the ******** ************ ***** *** user ****** ** * prominent ********* that ********** ******** ** *** ** ********** ******** ****** advising *** ********* *** ******* ******** ******* ******* *** *********** form ** integral **** ** different ***** ** *** ******** ********** In **** instances the ********** *** ******* ** *************** *** of them for ******* ***** ******** *** ******* functions ******** ********* and ******* ******* *** **** ***** previously ******* by ******** The consultants should ****** *** organizations ** ******** ****** **** ***** ********* *** ******** ***** ****** organizational **** *** various ************ in ******* ******* according ** *** famous ****** ** ******** ****** ****** ***** Wiegerink 2018) ** consultants should ****** ********* ** *** appropriate facilities ** *** **** *** efficiently ********* The ********* ****** ** well ********** ** these ******* ** ***** ****** ** *** organization **** as **** handling ***** **** ******* The *********** must **** ****** knowledge ** the ******* ********** ******** ** ********* ********* on ******** ********* **** according ** *** ************* and ********* ** **** **** **************************** consultants have ****** an essential **** ** business ******* *** ******* organizations **** ** ******* hospitals *** ******** ******* ************ ******** **** many ********* customers and organizations to save **** and ***** and increase ** *********** *** professional ********* **** *** **** ***** ***** ************* are essential ** **** ********* ******** ********* ********** *** ******** **** **** ****** and companies **** ******* ****** *** *** changing ********* of **** to **** * *********** ********* **** ***** counterparts *** ** consultant has relevant expertise *** ******* and ******* *** ******* increase ** *** ***** of ****** * ******** ********** focuses on *** **** ********* ** ******** and organizations ** ********* **** ********* ** ******* ****** ********* to *** core ************ ** *** company or ******** The ******** ********** ********** ** ******** ** ***** ****** such ** ******* teachers and ******* to improve ************* services depending on ***** ******* **** *********** technology *** a **** *********** **** in the *********** *** *********** tasks ** **** ********* depending ** *** ******* ***** of ********** ********* leveraging an ** ********** ***** ********* ** well ** ********* to focus ** *** **** career job and ******* *** ***** ** *********** computer consultant ***** *** company ** enjoy ******** ** services ***** reduce *** *********** ***** ** *** organizations For an *********** IT ****** **** ** have ******* ********* ** ******* projects similar ** the ******* ********* ********* ********* *** ************* ****** a ****** computer ********** ***** ***** ** **** *** ********* *** ******* ** ******* * **** ******** ********** ***** on their operations ****** *** ********** of the problem *** ********* ****** should take ***** Technology ** ********* * disruptive ****** *** **** to ********* or ********** *** also in *** entire ******* Something **** wrongly ** *** past **** *** **** that it ****** ******* an ********* *** ********* *** ***** ** ******* ********** ***** ***** out specific ******** on *** ******* *** industry ********* ** help in faster ****** *** ****** *********** in the futureCost-effectiveness ** *** ******* ****** that many ********* *** organizations ********** ******** consultants ** ***** ***** *** value ** ** consultants **** ** **** reduction ****** *** proposed strategies and ********* ********** ** *** ******* ********** ****** payment benefits ******* ***** *** other ******** *** ****** ********* *** ** full-time ********** ** *** companies *********** ****** specific problems ********* to *** ********** ********* **** ******* *** cost ******** ** the ********* *** ***** ** **** ********** ****** ********* security is ******* ************ that promotes the ******** ********** ***** ************* is **** ********* and ********* *** ** the ************ ** ** *********** ***** ** the **** 2017 ************* *** not **** * **** ** *** ***** *********** *** **** *** ******* businesses in the ****** ****** leading ** ********* ******* ** ** ** ******* **** was * ****** ** ******** ******** ***** ***** ****** 2017) ***** organizations ******* ******** ********** personnel ************ ** ************* ** assess facilities ******* ************* of *** ******* *** ********** ****** establish * ******** to **** *** ******* data ******** as well ** ******** **** ******** ********* The ** ******* ***** expose ********* ** ******** ******** *** ************** *** ************* ** viruses or ********* ******* ** they ****** ** their internet ******* *** ********* ******** *********** could help *** United ****** ** ***** an ********* *** ** protecting *** internet *** computer ******** **** ****************** *********** ** a ************ to ******** ************ and ********** ** organizations *** *********** ** *********** **** ********* ** *** ********** *** **** *********** tasks to help companies *** ***** ** increasing ************ and ********* *********** ********** that **** ******* ***** ***** and **** *** **** ******* ****** platforms *** *** ******* database Therefore *** *** full realization ** ***** ******** * computer ********** ** essential ** ***** **** ********* *** ****** *** ******* in *** ***** ****** Experience *** expertise are ******* ************ ******* ** the computer *********** field IT personnel ******** *********** ***** *** ********* ****** *** ********* ** the required ********* ** **** way ***** personnel **** ********** ** offering recommended solutions **** best suit *** team *** practical application ** *** ***** ******** *********** ****** that *** company **** ******** ********* ** the **** *** ********** *** *** ************ ***** ** ********** ** another ************ ** *** ***** ** *** ******** consultant profession Companies should **** *** ***** ** ********** *** has basic knowledge ** the respective field or ******* ************ *** use of computer ********** to ****** IT staff has ****** ** be ****** *** **** costly *** ******** **** ******* ******** ******* ** *** ****** in the ***** as they could *** **** cameras ******** consultancy ******** determine *** success of *** ************ *** ***** ********** *** ******** ********** increases *** ******** ** **** *** bonuses ** they ****** *** directives ** the ********** ******* Information ********** ** ** ************* ****** *** ** ******** * *********** ********* that calls *** ********* computer *********** ***** *********** ****** ******* ** ***** promises ** **** ** the ******** *** political sustainability ** ***** *** ****** States ****** various ************* ** ********* the ********** of *** ****** ** *** ************* ************ ******** ********** ********** *** ******* **************** due ** the information ********** it *********** ** *** ****** ** ********* ********* ** *** ******* *************** ******* ** *** ******** consultation ********** *** ***** of ********* attacks *** increased ** American soil *** to reliance on the *** ********** Terrorists use new ******** ****** and ********* ** ***** *** moves of *** security agents **** ** the ******* ****** ** ************* ** **** US Army US Air ***** *** other ****** *********** ** *** ******* *** ******* the ********** could hack ******** ******* in ***** **** cameras ** the roads and ****** regions ** ****** ******** activities **** ** ***** ********** *** ******** experts **** ********* ****** and ********* *** ********* **** *** ******** ******** *** ***** evil **** *** ****** ****** *** frequent ******* on ********** ********* from the ******** *********** ************ **** terrorists *** ******** *********** ** fake ********* that ***** ******* ***** of ********** **** the ******* ********* ******* *** ********** the information ********** *** ** the ***** it **** ** * ******* *** ********* and ********** such ** bombers ****** ******* and kidnappers The ****** ***** ******* ** *** ******** department in *** ******* ** ********** **** ******* ********** Besides ********** ***** kidnap ** experts ** help **** ** ********** ***** ******** ********** *** computer *********** ********** ** a delicate profession **** ** ****** ******** all over the world Identification *** *********** ** * ******** ********** could **** to * **** ******** ** *** ******** ********* ******* to ******* **** ** ***** ***** ***** ******** consultants should not lack ***** on ***** ******* ********* ** being ******* ** **** ********* ***** and customers ****** than ********* ******** *********** has increased *** levels of cyber terrorism ** the ****** ****** **** of *** ******** *********** **** *** *** ** ********* ***** ***** some aspects ** **** ****** *** ******* before resigning for the same position ****** with a ********* ********* *** * ******** *********** ******** ** ***** **** ** **** **** **** could ** ** adverse ******* Cyber threats *** big ***** that ****** ***** ***** *** ****** ****** as a ******* ************* cause or electrical ***** ******* of ******** ********** *** lead ** ******* of ******* ** ******** ******** ** ********** ********* this ***** ** *** ***** of ******** information ** ********* data such as ******* records ** federal ****** **** ********* *** ***** ******* ********** with ******** consultancy skills *** ******** ** ******* **** phones *** ********* ****** their ***** **** ********* ***** ******* ****** *** *********** of **** ********** ** ******* ********** *** *** ** interfering ********* ******* ** *** ********* could mislead ****** ****** *** ***** ****** to sensitive patients **** ****** **** **** lives *** to *** ***** medication ******* of **************** ***** threat ** ********** rapidly ** *** United ****** *** *** government ** **** towards ********** ** For ******** ** ******* of 96 of federal ******** are ** **** ** cybersecurity and therefore **** **** immediate ******** improvements ***** ****** ****** ***** Leon ***** *** country *** *********** ******** ********* data ******** over *** **** few years New ***** ** ************* threats ** *** United States *** ***** ********** ** intent ***** includes ********** ******* ********** and ******************** *** ******** *********** profession *** *** ** *** disruption of ***** values ** ******* **** personnel or ******** experts **** ***** **** advantage ** molest *** ****** *** ****** generation ** ******** for ***** services Rape ***** **** become ******* ** *** *********** **** ****** *** ******** ** *** ******* ********* *** ******** consultant *** ****** *********** ****** with ******** transmitted ******** putting *** ****** *** employees ** the ********* and ******* ** **** ** ******** ****** use ******** ********* ** share ************ ********* **** ** videos ****** *** ****** that endanger *** ******* ********** in society *** ***** age *** ****** *** watch these ***** **** lead ** ***** ****** ********* habits causing ***** pregnancy ****** *********** ********* liked ******** ***** ***** ** ********* age ** * ***** play games on ********* ***** I ***** ******** games *** *** are *** **** ***** ***** **** ** ****** ** ***** ** home or in ****** *** ******** in ******** stuff allowed ** ** ***** ***** *** computer ********** ********** ** ***** one of *** ******** **** in *** ************ ** my ******* the ******** consultant ***** ** ****** in ******* technology as ****** ****** **** ******* ******** ******** *********** ********** has ****** to become *** ** *** ******** ******* in *** ********* system of *** United ****** All ********* ******** *********** *** *********** **** ****** ** *********** ********** ** acquire ******** ****** *** ********* *** ****** ************ ******** ********** ********** ** *** **** ******* ****** ******** **** **** *** **** **** ** ******* ** *** experience ****** ********** *** a ******** * ******** ********** ** ** ********* ****** ** people **** provide ******** ******** ** ****** ********* and ************* ** *** ********* strategies **** ****** ***** for ******** *********** and efficient ******** Therefore I ****** this ********** ** ** ******** career The ****** ** ***** ************* ***** ** ******** ** * ** *** need ** **** *** employment in the ********* Besides * ***** work **** ** home ** any office available as **** ** ****** *** access ** ** ** ********* ******** *********** ** * ******** profession **** ****** ***** ********** in according ** desired ***** *** ******* I **** *** *** ** ******* ****** to understand ******** ****** to improve *********** in *** *************************** consultancy ** * ***** **** *** ****** *** ** *** *********** ******* ** **** ***** ************* *********** considers this field ** ********* ** ******* ***** *********** such ** ******** ******* *** ******** *********** ** *** computer ****** have * **** ********* ** *** ********* computer professions **** ** ******** ******** *********** *** consultation ** satisfy the ***** and ******* ** the consumers *** ************* ******* ** *** ******** **** have ********** *** ******** ********* ** ******** ***** ********* *** ***** services Computer *********** should ***** various ****** new ********** and challenges to ***** **************** services ** employees ** **** as relevant ******* in **** ** ***** ******** *********** ********** ** ********* ******* ** various ******* ** life **** ** ************* management of ***** *** security role *** field aligns ********* functions in ******** *********** and firms as **** as ***** ** ************* performanceHowever this ********** *** ************* and **************** ** the real ***** ******** consultants **** in ****** *********** ** **** ** companies ***** on ******* **** *** ********** and ********** **** *** ********* ********* to new ********** *** *** ********** of ******* As * ******** consultant **** profession ** flexible as *** ***** ****** ** ******* ****** ******* ********** ******** ********* **** as ******** *********** * ********** ** ** *** ** advantage ** ******* ** other ******* ** *** **** ******* ***** employees *** *********** up with companies *** firms ** ******** ** other ******* ***** on partnerships *********** **** **** many companies ********* ** ***** ******* ** ******* the ******* ******** in *** companies ******* **** **** **** *** ***** ** determine *** timeframe ** work with ********* ********* ******* *** IT ********** *** ******* counterarguments ** its **** ** ********* Computer *********** ******** *** ** a ******* *** **** ********* *** terrorists ** the ****** States Many ******** *********** *** **** ********* ** help ********** leading **** ******* in *** ******* *** ** ********** *** ********* *** ***** ** ***** ****** crime ** the ****** ****** due to terrorists ****** good computer ********* and ***************************** D *************** * ***** Giddens L ****** *** *********** *** *********** of women ** *** *********** ********** profession: An extension ** ******* ******** ****** ** ** ****** ****** *********** ******* ******* 28(6) ********* **** *************************************** M (2016) ** ********* ********** ***** ******** ******* Of ********* ********* 16(1) ***** ********************************************** * ****** * ***** Wiegerink * (2018) ********** ** Hospitality ********* (p 232) Springer ****** *********** ****** * & ****** * (2017) The ********** ** ******** and ********** ** **** **** Wiley & ******** * ****** * ****** * & **** * (2019) Exploring *** ******* *********** of ***** *********** *** ********* *** the ********** ***** completing ********** ******** projects The International ******* ** ********** ********* 17(2) ******* ************************************

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