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Analyse and evaluate the business and financial performance of an organisation which has performed exceptionally well over a three-year period with a critical analysis of the reasons for its success.

Analyse and evaluate the business and financial performance of an organisation which has performed exceptionally well over a three-year period with a critical analysis of the reasons for its success.

The exceptional performance needs to have become evident within the last 3 years. Your analysis may find that Covid19 contributed to already strong performance. An analysis that relies solely on the impact of Covid19 will not have sufficient depth to secure a pass.

Publicly available information must be used

You must justify the choice of organisation and justify why you consider the performance exceptionally strong. Successful research reports will demonstrate a clear understanding of the industry sector and its competitive pressures.

A comparison to another organisation, or to the industry sector averages, is required.

7500 words and a specific structure to follow as follows

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