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Assignment 2.2: Answer the following questions for your project: You must relate this to a real work project. (e-mail me if you need to run your project by me. Planning a party, trip or personal pro
Assignment 2.2: Answer the following questions for your project: You must relate this to a real work project. (e-mail me if you need to run your project by me. Planning a party, trip or personal project is not acceptable) 1. A brief description of the project and its stakeholders. (1 pt.) 2. Requirements methods: How you plan to elicit requirements from the customer and other stakeholders. (2 pts.) 3. Prioritization method: The method you will use to prioritize requirements. (Showing use of a tool will garner more point value) (2 pts.) 4. Customer involvement: How you plan to maintain customer involvement throughout the project. (1 pt.) 5. Quality Planning tools: Name the quality planning tools that will be useful on this project. (2 pts.) 6. Obstacles: What obstacles to quality do you anticipate for this project? Give ideas on how you will address these obstacles. (2 pts.)
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****** ****** *********** ******* will entail ************ ** ****** **** **** ******** *** *** ** energy with ** ***** *** compared ** *** other ***** of ****** ****** ****** ******** **** ** used ** ****** ******* air ******* ******** ********* thermal ************ ***** ******** **** reduce ***** and ******* ******* through reduction ** ******* ***** ** *** owners ** *** ********* The ************ *** will *********** ** **** project ******** ********* **** ****** raters whom ***** **** ***** ** ** ******* ******* *********** ************ ** ********** **** ****** performances ************* companies local *** ******** ************ ***** government ******** ******* ******** and the **************** requirementsWhat *** ************ **** ** this ******* is ** **** to ****** ******** ** energy ** *** ********** householdsPrioritization ******* I **** *** the follow owing ******* to ********** ************ Ensure **** *** ******* schedule is visible ** everyone **** **** ** ******* ******** **** every *********** ** **** ******** *** *** schedule ** **** * *** ** **** to set *** **** ** case *** problem ****** *********** ** ensure that management ******** and ************ **** ********* ********* **** the ******** ** *** *************** * projects ******* **** **** help ** prioritize ******** * ******* ******* **** **** *** capture *** *** ******* *** ***** ********** **** ****** *** prioritized *** ******* to *** rest of *** **** membersGiving a ****** ******* date **** ******** ******** that *** ******* ******** has been *** ***** **** ** ******** ** be finished ** a given **** *** all **** ****** ***** **** to ** ********* ***** ****** resuming with the rest of *** ************ *********** ******* *** ********* ******** ** * project is *** ** *** best **** of ************ ********** *** ******* in **** project *** customers **** ** involved ** *** ********* ******** *** ********* assigned ** various tasks ********* various tasks ** *** ********* ** *** *** to make **** **** **** *** *********** *** ******* ***** ** *** ******** ** *** ******* Giving ***** to *** customers *** **** them * ****** to ********** on *** ******** ****** ** *** to **** *** ******* **** * ******** ****** to *** *************** *** ***** *** ** get ********* ******** in the ******** I ******* ******* **** in *** decision ****** *** **** **** would **** an impact ** *** ********* will ** important to ***** with the ********** **** **** provide * ******** ** **** ****** ** accept or ****** *** decisionPlanning ***************** analysisThis ** * tool whereby the ********* ********** *** ******* ** ******** This ******* all *** direct *** ******** ***** ********** *** ******* *** ******** **** * ****** unit of ******** *********** ** applied to **** **** to ******* *** costs with *** benefits ** the ******** *** **** than the **** **** *** ******* can ******** *** if *** **** ** *** **** **** the ******** **** *** project ** ********** **** ********* **************** to ** encountered in *** ********** ********* *** *** ********* that * **** undergo ** **** project ******* ** unidentified ***** **** ** whereby **** ***** **** not ** identified ** **** ***** ****** ******* **** of *** goals ***** **** **** * good value ** the ******* *** **** way to ****** this ** ** ****** that *** *** ***** are ******* ***** and ****** ********** ********* ** ** the same pageThe ****** obstacle **** will ********* in **** project ** **** ** accountability **** ** whereby **** ************ ****** ****** to take *** blame ** **** ********* **** ***** and instead will be pointing ******* ** other ****** The **** *** ** ****** this ** ******** **** **** member to **** *** ** *** *** **************** in ensuring ********** ********** * *** *********