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Assignment 3 (Optional) Total Marks: 90 Problem Solving Questions Read each part of the questions very carefully. Show all the steps of your calculations to get full marks. B1.
Assignment 3 (Optional) Total Marks: 90 Problem Solving Questions Read each part of the questions very carefully. Show all the steps of your calculations to get full marks. B1. [15 Marks] Suppose market demand is Q P − =130 . (a) If two firms compete in this market with constant marginal and average costs, , 10=c find the Cournot equilibrium output and profit per firm. (b) Find the monopoly output and profit if there is only one firm with marginal cost 10=c . (c) Using the information from parts (a) and (b), construct a 2 2× payoff matrix where the strategies available to each of two players are to produce the Cournot equilibrium quantity or half the monopoly quantity. (d) What is the Nash equilibrium (or equilibria) of the game you constructed in part (c)? Is there any mixed strategy Nash equilibrium in this game? If yes, what is the mixed strategy Nash equilibrium (or equilibria)?
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******* Solving ********* **** **** **** of *** ********* very ********* **** all *** ***** ** your ************ ** *** **** ***** ** *** ************* ****** demand is * * *** **** (a) ** two ***** ******* ** **** market **** constant ******** *** average ***** **** find the Cournot *********** ****** and ****** *** *********** **** * ***** **** ***** ****** choice * * as ***** **** **** ***** problem ** ** ******** its ****** by choosing *** ****** ***** * q ** **** * ******** 1 * ***** *** **** * produces * * ***** **** ***** ******** supplied ** * * qq * ****** 21 qqQ +≡ *** market ***** will be *** 2 * *** *********** 1’s profit ************ ******** *** * ) * * * * * 121211 ** *** * ***** *** +−= π * qFirst ***** *********** * ) * * ****** 121 1 * = −−++−= *** *** qqq * ** **** 1202 02120 2 * ** 21 * * ** ** *** **** ******* =−−⇒ Page * of ** ******* **** ***** best ******** ** * * ** **** 1’s reaction function *** * ) * *** * ** q *** *** ** ******** *** ******* maximization ******* faced by *** two ***** *** ********* ** this **** **** 2’s **** ******** ** 1 * ** **** 2’s ******** ******** **** **** the **** ********** **** ** **** ( ** *** 112qqRq− ** (2)The ******** ** *** ******* also ******* **** ** the ************ *********** both ***** **** produce *** **** level of output: * * 2 * 1 * qq * * *************** * 21 * ** = = **** ****** *** ** *** and solving *** * * ** **** 2 *** ** qq− * 4012031202****=⇒ **** ******* * q qqSo *** Cournot-Nash *********** output *** * ) * * **** * * * 1 * ****** ***** ****** ** the equilibrium: * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 2 * ** ** *** * ***** *** +−= π * ** * * ***** ******* ************** **** −+−=Because ** *** symmetry of *** ******* **** ***** ****** ** **** as **** ***** ****** ** *** ************ * * * ) **** * 2 * 11 * * * 12 * * * *** ππ ****** * ** 16 ******** **** the monopoly ****** *** ****** ** ***** ** only *** **** **** ******** cost ** =c The ************** ******* is to ******** profit ** ******** its ****** level * *** ******************* ******* of *** ************** ( * * * * QQQm 10 *** *** **** *** ***** order *********** * * ****** = *********** *** *** ** Q * π 60 **** ***** **** =⇒ ******* * * QSo *** ***************** *********** output ** *** ********** *** 60* =mQThe profit-maximizing equilibrium price of *** ********** *** 7060130130 ** = ******** mm ** *********** ****** ** the monopolist *** ************** *** * ******** *** QcP ** *** ***** *** information **** parts *** *** (b) ********* * * *** payoff ****** ***** *** ********** available ** **** ** *** ******* *** ** ******* *** ******* *********** quantity ** half *** monopoly ************ **** firms ****** the ******* *********** ******** **** ***** *** ******* equilibrium ****** ***** ** ********** in **** *** ********* ********* **** the monopoly ****** ******* **** **** **** *** ******** ******* ( * 18003600 2 * * * * ** * === * ππ ** **** for ******** **** * produces *** Cournot output ** * ** while firm * produces **** the monopoly ****** * * ** 60 * 1 2 * * 2 = ** *** *** ****** ***** ***** ** * ) 603040130 ******* Firm 1 earns * ) **** ********** = ******** *** ** and **** * earns ( * **** )3010(6022 = ******** *** ** **** *** ***** are ******** ** *** ************* 4 of 16 ******** ****** ** ****** ** a game ***** each ** *** *** ***** *** ****** between *** **** the ******** ******** (3) ** the Cournot *********** ******** **** is ** ******** ***** 30 * ** ** * ** **** * ** 1 ** **** **** **** **** 40 * =q **** **** **** ******* **** is the Nash *********** (or *********** ** the **** *** constructed ** **** **** Is ***** *** ***** strategy **** *********** ** this game? ** *** **** is *** ***** strategy **** *********** *** *************** **** ** **** *** ** * typical ************ ******* **** ***** producing the ******* equilibrium ****** ** choosing 40 =q is *** dominant strategy *** **** **** ** **** * ******* ** 1 ** *** best ******** for Firm * ** to ****** ** * =q ******* 18002000 **** If **** 1 chooses ** 2 ** *** best ******** *** **** 2 is to choose 402 ** because 1500 **** **** **** 40 2 ** ** the ******** ******** *** **** 2 ***** the **** ** ********* ** *** argue **** ** 1 ** ** **** *** dominant ******** for **** * This **** *** a ****** **** *********** ***** each **** ***** its ******** ******** **** ** ( * 4040 ** * * ** is *** unique **** *********** of **** **** **** **** **** ** * pure ******** **** ************* this **** there ** ** ***** ******** **** *********** ******* **** **** has * ******** ******** which ** ** produce *** ******* *********** ****** ***** **** firm * ** ******** 40 * =q **** * *** ******* probability *** **** ******** of **** 2 ** ** ****** ** * ** with * 100 ******* probability rather than to ****** * ********** strategy over ** 2 ** *** ** * =q **** versa Page * ** ** ******* *** ************** * ********** ********** **** ******* two ******* **** *** David They **** ** ** divide ******* **** **** ***** ** spend ** most **** **** *********** **** *** ******** *** ***** *** Alan **** **** an ***** ***** either accepts ** ***** **** with * counteroffer the next *** *** ** *** ****** day ***** **** ** **** *** ***** ***** ** **** cannot ***** an agreement in **** **** **** players get ****** ****** **** *** David ****** ** ***** degree ** *********** ******** ******** ****** ** ** *** *** *** David’s ******** ****** is ** per day We **** assume **** ** * player is *********** ******* *** ****** ** **** ****** *** *** **** ** most ********* ** his opponent *** Draw *** ********* **** of **** ********** gameSee Figure ******** **** the ******* ******* *********** ** this bargaining ******* ****** ******** ******* ******* equilibrium ** this ********** **** ***** ****** * **** ****** ( * [ * **** ** ***** −−−=X ** ******* and ( ** * βα ** **** 1 − ******* * to David ***** ******* the ***** In ****** * ***** ****** ( * **** *** −=X to Alan and * * **** 5555 * − ******* X ** himself **** ******* *** ******* period * Alan ******** *** ***** ** himself ***** ** * **** * ** ***** ************ *** ******* ****** * ***** ****** * =X ** Alan and * * * * − * to ******* Alan ******* *** offer[Note: See Chapter ** ******* ****** on ********* bargaining ******* # *** ** **** ** understand how ** derive *** ******* ******* *********** ****** ** ******** ************* **** ** the ***** ******* of **** ********* *** ***** ***** ** ********* at *** *** ** *** ***** *** ** ****** * **** ****** * )[ * **** ** ***** *********** to ******* *** * * * * βα ** **** * *** −=− * ** ***** ***** ******* *** ***** ** *** **** **** ***** the first *** ** **************** 6 ** ** ******** If ***** becomes **** ********* **** **** ****** to the equilibrium payoff to Alan?If ***** ******* **** impatient ** **** ******** *** ****** ****** ** a ****** **** In ***** ***** *** ***** ** ********* ******** ****** β ********* ** he ******* **** ********* **** **** ( * * * **** ** **** ********* ** * ***** ******* ** this **** at the *** ** ***** *** *** ***** ** *** ****** ********* **** * ******** ** ** all other ****** ********* ******** B3 [15 ********* ***** *** ********* ** ** ************* ******** **** * the ****** of *** two firms ** ************* *** ******** strategy ***** could ** ****** **************** ** “passive” *** aggressive ******** involves a large increase ** ******** ***** ** increasing *** ******** ****** share while the passive ******** ******** ** change ** *** ******** capacity **** * *** smaller competitor ** also ********* its ******** ********* strategy; ** will **** ****** ******* ** ********** ******** and * ******* ******** *** table below shows *** ******* associated with **** **** ** choices ***** ********** ******* **** 1 ********** ** * 33 10 ******* 30 ** ** 12(a) ** **** ***** ****** ***** ********** ************** **** is *** **** *********** *** equilibria)? ** there any ***** ******** **** equilibrium ** this game? ** *** **** is the mixed ******** Nash equilibrium (or ************** **** * ******* “aggressive” *** best response *** **** * ** to ****** “passive” Because ** 30 **** If **** * ******* “passive” *** **** ******** *** **** * ** to ****** ************* ******* ** ** **** This ******* that “passive” ** * ******** ******** for **** * ******* there ** ** ******** strategy *** **** 2 ** **** ******** * **** ****** *** dominant strategy ************* Firm * ******* * **** 1 *** * dominant strategy **** **** its best ******** **************** **** ** the **** **** equilibrium in *** ***************** ********* ** no ***** ******** **** equilibrium ******* *** of *** ******* **** * *** * ******** ******** in **** **** ***** that **** * ** ******** ************* **** * *** ******* *********** *** **** response ** **** * ** ** choose “aggressive” with a 100 ******* probability ****** than ** choose * ********** ******** **** ************* *** “aggressive” **** ********* 7 ** ** ******** assume **** **** * can ****** ***** and *** ******** commit ** *** ******** ********* ******** (b) **** the ********* **** ** **** sequential **** **** ** the ******* ******* ************ What is the ***** ******* of **** game?See Figure ***** *** *** ********* **** ************** ** this ****** shown in ****** ***** ** **** 1 *** ****** ***** **** ** ** ******* **************** Firm * will choose “passive” and **** 1 **** receive ** ** Firm * ******* chooses ************* **** **** * **** ****** **************** *** Firm * **** ******* * ****** ** ** ********* ** **** 1 *** **** ***** ** **** best ** select “aggressive” ** ***** **** Firm 2 **** ****** *** best ******** “passive” ******* **** * * ****** of ** *** **** * a ****** ** ** The Subgame perfect equilibrium:In ****** * **** 2 **** choose ************* ** Firm * ******* “aggressive” ** ****** *** period * **** 2 **** choose **************** ** Firm * chooses ************* ** ****** 1In period 1 **** * **** choose “aggressive”The final ******* ** this ******* ****** * **** * **** ****** **************** and ** ****** * **** 1 **** ****** ************* earning **** * * payoff ** 33 *** **** 2 * ****** of 10(c) ** **** * ********* ** **** **************** ** **** * plays **************** **** ** ** ******** ** Firm 1? If this threat ** *** credible ** Firm 1 **** ***** Firm * do ** **** *** ****** *********** firm * threatens ** play “aggressive” ** Firm 1 ***** **************** it **** *** ** ******** ** **** * ******* Firm * ***** **** if ** ***** **************** in period * Firm ***** **** response in ****** * **** ** ************* Because * ** > **** ***** problem ** **** once Firm * has **** *** choice **** * expects **** * ** do *** rational thing Firm * *** **** *** ****** ******** ** ** ***** ****** ****** ** **** would ** ****** off ** it ***** ****** ****** ** play **************** if Firm * ***** **************** *** way for **** * ** **** such * commitment is ** ***** someone **** to **** *** choices *** ******* Firm * ***** **** a lawyer *** ******** *** ** play **************** ** **** * plays **************** ** **** * ** ***** ** these ************ the ********* ** ********* different **** its ***** ** **** ** **** 1 ***** about **** 2’s instructions ** *** lawyer then it ***** **** ** ** ***** **************** ** **** *** up **** * payoff of 25Page * ** 16 PagesSo the ******** ***** *** **** * to do ** ** **** ************* and *** a ********** ****** ****** ** ** See ****** B3(c) *** an ********* **** ************** ** **** ****