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Assignment: Annotated Bibliography

To prepare

  • Begin by visiting the Walden Library and/or the National Service-Learning Clearinghouse from this weekâs Learning Resources.
  • Search for peer-reviewed, scholarly articles about service learning.
  • Find and analyze 5 articles from the Walden Library or the Clearinghouse website provided in the Learning Resources.

To submit

  • Create an annotated bibliography of these five resources.
  • You will collect and analyze 20 peer-reviewed articles to define your understanding of service learning and to serve as the foundation for the service learning plan you will build for your Service Learning Strategy Project. (my service learning strategy project is attached named Discussion 7 so peer reviewed articles based on that topic)
  • As you complete your annotated bibliography, you must do the following:
    • Include a cover sheet.
    • Use APA conventions.
    • Use the Walden Annotated Bibliography guide and materials presented in the Learning Resources to format the paper.
    • Include a minimum of two and a maximum of three paragraphs per annotation- this is the format each resource needs to be in:
    • Your annotationsshould cover three areas (typically formatted in threeparagraphs):
    • Summary: What did the author do? Why? What did he/she find?Analysis: Was the authorâs method sound? What information wasmissing? Is this a scholarly source?Application: Does this article fill a gap in literature? How would yoube able to apply this method/study to your particular study? Is the articleuniversal?
    • Notes from professor: Collecting peer-reviewed, scholarly articles,which define your understanding of servicelearning.
    • Picking articleswhich will support your Service Learning Project Plan.
    • Establishing a scholarly base of a minimum of 20articles.
    • Check out somespecific annotated bibliography formatting standards on the Writing Center's website. Your annotatedbibliography will generally consist of a list of reference entries, each withan annotation following it.
    • Your annotationsshould cover three areas (typically formatted in threeparagraphs):
    • Summary: What did the author do? Why? What did he/she find?Analysis: Was the authorâs method sound? What information wasmissing? Is this a scholarly source?Application: Does this article fill a gap in literature? How would yoube able to apply this method/study to your particular study? Is the articleuniversal?
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