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At the outset of the Civil War, what advantages did both the North and the South have? How did their respective advantages affect the final outcome?What was Lincoln’s position on secession? How did

  1. At the outset of the Civil War, what advantages did both the North and the South have? How did their respective advantages affect the final outcome?
  2. What was Lincoln’s position on secession? How did his position affect what happened at Fort Sumter? HINT: Along with the readings, take a look at the last lines of Lincoln’s first Inaugural address. Here’s the site:
  3. What were the effects of the war, both positive and negative?

 Please be sure to cite your sources within the text and provide a reference page at the end of the paper.

Length: 1–2 paragraphs per question, double-spaced, typed using 12 Point Times New Roman font.

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Tutor Mwololo
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