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At the time of the beginning of the slave trade, most Africans Select one: were primitive peoples dominated by warring tribal societies.

At the time of the beginning of the slave trade, most Africans

Select one:

a. were primitive peoples dominated by warring tribal societies.

b. had little commercial contact with the Mediterranean world.

c. followed the Christian faith.

d. had well-developed economies and political systems.

e. had no important cities or trading centers.

In the late fifteenth century, the desire in Europe to look for new lands was spurred in part by

Select one:

a. significant population growth.

b. the absence of a merchant class.

c. the declining political power of many monarchs.

d. the expansion of feudalism.

e. a desire to escape the Black Death.

The first permanent English settlement in the New World was established in

Select one:

a. Boston.

b. Raleigh.

c. Roanoke.

d. Plymouth.

e. Jamestown.

In what way were Martin Luther and John Calvin important to English Puritans?

Select one:

a. These two men would help found the Massachusetts Bay Colony.

b. Luther and Calvin encouraged the Puritans to leave England for the New World.

c. Luther and Calvin advocated ideas of religious reform that influenced Puritan thought.

d. They were the most influential English Puritans of the seventeenth century.

e. Luther and Calvin helped to break the hold of predestination on the Puritan mind.

Christopher Columbus

Select one:

a. was trained as a sailor through his long service to Italy.

b. was a man of little ambition.

c. believed that Asia could only be reached by sailing east.

d. believed the Americas consisted of a few islands.

e. thought the world was much smaller than it is in reality.

Many pre-Columbian tribes east of the Mississippi River were loosely linked by

Select one:

a. the shared use of a series of forts.

b. common linguistic roots.

c. economic compacts.

d. intertribal religious festivals.

e. the Iroquois Confederacy.

In 1608, Puritan Separatists that left England

Select one:

a. sought refuge in Virginia.

b. emigrated quietly to northern France.

c. were encouraged by the Church of England to emigrate.

d. chartered a colony in Plymouth.

e. could not legally do so without the king's permission.

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