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Based on this week's readings and film, answer the two following questions in 200-300 words. Please number each discussion prompt. In Part 3 of the movie “Slingshot Hip-Hop”Links to an external site
Based on this week's readings and film, answer the two following questions in 200-300 words. Please number each discussion prompt.
- In Part 3 of the movie “Slingshot Hip-Hop”Links to an external site. one of the rappers states that “hip-hop is like a weapon”. He asserts that the velocity (of the weapon) depends on where you come from. What does he mean by this? Give at least 2 examples citing the text and the movie
- In the article “Hip-hop Education and Palestine SolidarityActions”, authors Knopf Newman and Marcy Jane make comparisons of Palestine to the Nazi Germany holocaust persecution of Jews and to the neglect and criminalization of African Americans during the Katrina hurricane in New Orleans. Are these fair analogies? Why or why not?
Support your analysis and arguments with examples from the grime artists from the film or from scholarly literature. Remember to properly cite your work.
Using this week’s readings and films, write a brief 200-word post to answer the following question:
- Knopf-Newman’s chapterActions connects the plight of African- Americas with Palestinians. Please explain whether you agree or disagree with her position. Share specific examples in your discussion.
Use information from the background and context information here, or other outside references and your own personal experiences to build out your post and support your opinions.
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******************************************************************************************************* *** ABOVE *** ** ******** *** **** ** **** DOCUMENTDiscussion ******** on ******** ************ NameDepartment *** *********** ********** ***** *** Course ************** ******* ************** ******** ** Hip-Hope ******** ********** ******* "Hip-hop ** like * ****** *** *** velocity ******* ** where *** **** ***** ** highlighted ** the ********** ******** expresses *** idea **** hip-hop *** ** a ********* **** *** ****** *** ********* change *** **** *** influence ** ****** ** *** ******* *** ******* from which the ****** originates **** ******** **** hip-hop *** ** used as a forum *** ********* to ******* ********* and social issues affecting ***** communities ******* ******* of *********** teenagers **** **** to **** *** DAM artists ***** Palestinian ******* ***** also ********** *** ********* of life ***** Israeli ********* ********* ***** In *** **** Palestinian ****** *** ** **** ** ** ******* ** ******* *** utilizes ******* ** * ****** ** ******** the ******** ** ************ living under ********** ********* *** struggles ** ********** *** subordination unemployment *** ******* caused ** ******** ******* ******************* message propelled by *** immediacy ** ***** lives has * ******** ****** *** ***** ****** ********* ** bringing awareness ** *** ****** ** **************** ****** *** songs ** ******* **** DAM ***** ** a powerful ****** in the fight ******* injustice Hip-hop artists' ****** ******* *** ******* ******* into the genre's ***** ******* ** ********** by many ********* ******** *** *********** **** ** ***** *********** *** *** ******** ********** *** ********** ********* ***** Hip-hop ********* **** ******** ******** ********* Palestinian ******* and **** are ******** ** the film ***** ***** ******** *** ****** ****** *** political ************ in ***** **** were formed ******* *** ******* to ***** ********* *** **** *** world and their ***** *** ***** ** * ******** *** ******* international solidarity *** mutual ******************************* D * ****** *** ****** We ***** *** Rhymes: ********* America ** *********** Hip-Hop ************ ***************** ******** ******* ** *** Middle ******* ******** ********** ** Texas ******** ******* Education *** ********* ******************** *********** predicament ** compared to *** Holocaust *** *** neglect of ******* ********* ****** Hurricane Katrina both ** ***** *** ********* *********** *** debatable topics *** Holocaust ***** ******* ******** ** ***** *** * ********** *** of genocide ********** ** ********* ********* and the desire ** coerce **** into ********** *** ******************* ******** ***** ***** ** **** ********** to the partition plan that ***** ** partition the ******* ******* ** ********* **** Arab *** Jewish states is ** ******** political *** *********** dispute ************* ***** The ********** ** *** ********* can ** ************** ** ********* *** ********* ** ************ *** **** ***** that *** ******** between ********* and **** originated **** ******** origins The *** ** ******** *** ******** *** ** *********** negatively by ********* ********* and their ************** it ** ********* to note **** ***** **** *** ********* ** ********* and *** ******* ********* in *** ******* ******** social *** ******** ********** they are ******* ********** ** ***** of ***** and ********** context ************* ***** ***** ********** *** ****** music ** * ***** ** ***** ********* ** the ****** ** Palestinians ******** to the notion **** ****** comparison is *********** ***** **** *** ********* ** both ********** were ************ ** ********* ******* ** ** **** useful to ******* the *********** *************** ** **** ********* ** taking into ******* *** ********** ********* *** ****** circumstances **** *********** **** as opposed ** fixating ** ***** ************ In spite of *********** *** ***** instances ***** artists **** use *** ******** themes *********** **** ******** to raise ********* *** advocate *** ********* *** ****** changeReferenceKnopf-Newman * J ****** Hip-Hop Education *** ********* Solidarity ***** Politics ** ******** ********* ** ********** ********** *********** ************* 149-192) New York: ******** ********* ***** ****** of ******* ******** with PalestiniansKnopf-Newman ***** thought-provoking similarities between *** *********** and **************** struggles and * found myself ********* ********** **** **** ********* *** emphasizes the ******** ********** **** ********** ************ boundaries and ** rooted in a shared ******* ** colonization ************ *** *** ******** *** self-determination: the ******* ** ******** ********** ************* ***** African ************* ********* ** ******** ****** ************** *** ******* *** ********* during *** ****** ** ******** they **** **** ******** ** *** ***** ** vote own ******** *** ******* ****** ******** **** ** ********* ** * similar vein the partition **** ** ******** ** ********* *** British ******* of ********* **** **** *** ****** ****** *** ** *** ************ ** Palestinians **** ***** ********** *** territories Consequently *** ***** of ****** was ****** which ******* *** ******* ************ conflictRepression *** subjugation ** ********* as **** as ******* *** unemployment *** all ******** ** ********** ************** **** *** **** ***************** ***** ********** ********** **** displacement *** **** ****** * ********** **** ******* Americans' *********** *************** *** fact **** ***** *********** ** **** ******* ********** **** ****** Moreover *** to *** limitations ******* ** ******** ****** *** *** ********* ******* ***** ******* compound ****** *** ********* ********** **** ****** encounter obstacles ** ***** ******* of ********* *** ****** parity ************* ***** ******* ********* and ************ **** encountered systemic prejudice and anti-democratic ********* as **** **** pursued autonomy and ***** rights ************ ***** struggleshave *********** ************* ** ******* ********* ******** ********** ************ ************ ******* ***** ******** backgroundsReferenceKnopf-Newman * J ****** ******** *** ******** ** *********** InThe Politics ** ******** Palestine ** Americans: ********** *********** ************* ******* *** ***** ******** ********* **