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begin composing a outline for your final paper. You can take and edit what I started or write a new one. Here’s my paragraph : I believe making college education free clears the pathways to being suc

begin composing a outline for your final paper.

You can take and edit what I started or write a new one.

Here’s my paragraph :

I believe making college education free clears the pathways to being successful and it helps prepare us for a brighter future. Some people believe that college education should be free and others may disagree. College education should be free and supported by governments for many reasons. Why, you say? Well there are three main points why college education should be free is because some students raised in underprivileged families never have a chance. Free tuition will allow students to concentrate on their studies, instead of their jobs. Also, people who couldn’t afford to go to college would be able to go.

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