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BMGT 487 Individual deliverable

Step 1:  Project Libre

Before you start the project, access Project Libre to ensure there is no problem with using the tool.

ProjectLibre - Compatible with either Windows or Mac computers.  

Note: There are two options for the software found at this link.  Choose the second option, which is ProjectLibre, as the cloud option provides a very limited trial. 

Read the grading rubric for the assignment.  Use the grading rubric while writing the paper to ensure all requirements are met that will lead to the highest possible grade.

Step 3:  Project Schedule

Students will develop a comprehensive project schedule

Task 1:  Include at least five milestones and at least 10 tasks for each milestone.

Task 2:  Ensure milestones and tasks are properly sequenced using predecessors.

Task 3:  Assign human resources, task durations, and cost estimates to each task and ensure natural roll up to the milestone level

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