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Body Fat and Eating Disorders

Write a response of at least 500 words that explains the associated health problems of the obesity epidemic and eating disorders. Address the following:

  • Describe at least three health risks associated with excess body fat.
  • Discuss at least five factors that influence the obesity epidemic.
  • Assess at least two specific techniques for measuring body fat
  • Explain the principle behind weight loss in terms of calorie intake and calorie burning
  • Define bulimia.  What are the health effects and nutritional impact?
  • Define anorexia.  What are the health effects and nutritional impact?
  • Define binge eating disorder.  What are the health effects and nutritional impact?
  • How might society contribute to the propogation of eating disorders?
  • Describe how education and awareness are key to avoiding both obesity and eating disorders.  How can we stay in control of our personal health?

Include references with citations in APA format.

I need it done by 7/26/2017. The time I need it done by is 10:00 a.m.

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