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Book review essay_Two pages

The book: Nourishing Traditions: The Cookbook that Challenges Politically Correct Nutrition and the Diet Dictocrats

by Sally Fallon with Mary G. Enig, Ph.D. New Trends Publishing, 1995 

Your job with your OBJECTIVE BOOK REVIEW is to report briefly, coolly, and objectively who the author is, what they saw, what they propose, and the impact the book has had. 

(This is not the place to agree or disagree with the author; save that for your SUBJECTIVE BOOK REVIEW.) 


Review is limited to one side of one sheet of paper, typed. You will turn in a paper copy which will not be returned; save a copy for yourself! 

In preparing your reports, follow the directions given below and use the given headers to organize your report. 

Book title, author, publisher, date(Just enumerate this information without extras).

Author's Background 

Briefly introduce us to who the author was leading up to and at the time their book was published, with facts that illuminate the author's motivation. 

Note that in this context, the author's expressed like or dislike, concern, or values are facts. In contrast, in this context, your likes, dislikes, concerns, and values are not facts. 

(Who the author became after the book was published does not belong here under Author's Background.) 

The Old Vision 

Briefly describe the generally held view or idea or set of ideas that the author is seeking to change. 

The Author's New Understanding 

Briefly describe the new vision or ideas, the alternative framing of the issues, that the author is bringing 


Book's Impact 

Very briefly describe the impact this book has had. This can be a simple statement of the author's original or visionary ideas that are now, or on the way to becoming cliches or truisms in popular culture. This also is an appropriate place to mention how the publication of this book changed the author's life or career.


Review is limited to one side of one sheet of paper, typed. You will turn in a paper copy which will not be returned; save a copy for yourself! 

Book title, author, publisher, date(Just enumerate this information without extras).

Your background: Introduce yourself. Especially include things in your background that impacted your experience of the book. It could be that you have substantial experience or schooling in the subject matter or it may be that this book is your first introduction. 

Your response to the book: Give us your opinion! Did you find the author credible and persuasive or not? Why? Did reading this book change the way you see things? Did you like the book? Did you think it was well-written or not? Was the book useful to you? Here is your chance to express yourself; all it has to be is your own view, there is no right answer. 

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