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Breaking Through College ReadingQuestions:Apply this stages of Reading discussed in chapter 2 of Breaking Through College Reading to Intelligence: What matter is Early adulthoodComplete the Comprehens

Breaking Through College Reading


  1. Apply this stages of Reading discussed in chapter 2 of Breaking Through College Reading to Intelligence: What matter is Early adulthood

  2. Complete the Comprehension question (10) points and Vocabulary question (10) points on pgs. 55-57.

  3. In essay form, respond to the following prompt:

  1. Think of a job for which you would like to apply. Consider the qualification and especially the types of intelligence that would be important for success in that position. Write a one page letter that would accompany your application being sure to emphasize evidence of your fitness for the position. Give examples that shows you have the types of intelligence that an employer would value for the position.

  2. Remember to include a stated main idea sentence, to give specific example, and so write a concluding statement.

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Run the race ... it's yours to run.

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When the first issue of THE BLACK COLLEGIAN was published, I was entering elementary school. As THE BLACK COLLEGIAN celebrates its 25th Anniversary, I celebrate the completion of my doctoral work in mechanical engineering at the Georgia Institute of Technology. I hope you join me in giving thanks to God for providing all of us with the mental, physical, and spiritual strength to persevere and survive the trials and tribulations of the past 25 years, for it has not been, nor should it ever be expected to be, easy. Easy is not an option in LIFE. While working on my doctoral degree, I learned many different aspects of fluid dynamics, material processing, and hydrodynamic stability, but more importantly I learned a lot about myself and about LIFE. The myopic view which accompanies our youth presents us with a Superman-type attitude of invincibility that is assisting in our daily defeat academically, socially, and psychologically. Education is a lifelong process that does not end with the presentation of a sheepskin after a finite time of instruction and examinations. After 10 years of college and four technical degrees, I had the virtues of sacrifice and perseverance instilled in me. Matriculation at two institutions has taught me that LIFE is a race; not a 100-yard dash, but a marathon with hills and hurdles that challenge you physically and mentally. To run and win a marathon, one must continue to train, because the course is never the same, and the challenges are forever increasing. 

In any race, inspiration, endurance and models are needed. I am not speaking of a ROLE model but a REAL model, someone who has run the race and fought the battles and WON! Presently, we live in an information age where corporate takeovers and downsizing are staples of Corporate America's culture. Advances in computers, communications, and transportation are transforming national markets into global markets, and the number of employees necessary to perform identical tasks of 10 years ago is continuously decreasing. At the end of the day, at the end of the race, who will be the last one standing? Real models of perseverance, strength, and character are needed not only to demonstrate how to run the race of life, but also to present us with functional, honest reasons why we should run this race. Today many of our youth are choosing not to run in any race. Many of us are questioning the necessity or validity of a college degree or post-baccalaureate studies. When I graduated from high school with an 800 Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) score and began Morehouse College in remedial reading, there were not too many people betting that four years later I would graduate number one in mathematics. number five in the graduating class, magna cum laude, and a member of Phi Beta Kappa National Honor Society. Well, as a little "happy-headed boy" growing up in the inner city of New Orleans, I spent endless hours searching for someone, a real model, that I could emulate, model myself after, and call my hero. After years of searching, I found a person whom I could hold responsible for the successful course that my life has taken. This man took me, unformed and shapeless, and molded me into a young man who is physically and psychologically prepared to take on the trials and tribulations that life has in store for me. This remarkable person, this remarkable man, is my father. Through his life experiences, he transformed my line of thinking, value system, and motivation. The son of a sharecropper and one of 14 children, he could not attend school regularly because he had to pick cotton from sun up to sun down to help support his family in St. Francisville, Louisiana. Although he only completed junior high school, he is the co-owner of a successful business. He often tells me how each day on his way to the fields he would cry and pray that tomorrow he would be able to attend school. We often laugh together when he tells me that the only time he made an "A" or a "B" in school was when he received an "A" for absent or a "B" for boy. Therefore, when I think of his accomplishments and all of the adversity he had to overcome, I realize that the seemingly impossible is actually possible. He has made me realize that an education is something that everyone does not have the opportunity to obtain [logic]. It is an opportunity that all of us should cherish! Over the years, people often wondered why I study so hard and so long. The reason is that a long time ago I realized that I am not attending school just for Calvin Mackie; I am attending school for my mother, my father, and everyone else who did not have that opportunity. Every Sunday, I anxiously wait for his call to inspire me to take on the world and all of its challenges. No, during our conversations his subjects and verbs do not always agree. No, he does not have a MD, PhD, JD or DDS, but he is the greatest MAN that I know and love. So, this is one man's story, proof that the race of life is not won by the swiftest or the strongest, the smartest or the slickest. but by those who endure to the end. So straight from the heart, brothers and sisters, run the race and shun not the struggle, for you have been the lucky ones chosen to run. Run the race of LIFE - for it's yours to run! Calvin Mackie is a recent PhD recipient in mechanical engineering from the Georgia Institute of Technology. In 1990 he received BS degrees in mathematics and mechanical engineering from More-house College and Georgia Tech. He is co-founder of Channel Zero, an education and motivation business. Presently, he is seeking an academic position.

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