Brett H0: or Q. Shale wildcar, lncu bas esrimared sales (in millions) {01' me next four quaners as follows: 6 ra m m a r Q1 Q2 Q3Q4 1 Sales 5155 Sl75...
Wildcat, Inc., has estimated sales (in millions) for the next four quarters as follows:
Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
Sales $ 155 $ 175 $ 195 $ 225
Sales for the first quarter of the year after this one are projected at $170 million. Accounts receivable at the beginning of the year were $67 million. Wildcat has a 45-day collection period.
Brett H0: or Q. Shale wildcar, lncu bas esrimared sales (in millions) {01' me next four quaners as follows: 6 ra m m a r Q1 Q2 Q3Q4 1 Sales 5155 Sl75 U95 3225 w Sales fox lire filsl quaner onlie year aner this one Wm mo million. Accounls receivable at are beginning onlae year were $57million. Wildcat has a 45-day cullecticln period. Wildcal's purchases fmm suppliers in a quaner are equal to 45 pemenl of the 11m quarter's forecasled sales, and suppliers mmmm 36 days. Wages. cares, and ntbex expenses run abnut zo nercenr of sales. lnieresr and dividends are n5 million per gunner. wndcar plans a major caplral ounlay in are second gunner orssa million. Finally, Lb: cumpany snarled use year with a 575 million caslibalance and wishes lo mainlain a :40 million minimum balance. 3;. Assume lbal Wildcal can borrow any needed funds on a shnnelcrm basis al a rate of 3 percenl per quaner and can invest any excessfunds in shun-term markeiable securiries ai a rate of2 pemznt per quaner. Complete use following shon-lcrm financial plan for Wildcm.(Euler your answers in millions. A negarive answer Why a minus sign. Leave no cells blank a be cenain lo enler' '-wlaerever requued. Do nor round inlcnnediaic calculalions and round your answers lo gdccinaal places, erg», 32.16.) WAT, INC Shari-Term Financull Plan (in millions) 01Beginning cash balance 40.00 3Mel cash inllowNew shofl-Iierm investmenslnooino from shun-ram investmentssoon-lenn inveslrnenls soldNew snon—renn borrowinglnreresz on snarl-term borrowingShort-(elm borrowing repaidEnding cash balanceMinimum cash balanceCumulau've surplus (delicil)Beginning smn—lorm inveslmonlsEnding shortrlerm inveslmenlsBeginning shun-lenn debtEnding shorHelrn debt a—A Mini is are net casli cost (local inreresr paid minus lolal invesinaeni income earned) for use year under ibis Large! cash balance?(A neganve answer Why a minus sign. Enlex your answer ni millions. Do nor round inrermediale calculations and round your answer in gdecimal places. e.g.. 32.16.) Nei cash cosi 3 Eng '1 (U ted 5W5) Paqel of S 15 ml 1217 Ward: . 10, r 0 Type here to search
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