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BUS402 Week 2 Quiz Latest 2017 (All correct)

Question 12 out of 2 pointsAll partnerships must have:Question 22 out of 2 pointsThe most common form of business ownership is the:Question 32 out of 2 pointsIn a joint venture, individuals join together in co-ownership for:Question 42 out of 2 pointsWhich of the following is a disadvantage of the corporation form of ownership?Question 52 out of 2 pointsA partnership is:B) not subject to the double taxation of some other forms of business.Question 62 out of 2 pointsThe limited liability company is most like a(n):Question 72 out of 2 pointsAcme Corporation is chartered in Delaware, but its primary area of operation is in South Carolina. In South Carolina, Acme would be considered a(n) ________ corporation.Question 82 out of 2 pointsWhich type of ownership is not subject to federal taxation?Question 92 out of 2 pointsThe primary reason entrepreneurs choose to incorporate is because of:Question 100 out of 2 pointsThe most critical disadvantage of the sole proprietorship is:Question 112 out of 2 pointsThe ________ is a document that states in writing all of the terms of operating the partnership for the protection of each partner involved.Question 122 out of 2 points________ corporations have shares that are controlled by a relatively small number of people - family members, relatives, or friends.Question 132 out of 2 pointsA limited partnership is a modification of a(n) ________ form of ownership.Question 142 out of 2 pointsCommon ownership interest in a business, sharing profits (or losses) of a business, and the right to participate in managing the operations of the business are characteristics of a(n):Question 152 out of 2 pointsProbably the most important feature of a partnership agreement is:Question 162 out of 2 pointsTerritorial protection in franchising:Question 172 out of 2 pointsThe biggest challenge facing the growth of new franchises is:Question 182 out of 2 pointsThe primary advantage of buying a franchise over starting your own company is:Question 192 out of 2 pointsWhen it comes to purchasing products, equipment, etc., the franchiser:Question 202 out of 2 pointsWhen the franchisee has the right to establish a semi-independent organization in a particular territory to recruit, sell, and support other franchises, it is called a ________ franchise.Question 212 out of 2 pointsThe failure rate for franchises is:Question 222 out of 2 pointsAnother term for cobranding franchising is:Question 232 out of 2 points________ franchising involves providing the franchisee with a complete business system--the established name, the building layout and design, accounting systems, etc.Question 242 out of 2 pointsWhen buying a franchise, the potential franchisee should first:Question 252 out of 2 pointsThere are two main risks in purchasing a franchise. First, that of the franchiser's experience and business system, and second:Question 262 out of 2 pointsThe ________ requires all franchisers to disclose detailed information on their operations at the first personal meeting or at least fourteen days before a franchise contract is signed or any money is paid.Question 272 out of 2 pointsWhen it comes to financial assistance for franchisees, the franchiser often:Question 282 out of 2 pointsThe primary market for U.S. franchisers is:Question 292 out of 2 pointsFranchise advertising programs:Question 302 out of 2 pointsIn franchising, the reputation of the franchiser is dependent on:

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******** ** *** ** * ********* ************ must ************* ** *** ** 2 pointsThe most common form ** ******** ********* ** ************ ** *** ** * ******** * joint ******* *********** join together in ************ ************ ** out ** * *********** ** *** ********* ** * ************ of *** *********** **** ** ****************** 52 *** of * pointsA partnership ***** *** ******* ** *** double ******** ** some ***** forms of **************** ** *** of 2 pointsThe limited ********* company is **** **** ************* ** *** ** 2 ********** *********** is chartered ** Delaware *** *** ******* area ** ********* ** ** South ******** ** ***** ******** **** would ** considered a(n) ________ ******************* ** *** ** 2 pointsWhich type ** ********* is *** ******* ** ******* ***************** ** out ** 2 ********* ******* reason entrepreneurs choose to *********** is ******* *********** *** *** ** 2 ********* **** ******** ************ ** *** sole ************** *********** 112 *** of 2 ********* ******** is * document **** states ** ******* all ** *** ***** ** operating *** *********** *** the ********** of **** partner **************** 122 *** ** * points________ corporations have ****** **** *** controlled ** * relatively small ****** ** people - ****** ******* ********* ** friendsQuestion *** out of * pointsA ******* partnership ** * modification of **** ******** **** ** ***************** *** *** of 2 pointsCommon ********* ******** ** * ******** sharing ******* *** losses) of * ******** *** *** ***** ** *********** ** ******** the ********** of *** ******** are *************** ** ************* 152 *** ** * ************** *** most ********* feature of * partnership ********* *********** *** *** ** * ***************** ********** ** ******************** *** *** of * ********* ******* ********* ****** the ****** ** new ********** *********** *** *** of * ********* ******* advantage ** ****** * ********* **** ******** **** *** ******* *********** *** *** ** * ********** it ***** ** ********** ******** ********* etc the ******************* 202 *** ** * ********** *** ********** *** *** ***** to ********* a **************** ************ in a ********** territory to ******* **** and ******* ***** franchises it ** ****** * ******** franchiseQuestion *** out ** * pointsThe failure **** *** ********** is:Question 222 out ** 2 pointsAnother **** *** ********** *********** *********** 232 out ** * points________ *********** ******** ********* *** franchisee with a complete ******** system--the established name *** building ****** *** ****** ********** systems *********** *** *** ** * ********** ****** * ********* *** ********* ********** ****** ************** 252 *** ** 2 *********** *** *** **** ***** ** ********** a franchise ***** **** ** *** franchiser's ********** and ******** ****** *** *************** *** *** ** * pointsThe ________ requires *** *********** to ******** detailed *********** ** ***** ********** ** *** first ******** ******* ** ** ***** ******** **** ****** * ********* ******** ** ****** ** *** money is paidQuestion 272 *** of * ********** ** ***** to financial ********** *** *********** *** ********** ************** *** out ** * pointsThe primary market *** ** *********** is:Question *** out of * *************** *********** ***************** *** *** ** * ******** *********** the ********** ** *** franchiser ** ********* ***

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